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1名無しさん:2007/11/13(火) 13:50:03


2落書き:2009/10/25(日) 12:41:59

3網絡分摘:2010/04/13(火) 18:57:54
The national center of neurology and psychiatry( http://www.ncnp.go.jp/hospital/english/index.html ) is located in Kodaira-city of Tokyo, and we can find out the Tokyo metropolitan institute for neuroscience( http://www.tmin.ac.jp/english/index.html ) in Fuchu-city of Tokyo.
Possibly, these organs also may be tackling for solving the mechanism of disease such as spinocerebellar degeneration and finding out ways to treat for such diseases.
By the way, a disease called spinocerebellar degeneration reminds us of a tragedy about Miyoko.Kawahara.
A woman named Miyoko.Kawahara had three children. These three children and her husband suffered from spinocerebellar degeneration, they died from the disease soon.
We have heard that this woman admirably continued to take care of them at home.
※ And, we have heard that the possibility of ELF(Extreme Low Frequency)-exposures and cross-currents also was considered as one of the causes of this case because of the peculiar high incidence rate.
> 「… Parkinsonean patients have abnormal“low-frequency oscillations”in the brain regions controlling movement …」
Though many veiled aspects were included in this case, this woman was labeled as the noisy-lady in Nara and ridiculed by Japanese mass-media.
※ We think that there are scarcely women so as to be able to keep her calmness even though she loses her children and husband.

In some sense, this case can be regarded as a typical witch hunt-case, moreover this is rather similar to the case of Yoshiyuki.Kawano about Matsumoto-sarin incident('94).

4Рамона:2010/04/21(水) 22:21:29
> … the possibility of ELF-exposures and cross-currents also was considered as one of the causes of this case …

We may have to consider following examples as some of the possibilities, because they are far dangerous than sarin.
Several countries except for Russia also have continued such researches.
For example,
> Researchers in the U.S.work on psychotronic effect and employ oriental psychophysical systems, hypnosis, neurolinguistic programming, computer psychotechnologies and bio-resonance stimulation in their studies.
They seek every opportunity of manipulating human-behavior.
> Israeli researchers conduct similar to help people reveal their new potential through self-regulation, changing their consciousness and improving psychical body potential for athletes.
What's more, they also make secret technologies for programming human behavior that are based on mathematical simulation of the Kabbala(Cabala) symbolism.
> The academy of national self-defense forces in Japan studies the use of parapsychological phenomena that may be employed by the intelligence. The institute of religious psychology is also working on the problem there.
> The service for security and control of foreign policy in North Korea conducts experiments with special oscillators that can modify functions of human organs.
> Special services in Pakistan can use a special device that can cause dysfunctions of human organs and physiological systems and even cause people's death.
> The Spanish intelligence finances studies of the effect of physical factors on human organs and human brain with the view of making devices to cause dysfunctions of organs and mental transformations.

If such weapons have been already developed, undoubtedly, nuclear weapons would be dated weapons.

5Восбмерка:2010/05/21(金) 03:58:30
High on a Happy Vibe
※ Simon.Bentall taking charge of percussion often is in the guise of a priest of Tibetan Buddhism.

Reciting some mantra again and again, some rhythmic vibration (in-)formed by such reciting is conveied into one's amygdala through one's laryngeal part.
It has been known that the rhythmic vibration conveied into the amygdala often causes various psychotropic and physiological effects(→ bio-resonance).

CCRMA is pronounced“Karma”(one of the Buddhist conceptions).
Meanwhile, Karma often implies vibes(≒ vibrations).

6Восбмерка:2010/06/29(火) 03:40:50
「Noisy lady in Nara」(マスコミが揶揄するために、 勝手に作った呼び名“奈良の騒音おばさん”の英訳)で検索すると、 現時点でこの書き込み( >>3 )が上位に表示されてしまう。

今一“せんとくん Sent kun(遷都くん)”とデビルマンとの絡みがよく分からないw
しかし、 上記の河原さんのケ−ス同様散々な扱いを受けたことは知られている。
キャラクタ−としては“タラコキュ−ピ−”同様可愛い系で申し分ないが、 ちょっと変わった要素を無条件に排除したがる没個性的な文脈では、 これもまた“妖獣”と見なされてしまうのか?

7Восбмерка:2010/07/01(木) 00:11:46
「不動明は、 不動明王に由来しているから必ずしも無関係ではない」 で了解です。
仏教の場合、 他の一神教(ユダヤ教, キリスト教, イスラム教 など)とは違い、 固定された“悪魔”という存在は認めておらず、 魔性という属性若しくは悪魔すら諸行無常(≒ 万物流転 all things in flux)の下で過渡的な状態の一つに過ぎないという考え方を採用している(→ チュ−リング・マシンのような状態遷移機械)。

8АГЕНТУРЕ:2010/07/17(土) 12:20:56
この映像は、 大阪吹田辺りでのものだが、 奈良県の生駒や天理上空でも同じような“物体”を目撃したという人が複数居る。

9АГЕНТУРЕ:2010/07/17(土) 12:37:21
訂正 :

10名無しさん:2010/07/21(水) 12:37:49
今朝(6:19 頃)、 県内で地震(震度 4 )があったみたいですね。

11Рамона:2010/07/28(水) 22:57:41
共鳴や振動に関する未知の音響効果(音響心理学的, 音響生理学的効果も含む)にはこういうものもあったのかと改めて気付かせてくれる指摘。

12名無しさん:2010/08/22(日) 23:26:47
だけど(優しさで言ってるんだろうが)「馬鹿でいい! 死ぬな!」 は余計かな。


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