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1Meijinoyakata:2014/05/16(金) 09:19:21
The friend was in Nikko and it heard the talk to which the person of cracking a prostate gland, and the person it became impossible for language to pronounce clearly and those who say that the eyesight got worse began to appear in the heard talk among people who live in sunlight.
It is said that a nosebleed is mostly seen to children.
It of such condition is certain for contamination to see and to get cancer soon.

2brazalete cartier oro blanco:2015/08/26(水) 16:41:57
Well, you’ve got to be at least a little worried about repeat business and word of mouth.
brazalete cartier oro blanco http://www.bestcartierlovebracelet.cn/es/oro-blanco-brazalete-replica-cartier-love-con-diamantes-y-destornillador-p-184.html

4はわいあん:2021/01/31(日) 03:45:57
We also heard that the people habitually presenting undesirable contents such as e×tremely erotic & vulgar contents and unreliable contents dealing with fakes. etc on the net would fight against the world as their enemies or they would be transferred to purgatories due to the judgment by the king of Enma (閻魔).

5Ground Stone Redux:2021/05/23(日) 16:34:21
「Восбмерка」で ‘画像’ 検索すると、今のところ、. . .

6プロファイリング:2022/08/23(火) 18:06:53
とある特定難病 (複数) の紹介の仕方だが、よく解釈すれば何気ないが、深読みすれば悪意や敵意が見え隠れしていることが分かる。こっちは何も悪気はないんだけどね。

7プロファイリング:2022/08/23(火) 18:12:21

8プロファイリング:2022/08/23(火) 18:37:37
それらを書いた本人、OK サインを出した本人だもの、すぐに ‘自分に対する皮肉だな’ と分かるはず (何しろ ‘頭のいい’ 人たちだから) 。いくら仏教を否定しても、因縁果報とか業の法則はあるからね。普通に真っ当な生き方をしているなら、何も臆する必要はない。


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