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Selected Posts on Anti-relativity

66なかやま:2024/05/18(土) 15:32:40
One-way Speed of Light/Isotropy of Aether (again) (クリ)
English version of Wikipedia has an item titled "One-way speed of light". Word isotropic is found in 27 places.

However, if the light from multiple celestial bodies on the celestial sphere is recorded and analyzed in outer space, one-way speed of light will become disclosed. Probably easily. By established means of measuring aberration.

The position of bright lines and dark lines in spectrum of the celestial body's light will show the speed of celestial body's light and speed of light relative to Earth (and Aether drift). The isotropy and uniformity of aether will also be disclosed.

67なかやま:2024/05/19(日) 15:18:57
Aether Drift (again)  (クリ)

Speed of lightAether is the distance that light travels in one second, 299,792,458 m/s (defined value). Above value was obtained by measuring frequency and wavelength of laser light performed by Evenson et al in 1973 (error was ± 1.2 m/s).

Suppose that frequency and wavelength of light coming from two fixed stars located at symmetrical points (at opposite ponts) on the celestial sphere. Measuring must be done simultaneously. Perhaps many of the measured speeds of light are different. If so, it will be possible to identify two points (on the celestial sphere) where the difference is greatest.
Note) Differences due to known mtion of Earth such as revolution and rotation must be excluded.
Note) Wavelength must be measured before the light enters mediums such as glass.

68名無しの物理学徒:2024/05/22(水) 10:43:19
Hollow Tube and Speed of Light (again) (クリ)

In outer space, starlight coming from the left is passing through a stationary horizontal tube of length L. Frequency at the left and right ends of the tube is the same. This sameness is true even if the tube is moving in the left and right directions at different uniform speed. In other words, number of waves that exist inside the tube (wave number X L) is invariable. There is no varying in wavelength of light. In the formula, c = f λ, it is f and c that vary. It is the first picture.

In the second picture, there are two tubes the same as above. The two are moving at a constant speed. One is to the left and the other is to the right. As mentioned above, wavelength of light is the same. In the formula, c = f λ, f and c are not the same.

69なかやま:2024/05/24(金) 12:41:01
IWavelength Measurement (Aw)

Is wavelength of light arriving in outer space being measured as it is (on light before arriving) ? Isn't what is being measured wavelength of light (extincted light) that has passed through a medium such as glass ? In internet (a bit), any site mentioned can not be found.

Suppose an observer moving in various motions in outer space is measuring the wavelength of starlight. In the formula, c = f λ, f will vary. Accordingly, v c will vary. However, we seem to believe, it is λ that vary accordingly.

We may not be able to distinguish between light before it enters .measurement device and light after it (light before and after extinction. Etinction is due to glass).

70なかやま:2024/05/27(月) 10:26:49
Wavelength measurWavelengthement (continued)

A starlight is passing through horizontal tube in outer space from left to right. A flat glass plate is fitted in center of the tube. Assume that this tube is moving at different uniform speed in left and right directions. For left and right light each, the formula v = f λ holds. Frome the perspective of the tube, f on the left and right sides are the same. But v is different and λ will also be different.

There is an argument that v are the same. If so, λ must also be the same. However, λ on the left does not follow (does not be affected by) the motion of the tube. But λ on the right follows (is affected by). This difference must not be forgotten.

71なかやま:2024/06/01(土) 07:53:01
Extinction  (クリ)

Light entering glass in outer space has a speed of c/n relative to the glass. This varying in speed within the medium is called extinction, and is completed in a very small optical path length that differs depending on mediums. For glass, it is 0.0001 mm.

Imagine that the glass moves in various uniform linear motions in outer space. The speed of light entering the glass and leaving the glass are not the same (from the perspective of the glass).


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