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1凡人:2004/10/05(火) 06:13


the $10 million Prize

63凡人:2012/08/18(土) 10:24:47
Pound Sand

1a. To order someone to go away or "get lost." This is a widely used term that has no vulgar connotations.
One friend told another to pound sand when he questioned the veracity of the Old English Dictionary.

1b. Walk away (from the fact that each step requires one to press down the sand beneith one's feet; from Hawaiin slang)
Go pound sand.

2. "The origin of the expression go pound sand is from a longer expression, not to know (have enough sense to) pound sand down a rathole. Filling rat holes with sand is menial work, and telling someone to pound sand down a hole is like telling them to go fly a kite. The expression dates to at least 1912 and is common in the midwestern United States."

3. The term pound sand originally referred to the degrading job of filling rat holes with sand. However, its meaning has evolved, it now refers to a technique used in Vietnamese whore houses. This technique was used when the whores would give a man a hand job and then right before the man would ejaculate the whore would cap the penis, give it one hard pump, and then release it causing the man to ejaculate with such force that the it would hit the ceiling.
Hey, why don't you go pound sand!

64凡人:2012/08/21(火) 14:43:45
hock a loogie

To cough up and spit out a large glob of flem usually resulting in a loud cough and throat clearing noise.

On the bus, we saw a young man "hock a loogie". He spit the loogie on the ground near an agitated yuppie.

65凡人:2012/08/23(木) 11:59:28
heads up

1.Advance notice of something that will need attention.

Just a heads up that the customer is likely to escalate this problem...

2.A phrase which, upon hearing, means you should get your head down.

*man throwing baseball and missing the area, sending it on a direct course for a small child*
Man: Hey kid, heads up!

*Kid gets his head down and doesn't get hit*
Kid wins for reading urbandictionary.

66凡人:2012/08/24(金) 11:59:04

(n.) 1. Something apparently impressive or legitimate but actually untrue or insincere; nonsense. 2.
A stock technique for eliciting a desired response from an audience.

(n.) The cum of a ho.
Cindy thought that I was spouting hokum when I told her that I would make her scream. She was wrong; she threw me on the table and rode my throbbing cock until hokum started to leak out from her cunt and her moans became gasping screams of ecstasy.

67凡人:2012/08/27(月) 04:51:41
take a shine to somebody:

to like someone immediately

Amy took a shine to Nick, but her friends weren't so sure he was the right guy for her.

68凡人:2012/08/28(火) 12:04:50
Ersatz - Similar

Ersatz means 'substituting for, and typically inferior in quality to', e.g. 'chicory is ersatz coffee'. It is a German word literally meaning substitute or replacement.

69凡人:2012/08/29(水) 00:01:11
Romney credits her doctor’s aggressive treatment and the therapeutic effects of horseback riding as reasons for the “miraculous” recovery of much of her strength.

70凡人:2012/09/01(土) 14:43:17

A cad is someone who can be quite charming, intelligent, capable of engaging in stimulating conversation, ultimately presenting himself as a gentlemen. A cad, however, is not a gentleman because he systematically cons lovely ladies into falling in love with him and then openly cheats on them. He is completely selfish with only feigned regard for women's feelings. Somewhat like a playboy but instead of being open about his philanderings, a cad usually pretends to care about a woman before coitus, thereby confusing the woman when he drops her like a hot potato. He is dishonest with most people around him (often even himself). Cads also frequently have addiction issues.

Dude 1: Is James Bond a cad?
Dude 2: Nah, at least the Bond Girls don't expect him to stick around and he doesn't pretend to make them feel special.

71凡人:2012/09/01(土) 17:12:52

1.(of food or drink) Pleasant to taste.
2.(of an action or proposal) Acceptable or satisfactory.

Synonyms: savoury - tasty - savory - toothsome - delicious - sapid

72凡人:2012/09/02(日) 11:16:03

A cancelling-out or balancing effect. An incident where nothing is gained and nothing is lost, a draw.

I won fifty bucks at blackjack, but lost fifty in poker, so I called it a wash and went home.

73凡人:2012/09/04(火) 12:58:00

Adjective: 1.Tearful or given to weeping.
2.Inducing tears; sad: "a lachrymose children's classic".

Synonyms: tearful - lachrymatory

74凡人:2012/09/04(火) 14:45:14
Marquetry (also spelled as marqueterie) is the art and craft of applying pieces of veneer to a structure to form decorative patterns, designs or pictures.

75凡人:2012/09/06(木) 02:47:15

Noun: Used to refer to something that is one's duty or responsibility: "the onus is on you to show that you have suffered".
Synonyms: burden - charge - responsibility - weight - liability

76凡人:2012/09/06(木) 17:04:13

1: a braided cord worn by Boy Scouts as a neckerchief slide, hatband, or ornament
2: a wasteful or impractical project or activity often involving graft
— boondoggle \ intransitive verb
— boondoggler \ noun

Critics say the dam is a complete boondoggle—over budget, behind schedule, and unnecessary.

coined by Robert H. Link †1957 American scoutmaster
First Known Use: 1929

77凡人:2012/09/07(金) 16:27:06
Bug Out

(Noun)  bug out, Slang. to flee in panic; show panic or alarm .Someone or something that is feeling nervouse , paranoied, or inattentive,usually freaking out for no reason, overly dramatic or over exaguarting

(Verb)  Someone or something that is doing that act of freaking out , acting upon paranoia.
Originated from the word Bug (noun)any insect or insectlike invertebrate,referring to the way an insect would appear,or act in movement, vibrations, indicating nervousness or Panic.

Man:Hey Whats up ?
Women: What do you mean by that, Are you trying to make fun of me, yes thats what your doing , your so mean , What have i ever done to you ?
Man: Holy shit, What a bug out, Why you Buggin i just said Whats up ? You have to chill, Your sucha a Bug out !!
Man: You Buggin!

78凡人:2012/09/08(土) 08:59:06

1.A boyfriend or male admirer.
2.A rich, fashionable young man; a dandy.

Synonyms: dandy - fop - lover - gallant

79凡人:2012/09/10(月) 07:54:34
caveat emptor

Caveat Emptor is latin for "let the buyer beware" and is the basic idea that a buyer should closely examine every item and purchase they make as if they are about to be ripped off, making purchasing safer.

I gave my credit card number to some website to purchase something and the owner charged up my card. Well, as they say; Caveat Emptor.

80凡人:2012/09/18(火) 15:29:42
ball buster

1) A woman (also affectionately called a bitch) who challenges the virility and dominance of a man by utilizing verbal abuse and/or by controlling social situations usually controlled by the men.

2) A woman who is so bitchin' and intelligent that most men fear openning their mouth in her presence, much less making a sexual advance.
"That ball buster of a ho didn't let me have a word in edgewise. She tore my ass up one side, and down the other"

"Woo Wee! Look at that ball bustin' honey!"

81凡人:2012/09/28(金) 09:20:40
Flapping their gums

When someone is said to be “flapping their gums” it means that he or she talks a lot about topics he or she doesn't really understand or know about. It also means to say something but not really mean it.

Frank and Joe are always flapping their gums about what it's like to be street hustlers, when they have never even been out of the burbs.

82凡人:2012/09/30(日) 04:30:05
The snipe hunt may be assigned to a target as either part of a process of hazing, in which the object is to initiate the snipe hunter into the group, or as part of a process of ostracism intended to encourage (or force) a person, perceived to be an unwanted interloper, to withdraw from the group's presence.

83凡人:2012/09/30(日) 04:33:22
A practical joke[1] (also known as a prank, gag, jape or shenanigan) is a mischievous trick or joke played on someone, typically causing the victim to experience embarrassment, indignity, or discomfort. Practical jokes differ from confidence tricks or hoaxes in that the victim finds out, or is let in on the joke, rather than being fooled into handing over money or other valuables. Practical jokes or pranks are typically lighthearted, reversible or non-permanent, and aim to make the victim feel foolish or victimized to a certain degree; however practical jokes may also involve cruelty.

The term "practical" refers to the fact that the joke consists of someone doing something physical, instead of a verbal or written joke. For example, the joker who is setting up and performing the practical joke might hang a bucket of water above a doorway and rig the bucket using pulleys so when the door opens the bucket dumps the water. The joker would then wait for the victim to walk through the doorway and be drenched by the bucket of water. Objects can also be used in practical jokes, like fake vomit, chewing gum bugs, exploding cigars, stink bombs, costumes and whoopee cushions. In Western culture, April Fools' Day[2] is a day traditionally dedicated to performing practical jokes. A person who performs a practical joke is called a practical joker.[3]

84凡人:2012/10/10(水) 05:54:01

Noun: Excessive confidence or boldness; audacity: "no one had the temerity to question his conclusions".

Synonyms: daring - rashness - audacity

85凡人:2012/10/10(水) 05:54:40

Noun: 1.The state of having been abandoned and become dilapidated.
2.The shameful failure to fulfill one's obligations.

Synonyms: abandonment - neglect - desertion - negligence

86凡人:2012/10/10(水) 05:55:20
plebs (pl bz). n. pl. ple·bes (pl b z).

1. The common people of ancient Rome: the plebs and the patricians.
2. The common people; the populace.

87凡人:2012/10/11(木) 16:30:06


1.Censure or criticize severely.
2.Damage or remove part of the surface of (the skin).

Synonyms: bark - raw - skin - excorticate - flay

88凡人:2012/10/11(木) 16:31:04

Raise doubts or objections or show reluctance.

Noun: The action or process of objecting to or hesitating over something.

Synonyms: verb. object - hesitate - remonstrate
noun. objection - exception - hesitation - protest

89凡人:2012/10/12(金) 12:19:11

noun /i-ˈmäl-yə-mənt/

1: the returns arising from office or employment usually in the form of compensation or perquisites
2archaic : advantage

<the annual emolument for the director of the charity is officially only one dollar>

90凡人:2012/10/12(金) 12:19:52


Having or showing knowledge of events before they take place.

Synonyms: foreseeing - provident

91凡人:2012/10/12(金) 12:20:43

intransitive verb
: to utter the characteristic loud harsh cry of a donkey; also : to utter a sound like a donkey's
transitive verb
: to utter or play loudly or harshly
Origin of BRAY
Middle English, from Anglo-French braire to cry, bellow, roar, from Vulgar Latin *bragere, of Celtic origin; akin to Old Irish braigid he breaks wind
First Known Use: 14th century

2 bray
transitive verb
1: to crush or grind fine <bray seeds in a mortar>
2: to spread thin <bray printing ink>
Origin of BRAY
Middle English, from Anglo-French braier, breier, of Germanic origin; akin to Old High German brehhan to break — more at break
First Known Use: 14th century

92凡人:2012/10/12(金) 15:06:53


Meaningless talk; nonsense.

93凡人:2012/10/12(金) 18:31:09


1.The period of life in which a person is old and weak: "you could live here and look after me in my dotage".
2.The state of having the intellect impaired, esp. through old age; senility.

Synonyms: senility

94凡人:2012/10/12(金) 18:31:40


1.Affected by or associated with nausea or vomiting.
2.(of a color) Lurid or sickly.

Synonyms: biliary - choleric

95凡人:2012/10/12(金) 18:32:51


Harmful, poisonous, or very unpleasant: "they were overcome by the noxious fumes".

Synonyms: harmful - injurious - noisome - pernicious - mischievous

96凡人:2012/10/12(金) 18:33:18
Compendium -

A compendium (plural: compendia) is a concise, yet comprehensive compilation of a body of knowledge.

97凡人:2012/10/12(金) 18:34:34


Talk long-windedly without making very much sense: "she began blathering on about spirituality"; "stop your blathering".

Noun: Long-winded talk with no real substance.

Synonyms: verb. blether - chatter - babble - blah-blah
noun. blether - twaddle - gab - prattle - jive - babblement

98凡人:2012/10/13(土) 19:02:00


Noun: Assistance and support in times of hardship and distress.
Verb: Give assistance or aid to.

Synonyms: noun. succour - aid - help - assistance - relief - support
verb. succour - assist - help - relieve - aid - support

99凡人:2012/10/15(月) 11:59:02

1.Expressing feelings of gratitude, pleasure, or approval in an unrestrained or heartfelt manner: "an effusive welcome".
2.(of igneous rock) Poured out when molten and later solidified.

Synonyms: demonstrative - expansive

100凡人:2012/10/17(水) 08:56:40
Raked over the coals

To get fussed at, or out by someone.

The child did not sweep the kitchen floor, and was raked over the coals by her mother.

101凡人:2012/10/19(金) 20:09:02


Providing necessary support to the primary activities or operation of an organization, institution, industry, or system.

Noun: A person whose work provides necessary support to the primary activities of an organization, institution, or industry.

Synonyms: subsidiary - auxiliary - subordinate - accessory

102凡人:2012/10/20(土) 21:31:37

1. Another word for nonsense. Or a polite way of saying something is bullshit.
2. A brand name snack food that consists of popcorn covered with caramel glaze and often has nuts such as pecans and almonds in it.

1. Pat said that aliens’ building the pyramids is poppycock.
2. Tina snuck some poppycock into the movie theater to snack on instead of buying some popcorn.

103凡人:2012/10/23(火) 11:40:13

Noun: An unprincipled person (often used humorously or affectionately).

Adjective: Unprincipled (often used as a humorous or affectionate reproach).

Synonyms: scoundrel - villain

104凡人:2012/10/23(火) 20:16:44


Adjective: Lacking care or attention to duty; negligent.

Synonyms: negligent - careless - neglectful - slack - lax

105凡人:2012/10/24(水) 03:09:03



In low spirits from loss of hope or courage.

Synonyms: depressed - dejected - dispirited - crestfallen

106凡人:2012/10/24(水) 03:35:41



1.The action of taking legal possession of assets until a debt has been paid or other claims have been met.
2.The action of taking forcible possession of something; confiscation.

107凡人:2012/10/24(水) 05:02:58



A feeling of doubt or apprehension about the outcome or consequences of something.

Synonyms: fear - apprehension - doubt - suspicion - anxiety

108凡人:2012/10/25(木) 18:23:56



Referring to sexual matters in an amusingly rude or irreverent way.

Synonyms: scurrilous - obscene - indecent - bawdy - coarse - nasty

109凡人:2012/10/26(金) 07:37:57


Verb: 1.Suggest or call attention to indirectly; hint at.
2.Mention without discussing at length.

Synonyms: hint - refer - intimate - suggest - imply - mention

110凡人:2012/10/26(金) 07:48:35

intr.v. col&middot;lud&middot;ed, col&middot;lud&middot;ing, col&middot;ludes.

To act together secretly to achieve a fraudulent, illegal, or deceitful purpose; conspire.

111凡人:2012/10/26(金) 07:59:21



1.Holding or constituting a purely formal position or title without any real authority: "the queen is titular head of the Church of England".
2.(of a cleric) Nominally appointed to serve a diocese, abbey, or other foundation no longer in existence, and typically in fact having...

Synonyms: nominal - titulary

112凡人:2012/10/26(金) 09:44:32



1.(of a situation or condition) Extremely bad, unpleasant, and degrading.
2.(of an unhappy state of mind) Experienced to the maximum degree.

Synonyms: miserable - mean - vile - wretched - despicable - poor

113凡人:2012/10/27(土) 20:47:45



1.Filled or well-supplied with something.
2.Very full of or sated by food.

Synonyms: full - fraught - saturated

114凡人:2012/10/30(火) 16:38:06



1.Contribute greatly to (a person's credit or honor): "his latest diplomatic effort will redound to his credit".
2.Come back upon; rebound on: "may his sin redound upon his head!".

Synonyms: contribute - help

115凡人:2012/10/30(火) 16:38:44

1. A broken piece of earthenware.
2. Slang Foolish talk; nonsense: That story is just a crock.

116凡人:2012/10/30(火) 16:39:20



Obedient or attentive to an excessive or servile degree.

Synonyms: servile - subservient - slavish - menial - fawning

117凡人:2012/10/30(火) 18:28:29
diffident   /ˈdɪfɪdənt/ [dif-i-duhnt]

1. lacking confidence in one's own ability, worth, or fitness; timid; shy.
2. restrained or reserved in manner, conduct, etc.
3. Archaic . distrustful.

118凡人:2012/10/31(水) 20:58:48

/ˈrig(ə)məˌrōl/Noun: 1.A lengthy and complicated procedure.
2.A long, rambling story or statement.

119凡人:2012/10/31(水) 20:59:11

/riˈdound/Verb: 1.Contribute greatly to (a person's credit or honor): "his latest diplomatic effort will redound to his credit".
2.Come back upon; rebound on: "may his sin redound upon his head!".

Synonyms: contribute - help

120凡人:2012/10/31(水) 20:59:54

/SHləb/Noun: A talentless, unattractive, or boorish person.

121凡人:2012/11/01(木) 03:36:54


Appear or claim to be or do something, esp. falsely; profess.

Noun: The meaning or substance of something, typically a document or speech.

Synonyms: verb. mean - signify - claim - imply - intend
noun. meaning - import - sense - tenor - significance

122凡人:2012/11/01(木) 03:37:27


Anger or annoyance provoked by what is perceived as unfair treatment.

Synonyms: resentment - wrath - anger - exasperation

123凡人:2012/11/01(木) 16:52:30
cop a squat

Meaning to have a seat.

"Cop a squat right here sir."
"Sit your ass down."

124凡人:2012/11/01(木) 19:34:42

/ikˈsk&ocirc;rēˌāt/Verb: 1.Censure or criticize severely.
2.Damage or remove part of the surface of (the skin).

Synonyms: bark - raw - skin - excorticate - flay

125凡人:2012/11/04(日) 17:58:36

to strip off the skin or surface of : skin. 2. : to criticize harshly : excoriate. 3. : lash 1b <the wind whipped up to gale fury, flaying his face — Richard Kent> ...


/fəˈsēSHəs/Adjective: Treating serious issues with deliberately inappropriate humor; flippant.

Synonyms: jocose - humorous - jocular - waggish - comic - funny

126凡人:2012/11/04(日) 17:59:17
head fake

The price of equities increase, and all indications prior to that are that it will increase, but shortly after reverses direction and lowers.

"Sept 28th was a major head fake, equities fell substantially the remaining month."

127凡人:2012/11/05(月) 19:57:30

1.Reduce the force, effect, or value of: "her intolerance was attenuated by an unexpected liberalism".
2.Reduce the amplitude of (a signal, electric current, or other oscillation).

Synonyms: dilute - weaken - thin - reduce - extenuate - rarefy

128凡人:2012/11/05(月) 19:58:17

Slang An illegal plot or enterprise, especially one involving theft.

intr.v. ca&middot;pered, ca&middot;per&middot;ing, ca&middot;pers.
To leap or frisk about; frolic.

129凡人:2012/11/06(火) 00:49:11


1.Overcome with anger; extremely indignant.
2.Relating to or denoting apoplexy (stroke): "an apoplectic attack".

130凡人:2012/11/06(火) 08:25:20

/nˈt&ocirc;rd/Adjective: Unexpected and inappropriate or inconvenient: "untoward jokes".

Synonyms: unfavourable - unfavorable - unlucky - unfortunate

131凡人:2012/11/06(火) 08:25:48

extensive knowledge acquired chiefly from books : profound, recondite, or bookish learning.

132凡人:2012/11/07(水) 13:58:11

Of poor or questionable quality.
"Greg's joke just now was so damn dryballs."

133凡人:2012/11/07(水) 13:58:40

/pərˈfəNGktərē/Adjective: (of an action or gesture) Carried out with a minimum of effort or reflection.

Synonyms: superficial - cursory - shallow - skin-deep - sketchy

134凡人:2012/11/07(水) 14:00:54

Dummkopf (doom-cough)- language from germany means idiot, stupid, retarded.

"man jimmy your such a Dummkopf!."

135凡人:2012/11/08(木) 22:09:09

/prōˈklivətē/Noun: A tendency to choose or do something regularly.

Synonyms: tendency - inclination - propensity - leaning - bent

136凡人:2012/11/20(火) 23:24:36 ID:ZyNqar2k0

/ˈw&auml;ləp/Verb: Strike or hit (someone or something) very hard: "they walloped the back of his head".

Noun: A heavy blow or punch.

Synonyms: verb. thrash - beat - trounce
noun. whack

137凡人:2012/11/22(木) 17:47:08 ID:UXPhgzGY0
Shut Eye

A slang word used to tell someone/something you are going to sleep or to get some rest.

Rob: Hey, you hitting the hays already?
John:Yeah, ima go get some shut eye, ill see you tomorrow, needa catch up on some rest.

138凡人:2012/11/24(土) 12:23:44 ID:E.06fwlU0

/priˈp&auml;st(ə)rəs/Adjective: Contrary to reason or common sense; utterly absurd or ridiculous.

Synonyms: absurd - nonsensical - ludicrous - ridiculous - senseless

139凡人:2012/11/25(日) 17:06:19 ID:b5FXbIN60
packing heat

Having a concealed firearm for protection or to carry out violence.

"Don't come to Brick City, unless yo' packing heat."

140凡人:2012/11/25(日) 17:07:17 ID:b5FXbIN60
a balls-up (British & Australian very informal!)

a situation in which everything goes wrong

The trip was a complete balls-up from beginning to end.

141凡人:2012/11/26(月) 11:13:47 ID:knm3c0WU0


1.Lacking a plan, purpose, or enthusiasm.
2.(of conversation or speech) Going from one subject to another in a halfhearted way; unfocused: "desultory conversation".

Synonyms: incoherent - disconnected - disjointed - rambling

142凡人:2012/11/28(水) 11:27:12 ID:Khw97dT20

The term pleather ("plastic leather") is a slang term for synthetic leather made of plastic. The term was coined by Amy Bach, when working in New York for Millis clothing. Upon the arrival of a new line, a plastic leather, Bach needed a way to advertise the product to customers without calling it plastic. She thus came up with the term Pleather.

143凡人:2012/11/28(水) 12:53:34 ID:Khw97dT20

An enema (/ˈɛnəmə/; plural enemata or enemas) is the procedure of introducing liquids into the rectum and colon via the anus.

The increasing volume of the liquid causes rapid expansion of the lower intestinal tract, often resulting in very uncomfortable bloating, cramping, powerful peristalsis, a feeling of extreme urgency and complete evacuation of the lower intestinal tract. An enema has the advantage over any laxative in its speed and certainty of action, and some people prefer it for this reason.

Enemas can be carried out as treatment for medical conditions, such as constipation and encopresis, and as part of some alternative health therapies. They are also used to administer certain medical or recreational drugs. Enemas have been used for rehydration therapy (proctoclysis) in patients for whom intravenous therapy is not applicable. Some people find enemas sexually arousing (Klismaphilia).

144凡人:2012/11/28(水) 17:54:25 ID:Khw97dT20

Restaurant lingo meaning "take an item off the menu." By extension it can also mean to get rid of almost anything (including doing away with somebody). The Urbandictionary entry attributing the term to the 1980s is erroneous. I worked as a short order cook in the late 1960s and it was in use in a half dozen NewYork city joints where I worked. Oldtimers say the term was around in the 1940s and that the derivation is Article 86 of the New York Liquor Code which describes the circumstances under which liquor should be withheld from a customer.

Restaurant manager: "we ran out of chipped beef . . . eighty-six the shit on a shingle."

145凡人:2012/11/30(金) 12:41:20 ID:tmo.3oSQ0

Noun: A social gathering, esp. for coffee and conversation.

146凡人:2012/12/01(土) 14:21:12 ID:A95G/aMA0

In the fashion world, it means to make something better, generally by tweaking or quirking it to better fit what it's supposed to do both functionally and artistically. It's become most popular due to its frequent use on the hit Bravo show Queer Eye for the Straight Guy, usually by their fashion guru Carson Kressly. It is very hard to pronounce, and even harder to spell, many times often misspelled 'jujj' or 'jooj'. Pronounced "zhuj", by the way.
Carson: "Just tszuj it a little, and you're set!"

147凡人:2012/12/06(木) 12:39:12 ID:twk7ovu20
Cop A Feel

It routes from the word "Cop". It's pretty much like when a cop frisks you, they are touching you without consent. So when someone cops a feel they simpily feel someone up with out consent. The urban version only implies the feeling of genitalia and breast regions. It usually happens in crowded areas.

I'm going to cop a feel at this rave and get a handful of tiggle bitties from some broad

148凡人:2012/12/08(土) 14:47:43 ID:gVXxwDdM0

1.(of food or drink) Pleasant to taste.
2.(of an action or proposal) Acceptable or satisfactory.

savoury - tasty - savory - toothsome - delicious - sapid

149凡人:2012/12/10(月) 15:11:48 ID:bthxtYT.0
in the buff

To be nude

strippers are in the buff

150凡人:2012/12/13(木) 10:31:52 ID:PTcarfDA0
'Out of your hair'

If you get someone out of your hair, you get them to stop bothering or annoying you.

('Stay/keep/get out of my hair!' can be used as imperatives)

151凡人:2012/12/14(金) 17:57:19 ID:Gx2wD1C60
● pigeon-hole messagebox/cubbyhole

A pigeon-hole messagebox (commonly referred to as a pigeon-hole or pidge, a cubbyhole (often shortened to "cubby") or simply as a mailbox in some academic or office settings) is an internal mail system commonly used for communication in organisations, workplaces and educational institutes in the United Kingdom and other countries. Documents and messages are placed in a person's pigeon-hole for them to collect; they can reply by putting a response inside the sender's pigeon-hole.

The name comes from the similarity in appearance to the compartments used in pigeon racing to store the animals whilst in transit.

Cubbies are also used in American preschools and kindergartens as places to store backpacks, lunchboxes, and jackets.

In large organisations the mailboy delivers mail to departmental pigeon holes from the postroom.

<Meanings in various countries>

*In South Africa, cubby-hole is the local word for a glove compartment in a vehicle.
*This use is also common in Zimbabwe and Barbados.
*In England it may refer to the cupboard under the stairs.

152凡人:2012/12/15(土) 11:28:24 ID:SlRvF5Gk0
make it rain

Throwing money at strippers; a song by Fat Joe and Lil Wayne; also what Rob and Big did to people in Tampa, they threw $5000 in $1 bills to all the people from the top of a half pipe, they made it rain! Lets make it rain.

"What's the forecast look like today?" "It's gonna be perfect weather, with a 100% chance of rain!" "I make it rain on dem hoes!"

153凡人:2012/12/19(水) 14:09:28 ID:Adgu59nk0
Swatting is an attempt to trick any emergency service (such as a 9-1-1 dispatcher) into dispatching any emergency response based on a false reporting of an incident. Incidents may range from large to small, from an entire SWAT unit to a fabricated police report meant to discredit an individual as a prank or personal vendetta. It is a misdemeanor or a felony in most states to report any untruth to law enforcement. The name 'swatting" as in "swatting a fly", derived from SWAT (Special Weapons and Tactics), one type of such team.

154凡人:2012/12/19(水) 14:10:16 ID:Adgu59nk0
A dirge is a somber song or lament expressing mourning or grief, such as would be appropriate for performance at a funeral. The word is also commonly used to describe singing in an un-tuneful manner.

155凡人:2012/12/19(水) 14:11:05 ID:Adgu59nk0
A bier is a stand on which a corpse, coffin, or casket containing a corpse, is placed to lie in state or to be carried to the grave.

156凡人:2012/12/19(水) 14:19:13 ID:Adgu59nk0

1. To spend a large amount of money at once.

2. To sit down suddenly.

3. To hit something or someone hard with an object.

1. I can't believe you plunked down that much money for that car!

2. Plunk yourself down right here next to me.

3. The teacher plunked the boy on the head with his backhand before he could lift up the girl's skirt.

157凡人:2012/12/23(日) 15:04:41 ID:CC45fB9k0
Crampons are traction devices used to improve mobility on snow and ice during ice climbing. There are three main attachment systems for footwear: step-in, hybrid, and strap bindings. The first two require boots with welts, the last adapt to any type.

Oscar Eckenstein designed the first 10-point crampon in 1908, dramatically reducing the need for step cutting. This design was then made commercially available by the Italian Henry Grivel.

158凡人:2012/12/25(火) 01:08:49 ID:nKgB3Ww20
A prostitute or promiscuous woman.

strumpet - streetwalker - trollop - moll - drab - tramp

159凡人:2012/12/25(火) 14:44:56 ID:nKgB3Ww20
Epaulette (pron.: /ˈɛpəlɛt/; also spelled epaulet)[1] is a type of ornamental shoulder piece or decoration used as insignia of rank by armed forces and other organizations.

Epaulettes are fastened to the shoulder by a shoulder strap or "passant", a small strap parallel to the shoulder seam, and the button near the collar, or by laces on the underside of the epaulette passing through holes in the shoulder of the coat. Colloquially, any shoulder straps with marks are also called epaulettes. The placement of the epaulette, its color and the length and diameter of its bullion fringe are used to signify the wearer's rank. At the join of the fringe and the shoulderpiece is often a metal piece in the form of a crescent. Although originally worn in the field, epaulettes are more common today on dress or ceremonial uniforms.

160凡人:2012/12/25(火) 14:54:45 ID:nKgB3Ww20
glib adjective \ˈglib\
glibber glibbest

1a : marked by ease and informality : nonchalant b : showing little forethought or preparation : offhand <glib answers> c : lacking depth and substance : superficial <glib solutions to knotty problems>
2archaic : smooth, slippery
3: marked by ease and fluency in speaking or writing often to the point of being insincere or deceitful <a glib politician>
— glib&middot;ly adverb
— glib&middot;ness noun

*Politicians need to do more than provide glib answers to difficult questions.
*the actor's glib portrayal of a drug addict
*Or they could have saddled us with “The Stranger,” which had the mitigating charm of being glib and pretentious and would thus have kept the kids who were obviously going to end up at Bard happy. —Joe Queenan, New York Times Book Review3 June 2007

161凡人:2012/12/26(水) 03:28:51 ID:SyxpM4fU0
Perplex (someone) greatly; bewilder: "he was completely flummoxed by the question".

confuse - bewilder - confound - perplex

162凡人:2012/12/26(水) 08:35:16 ID:SyxpM4fU0
precise measurements

Compasses and calipers during the 18th century, were frequently used to measure and fit work. Many products' designs were based on the proportional relationships between their parts stepped off with a compass rather than on measurements expressed in feet or inches.


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