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1Geek:2019/11/06(水) 22:33:15 ID:hd1roXbA
We also have heard that the fellows who habitually paste and present fraudulent contents on the net would fight against the world as their enemy hereafter.

2プロファイリング:2019/11/26(火) 08:02:06 ID:KSG/ECsw
Indeed, we heard that the fellows who habitually paste unreliable and fraudulent advertisements as well as obvious erotic and vulgar contents on the net would fight against the world as their enemy hereafter.

3プロファイリング:2019/11/26(火) 08:04:06 ID:KSG/ECsw
Indeed, we heard that the fellows who habitually paste unreliable and fraudulent advertisements as well as obvious erotic and vulgar contents on the net would fight against the world as their enemy hereafter.

4プロファイリング:2020/01/21(火) 19:21:48 ID:8EVCeqk6
Paste the unreliable or fraudulent advertisements ( for example, advertisements to promote selling fakes ) on this thread.

5Восбмерка:2020/05/20(水) 20:23:51 ID:aDl8W0Co
Meanwhile, we also heard that the fellows habitually pasting unreliable or fraudulent advertisements on the net as well as presenting undesirable ones on it as in this BBS would fight against the world as their enemies from now.

6Восбмерка:2020/05/24(日) 08:12:28 ID:Q9oIY.js
And, it’s probable that harmful influences brought through「酒乱・大西共産党 ( The Great Western Communist Party as a Hopeless Alcoholic )」such as Kodoku (蠱毒) have remarkably affected the fellows habitually undesirable advertisements on the net to make them misbehave.
※ 「酒乱・大西共産党」is one of the obscure assassins who were shifted to respective places by Sikoku (死国 AND/OR 尸国).

7大島てるてる坊主&大島てるてる◯平原:2020/06/20(土) 13:29:18 ID:???
Indeed, we also heard that bad influences called Kodoku (蠱毒) brought through obscure assassins such as 酒乱・大西共産党 ( the Great Western Communist Party as a Hopeless Alcoholic ) , 呑黄桜@ 10 キロ減量 have considerably affected the fellows habitually presenting undesirable advertisements on the net so as to make them promote selling fakes.

8大島てるてる坊主&大島てるてる◯平原:2020/06/20(土) 18:16:50 ID:???
> @ 10キロ減量
夏◯ゆたか氏 (日本のコメディアンの一人) に拠ると、(死ぬか意識不明となるかもしれないけど) 一気に減量したければ、腐った牛乳を飲んで腹下しすればよいとのこと。

9大島てるてる◯平原&大島てるてる坊主:2020/06/20(土) 19:03:19 ID:A6WzPokA
その意味では、フィクションとはいえ、雲竜大五郎 (『ドカベン』) の減量は真に驚異的。


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