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1A Scanner Darkly:2019/03/07(木) 01:17:43
「酒乱・ ‘大西共産党’ について」

「ゲーム依存に注意。 患者の脳に見られる特徴的な反応がアルコール・ギャンブル依存に酷似」

2五段加持祈祷 ≒ 東洋版エクソシズム:2019/03/12(火) 20:36:31
A hopeless alcoholic called ‘大西共産党 ( the Great Western Communist Party )’ had lived in some stigmatized place of Hokkaido in Japan until 2013 .
I heard that this hopeless alcoholic came from Sikoku district to Hokkaido district.
Probably, demonic influences brought by ‘大西共産党’ such as Inugami (犬神) might affect those persons who committed suicide.

3プロファイリング:2019/03/25(月) 17:58:49

4Porous Structure ≒ Riddled Structure:2019/04/05(金) 22:49:51
Inugami (犬神) is a spiritual entity rather than a real being to be utilized in one of the black magical methods called Ko-jyutsu (蠱術).
In a word, a magician kills an animal such as a dog with giving extreme sufferings and pains to the animal, it’s the black magic to shift resentment of the killed animal to a hateful opponent or an object of jealousy.
This black magic called Ko-jyutsu (蠱術) was so prevailing that the prohibition (禁令) for the undesirable trend was socially applied about 10 〜 12 th centuries around Western Japan.

5噂のよく転ぶ◯◯:2019/04/18(木) 20:01:34
>>2 >>4
Strangely, a horror writer called H.P.Love-craft devised a devilish being similar to Inugami (犬神) .

「The Hound (= A Devilish Dog)」
This writer was known as a racist.

There was a rock-group called ‘Hound Dog’ in Japan.

6プロファイリング:2019/06/20(木) 22:33:31
「日本のweb広告は、いい加減 ‘どうやったら間違って押すか’ を止めろ!」


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