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9Восбмерка:2020/03/16(月) 23:05:47 ID:eqlh2c0c0
> ゲーム依存に注意
最近の厚生労働省の ‘広告’ に、「依存症 (アルコール依存, ギャンブル依存, ショッピング依存, 薬物依存も含む) に理解を」という呼びかけがある。
「病的」科学は、必ずしもそれを軽視してよいことを意味しない。 医学・医療は、病理に由来する苦痛・災厄を克服する過程と不可分だから。

10大島てるてる坊主&大島てるてる◯平原:2020/06/26(金) 07:48:13 ID:/4e3ZuCw0
> 「酒乱・大西共産党」( the Great Western Communist Party as a Hopeless Alcoholic ) について

That is one of the obscure assassins operated through Kodoku (蠱毒) by Sikoku (死国 and/or 尸国).
That is same as ドン黄桜@ 10kg 減量, the hopeless alcoholic also is categorized into such ‘obscure assassins’ .
By the way, if you want to know about ドン黄桜@ 10kg 減量, you should refer to the following site.

11浄土古墳からの土偶幻人:2020/10/21(水) 22:50:14 ID:6PxUUm7E0

12プロファイリング:2020/12/25(金) 06:52:38 ID:dR3zzIsQ0
Indeed, I also heard that the people habitually presenting undesirable advertisements such as e×tremely erotic contents and ones to stimulate vicious impulses on the net would be conveyed to the purgatory owing to the judgment by the king of Enma (閻魔).

13Ground Stone Redux:2021/01/03(日) 20:58:36 ID:veMCqphA0
On the other hand, we also heard that the people habitually and intentionally making annoying and noisy sounds with vehicles in Japan also would fight against the world as their enemies.

14Восбмерка:2021/04/23(金) 06:45:07 ID:.yOzACRE0



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