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14早雲!尼崎城⁈:2020/06/28(日) 07:42:13
>>12 >>13
We also heard that the fellows habitually pasting advertisements to promote selling fakes on the net also are included in such ‘obscure assassins’ operated through bad influences such as Kodoku (蠱毒).

15風雲! 尼崎事件!:2020/07/20(月) 07:19:11
>>12 >>13
> ドン黄桜 〜
昔は、切り落とした敵兵の ‘首 (= 頭部)’ を水でなく酒で洗うということが実際に行なわれていた。

16盂蘭盆 ≒ 東洋版ハロウィン:2020/08/14(金) 03:15:38
Besides, we also heard that the people habitually presenting undesirable advertisements such as ones to sell fakes on the net are strongly motivated by harmful ‘Kodoku (蠱毒)’ .

17NGワード照合:2020/09/05(土) 16:36:13
According to various informations,

18NGワード照合:2020/09/05(土) 16:37:28
it’s highly probable that

19NGワード照合:2020/09/05(土) 16:40:04
Indeed, we also heard that the people

20NGワード照合:2020/09/05(土) 16:42:41
habitually presenting advertisements to sell fakes and defective products

21NGワード照合:2020/09/05(土) 16:45:43
on the net also would fight against the world as their enemies from now.

22NGワード照合:2020/09/05(土) 16:49:14
According to various and many informations, it’s highly probable that the remark is right.

23五段加持祈祷法 ≒ 東洋版エクソシズム ?!:2020/09/13(日) 22:00:26
Unfortunately, the death of a person and an incurable disease were required to cut off an undesirable connection with 「酒乱・大西共産党」※ .
※ 「酒乱・大西共産党」 ;
A Kodoku (蠱毒) shifted from Sikoku (死国 and/or 尸国) to some region of Hokkaido.

24ガブリン・クィーン:2021/04/22(木) 21:58:25
>>1 >>23


25プロファイリング:2021/11/07(日) 14:17:52
「複製品は、飽和状態にある」そうだ。 以上。


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