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14ちょっとした刺激で「あること」を思い出してしまう癖:2019/09/07(土) 07:59:55
>>12 >>13
> harmful reverberations

In the past, before present buildings were newly constructed, a telegraph pole made of wood had been placed for many years like a tree slantedly falling down because of a disaster.

15ちょっとした刺激で「あること」を思い出してしまう癖:2019/09/07(土) 08:06:28
Is it possible that electromagnetic fluids had been leaked out through the telegraph pole made of wood which was slantedly put on the position for a long period, those fluids remarkably gave influence on living beings around there ?

16ちょっとした刺激で「あること」を思い出してしまう癖:2019/09/07(土) 08:11:50
Because, I had often found out that actions of living beings including children, dogs, cats and birds around the site were rather unnatural,

17ちょっとした刺激で「あること」を思い出してしまう癖:2019/09/07(土) 08:27:38
besides synthetic sounds were heard and the serious Ekbom syndrome was included in unnatural biological influences as one of the harmful reverberations around the region.

18ちょっとした刺激で「あること」を思い出してしまう癖:2019/09/07(土) 08:30:43


19ちょっとした刺激で「あること」を思い出してしまう癖:2019/09/07(土) 08:44:22
>>13 >>17
> harmful reverberations

By the way, the Merida case is meaningful in following points.
・ Strong radioactivity was detected over a wide range around the site.
・ A semi-transparent being ( as a virtual moving figure ) was captured by a camera incorporated into the mobile phone.

20ちょっとした刺激で「あること」を思い出してしまう癖:2019/09/07(土) 08:54:25
「Correct Article about the Merida case」
> The incident remains unexplained.

「Why is radiation high after UFO activity ?」
※ In this case, UFO = Unusual Flying Objects

21ワープする塗り仏:2019/12/31(火) 11:33:27
「酒乱・大西共産党」で検索すると、何故か比較的上位にこのスレが表示される怪 (現時点で)。

22Ground Stone Redux:2020/03/14(土) 11:44:29
> ゲーム依存に注意
最近の厚生労働省の ‘広告’ に、「依存症 (アルコール依存, ギャンブル依存, ショッピング依存, 薬物依存も含む) に理解を」という呼びかけがある。
「病的」科学 ( patho-logical science ) は、必ずしも軽視してよいことを意味しない。 医学・医療は、病理に由来する苦痛・災厄を克服する過程と不可分だから。

23あらすかん:2020/06/24(水) 19:43:06
> 「酒乱・大西共産党」( the Great Western Communist Party as a Hopeless Alcoholic ) とは

That is one of the obscure assassins operated through Kodoku (蠱毒) by Sikoku (死国 and/or 尸国).
That is same as

24浄土古墳からの土偶幻人:2020/06/24(水) 19:53:40
> 「酒乱・大西共産党」( the Great Western Communist Party as a Hopeless Alcoholic ) とは

That is one of the obscure assassins operated through Kodoku (蠱毒) by Sikoku (死国 and/or 尸国).
That is same as ドン黄桜@ 10kg 減量, the hopeless alcoholic also is categorized into such ‘obscure assassins’ .
By the way, if you want to know about ドン黄桜@ 10 kg 減量, you should refer to the following site.

25五段加持祈祷法 ≒ 東洋版エクソシズム ?!:2020/09/14(月) 02:23:01
Unfortunately, the death of a person and an incurable disease were required to cut off an undesirable connection with 「酒乱・大西共産党」※ .
※ 「酒乱・大西共産党」 ;
A Kodoku (蠱毒) shifted from Sikoku (死国 and/or 尸国) to some region of Hokkaido.

26Восбмерка:2021/04/23(金) 19:42:11


27Восбмерка:2021/07/03(土) 22:10:59
I heard that the people making violent & annoying noises for bringing uneasy feelings to us would fight against the world from now.

28プロファイリング:2021/11/07(日) 09:00:15
>>24 >>25 >>26


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