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1凡人:2004/10/05(火) 06:13


the $10 million Prize

363凡人:2015/01/05(月) 13:59:42 ID:ve6M5DlE0
a hack in a joint

Prison slang referring to a prison guard.

364凡人:2015/12/16(水) 02:50:02 ID:da95RwFo0

1. a comeback line so good, it can't be topped
2. a point so good it can't be disproved/topped

Roughly translates to 'Oh shit, I didn't think of that'

Tourist: Does this train stop at Cortland Street?
Nun: Yes, it does.
Guy: No, it doesn't. The station is closed.
Nun: I've been riding this train over 20 years. It stops at Cortland Street.
Guy, as train passes Cortland Street station: Lady, you may know Jesus, but I know the subways.
Nun: Touche.

French word used in fencing. Commonly used today to recognize the other side's good argument or comeback.

Guy 1: You know Mountain Dew shrinks your balls.
Guy 2: At least I HAVE balls.
Guy 1: ... Touché.

Bart: I want to go with you, Dad.
Homer: Don’t you have school?
Bart: Don’t you have work?
Homer: Ah, Touché.

365凡人:2015/12/21(月) 22:20:09 ID:da95RwFo0
A Vagina, 3 kinds:

1. Poonana is a little girls vagina 0-13.
2. Poonani A teenagers vagina 13-20.
3. Poontang a mature womans vagina (quite good) 20-35.
4. Poonono an old vagina often with large muff 35-110.
1. i said dont play with your poonana

2. i saw this girl in the club last night sure she had a poonani

3. i got some sweet poontang last night.

4. oh shit i'm gonna be sic after seeing that poonono

1)A female's genital organ (vagina)

2)A slang term for wimp, often used by teenage males who want to boost their masculinity
1)I fucked Kara last night. She's got a tight poon.

2)Alex: We probably shouldn't go rock climbing. It could be dangerous
Nick: Dude, it's fine. Don't be such a poon!

366凡人:2015/12/24(木) 03:34:58 ID:da95RwFo0

Penis. Probably derived from the German "schlange" for snake, which, pronounced in German, must have sounded like "schlong" to native English speakers.

Wow, that horse has got a pretty huge schlong. I don't know if those fifth graders on their field trip to the zoo should be seeing this.

367凡人:2015/12/26(土) 16:20:30 ID:da95RwFo0

past tense: railroaded; past participle: railroaded

press (someone) into doing something by rushing or coercing them.
"she hesitated, unwilling to be railroaded into a decision"

cause (a measure) to be passed or approved quickly by applying pressure.
"the Bill had been railroaded through the House"

North American
send (someone) to prison without a fair trial or by means of false evidence.
North American
travel or work on the railroads.

368凡人:2016/01/09(土) 14:50:25 ID:da95RwFo0
verb informal
gerund or present participle: gallivanting

go around from one place to another in the pursuit of pleasure or entertainment.
"she quit her job to go gallivanting around the globe"
synonyms: flit, jaunt, run; roam, wander, travel, rove;
informal gad
"my days of gallivanting are long past"

369凡人:2017/02/23(木) 12:40:58 ID:/9hL6NYE0
do a number on

do a number on someone or something
Sl. to damage or harm someone or something. The teacher did a number on the whole class by giving them a pop quiz. Tom did a number on Mary when he went out with Ann.

do a number on somebody/something
to hurt or damage someone or something Dairy foods do a number on my stomach. This case has really done a number on the judge – he looks much older than he did just a few months ago.

do a number on somebody
to treat someone very badly or unfairly I'm not surprised Caroline doesn't like him. He really did a number on her at work.
See also: number, on

370凡人:2017/03/14(火) 04:43:43 ID:/9hL6NYE0
North American
noun: slicker; plural noun: slickers

1. a raincoat made of smooth material.
2. informal
a person who is smooth and persuasive but untrustworthy.
"a permatanned slicker who involves her in embezzlement and fraud"

371凡人:2017/03/15(水) 06:04:13 ID:/9hL6NYE0
flogging the bishop

A synonym for masturbation.
I was so horny i decided to flog the bishop underneath my desk in health class while they gave us the "STD slideshow"! Wow, it turned me on!

372凡人:2017/03/20(月) 10:37:44 ID:/9hL6NYE0

verb: two-time; 3rd person present: two-times; past tense: two-timed; past participle: two-timed; gerund or present participle: two-timing

1. deceive or be unfaithful to (a lover or spouse).
"he was two-timing a fiancée back in England"


1. denoting someone who has done or experienced something twice.
"a two-time winner of the event"


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