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文学:Joyce, Nabokov・・・

1:2004/07/02(金) 23:51

2:2004/07/02(金) 23:56
Nabokov "Strong Opinions" (インタービューと評論など)を読んでいる。
(Do you like being interviewed?)
Well, the luxury of speaking on one theme-- oneself-- is a sensation not to be despised.

3:2004/07/03(土) 01:21


4:2004/07/03(土) 01:23
> Nabokov "Strong Opinions" (インタービューと評論など)を読んでいる。
> ナボコフがこの本で "There are no puzzles in Ulysses."と言ってるらしいが、どこかな。

ここかな?  http://lib.ru/NABOKOW/Inter07.txt

**As an admirer of Borges and Joyce you seem to share their pleasure in teasing the reader with tricks and puns and puzzles. What do you think the relationship should be between reader and author?

I do not recollect any puns in Borges but then I read him only in translation. Anyway, his delicate little tales and miniature Minotaurs have nothing in common with Joyce's great machines. Nor do I find many puzzles in that most lucid of novels, Ulysses.
On the other hand, I detest Finnegans Wake in which a cancerous growth of fancy word-tissue hardly redeems the dreadful joviality of the folklore and the easy, too easy, allegory.

What have you learned from Joyce?

Oh, come.


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