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お前らの変な習慣書いてけ post your weird habit

43anonymous@fusianasan:2021/11/08(月) 11:50:53
I can only sleep at night if it's completely dark, any small light can keep me awake for hours.
If I find a song I like I'll listen to it in a loop for a long while, sometimes for a few days straight.
I don't usually untie my shoelaces, I just slip my feet inside; I only tie them again after they become too loose.
When I'm alone I often talk to myself and have imaginary conversations with old friends. It's gotten better though, I used to talk aloud and was always scared of being found out.
Something I started doing recently, when I'm tired of the computer or I'm struggling to get an idea I walk in circles in my room or around the house and sink myself in my own thoughts. Normally I do it for like half an hour but I could go until my feet start hurting.


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