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1凡人:2004/10/05(火) 06:13


the $10 million Prize

119凡人:2012/10/31(水) 20:59:11

/riˈdound/Verb: 1.Contribute greatly to (a person's credit or honor): "his latest diplomatic effort will redound to his credit".
2.Come back upon; rebound on: "may his sin redound upon his head!".

Synonyms: contribute - help

120凡人:2012/10/31(水) 20:59:54

/SHləb/Noun: A talentless, unattractive, or boorish person.

121凡人:2012/11/01(木) 03:36:54


Appear or claim to be or do something, esp. falsely; profess.

Noun: The meaning or substance of something, typically a document or speech.

Synonyms: verb. mean - signify - claim - imply - intend
noun. meaning - import - sense - tenor - significance

122凡人:2012/11/01(木) 03:37:27


Anger or annoyance provoked by what is perceived as unfair treatment.

Synonyms: resentment - wrath - anger - exasperation

123凡人:2012/11/01(木) 16:52:30
cop a squat

Meaning to have a seat.

"Cop a squat right here sir."
"Sit your ass down."

124凡人:2012/11/01(木) 19:34:42

/ikˈskôrēˌāt/Verb: 1.Censure or criticize severely.
2.Damage or remove part of the surface of (the skin).

Synonyms: bark - raw - skin - excorticate - flay

125凡人:2012/11/04(日) 17:58:36

to strip off the skin or surface of : skin. 2. : to criticize harshly : excoriate. 3. : lash 1b <the wind whipped up to gale fury, flaying his face — Richard Kent> ...


/fəˈsēSHəs/Adjective: Treating serious issues with deliberately inappropriate humor; flippant.

Synonyms: jocose - humorous - jocular - waggish - comic - funny

126凡人:2012/11/04(日) 17:59:17
head fake

The price of equities increase, and all indications prior to that are that it will increase, but shortly after reverses direction and lowers.

"Sept 28th was a major head fake, equities fell substantially the remaining month."

127凡人:2012/11/05(月) 19:57:30

1.Reduce the force, effect, or value of: "her intolerance was attenuated by an unexpected liberalism".
2.Reduce the amplitude of (a signal, electric current, or other oscillation).

Synonyms: dilute - weaken - thin - reduce - extenuate - rarefy

128凡人:2012/11/05(月) 19:58:17

Slang An illegal plot or enterprise, especially one involving theft.

intr.v. ca&middot;pered, ca&middot;per&middot;ing, ca&middot;pers.
To leap or frisk about; frolic.

129凡人:2012/11/06(火) 00:49:11


1.Overcome with anger; extremely indignant.
2.Relating to or denoting apoplexy (stroke): "an apoplectic attack".

130凡人:2012/11/06(火) 08:25:20

/nˈt&ocirc;rd/Adjective: Unexpected and inappropriate or inconvenient: "untoward jokes".

Synonyms: unfavourable - unfavorable - unlucky - unfortunate

131凡人:2012/11/06(火) 08:25:48

extensive knowledge acquired chiefly from books : profound, recondite, or bookish learning.

132凡人:2012/11/07(水) 13:58:11

Of poor or questionable quality.
"Greg's joke just now was so damn dryballs."

133凡人:2012/11/07(水) 13:58:40

/pərˈfəNGktərē/Adjective: (of an action or gesture) Carried out with a minimum of effort or reflection.

Synonyms: superficial - cursory - shallow - skin-deep - sketchy

134凡人:2012/11/07(水) 14:00:54

Dummkopf (doom-cough)- language from germany means idiot, stupid, retarded.

"man jimmy your such a Dummkopf!."

135凡人:2012/11/08(木) 22:09:09

/prōˈklivətē/Noun: A tendency to choose or do something regularly.

Synonyms: tendency - inclination - propensity - leaning - bent

136凡人:2012/11/20(火) 23:24:36 ID:ZyNqar2k0

/ˈw&auml;ləp/Verb: Strike or hit (someone or something) very hard: "they walloped the back of his head".

Noun: A heavy blow or punch.

Synonyms: verb. thrash - beat - trounce
noun. whack

137凡人:2012/11/22(木) 17:47:08 ID:UXPhgzGY0
Shut Eye

A slang word used to tell someone/something you are going to sleep or to get some rest.

Rob: Hey, you hitting the hays already?
John:Yeah, ima go get some shut eye, ill see you tomorrow, needa catch up on some rest.

138凡人:2012/11/24(土) 12:23:44 ID:E.06fwlU0

/priˈp&auml;st(ə)rəs/Adjective: Contrary to reason or common sense; utterly absurd or ridiculous.

Synonyms: absurd - nonsensical - ludicrous - ridiculous - senseless

139凡人:2012/11/25(日) 17:06:19 ID:b5FXbIN60
packing heat

Having a concealed firearm for protection or to carry out violence.

"Don't come to Brick City, unless yo' packing heat."

140凡人:2012/11/25(日) 17:07:17 ID:b5FXbIN60
a balls-up (British & Australian very informal!)

a situation in which everything goes wrong

The trip was a complete balls-up from beginning to end.

141凡人:2012/11/26(月) 11:13:47 ID:knm3c0WU0


1.Lacking a plan, purpose, or enthusiasm.
2.(of conversation or speech) Going from one subject to another in a halfhearted way; unfocused: "desultory conversation".

Synonyms: incoherent - disconnected - disjointed - rambling

142凡人:2012/11/28(水) 11:27:12 ID:Khw97dT20

The term pleather ("plastic leather") is a slang term for synthetic leather made of plastic. The term was coined by Amy Bach, when working in New York for Millis clothing. Upon the arrival of a new line, a plastic leather, Bach needed a way to advertise the product to customers without calling it plastic. She thus came up with the term Pleather.

143凡人:2012/11/28(水) 12:53:34 ID:Khw97dT20

An enema (/ˈɛnəmə/; plural enemata or enemas) is the procedure of introducing liquids into the rectum and colon via the anus.

The increasing volume of the liquid causes rapid expansion of the lower intestinal tract, often resulting in very uncomfortable bloating, cramping, powerful peristalsis, a feeling of extreme urgency and complete evacuation of the lower intestinal tract. An enema has the advantage over any laxative in its speed and certainty of action, and some people prefer it for this reason.

Enemas can be carried out as treatment for medical conditions, such as constipation and encopresis, and as part of some alternative health therapies. They are also used to administer certain medical or recreational drugs. Enemas have been used for rehydration therapy (proctoclysis) in patients for whom intravenous therapy is not applicable. Some people find enemas sexually arousing (Klismaphilia).

144凡人:2012/11/28(水) 17:54:25 ID:Khw97dT20

Restaurant lingo meaning "take an item off the menu." By extension it can also mean to get rid of almost anything (including doing away with somebody). The Urbandictionary entry attributing the term to the 1980s is erroneous. I worked as a short order cook in the late 1960s and it was in use in a half dozen NewYork city joints where I worked. Oldtimers say the term was around in the 1940s and that the derivation is Article 86 of the New York Liquor Code which describes the circumstances under which liquor should be withheld from a customer.

Restaurant manager: "we ran out of chipped beef . . . eighty-six the shit on a shingle."

145凡人:2012/11/30(金) 12:41:20 ID:tmo.3oSQ0

Noun: A social gathering, esp. for coffee and conversation.

146凡人:2012/12/01(土) 14:21:12 ID:A95G/aMA0

In the fashion world, it means to make something better, generally by tweaking or quirking it to better fit what it's supposed to do both functionally and artistically. It's become most popular due to its frequent use on the hit Bravo show Queer Eye for the Straight Guy, usually by their fashion guru Carson Kressly. It is very hard to pronounce, and even harder to spell, many times often misspelled 'jujj' or 'jooj'. Pronounced "zhuj", by the way.
Carson: "Just tszuj it a little, and you're set!"

147凡人:2012/12/06(木) 12:39:12 ID:twk7ovu20
Cop A Feel

It routes from the word "Cop". It's pretty much like when a cop frisks you, they are touching you without consent. So when someone cops a feel they simpily feel someone up with out consent. The urban version only implies the feeling of genitalia and breast regions. It usually happens in crowded areas.

I'm going to cop a feel at this rave and get a handful of tiggle bitties from some broad

148凡人:2012/12/08(土) 14:47:43 ID:gVXxwDdM0

1.(of food or drink) Pleasant to taste.
2.(of an action or proposal) Acceptable or satisfactory.

savoury - tasty - savory - toothsome - delicious - sapid

149凡人:2012/12/10(月) 15:11:48 ID:bthxtYT.0
in the buff

To be nude

strippers are in the buff

150凡人:2012/12/13(木) 10:31:52 ID:PTcarfDA0
'Out of your hair'

If you get someone out of your hair, you get them to stop bothering or annoying you.

('Stay/keep/get out of my hair!' can be used as imperatives)

151凡人:2012/12/14(金) 17:57:19 ID:Gx2wD1C60
● pigeon-hole messagebox/cubbyhole

A pigeon-hole messagebox (commonly referred to as a pigeon-hole or pidge, a cubbyhole (often shortened to "cubby") or simply as a mailbox in some academic or office settings) is an internal mail system commonly used for communication in organisations, workplaces and educational institutes in the United Kingdom and other countries. Documents and messages are placed in a person's pigeon-hole for them to collect; they can reply by putting a response inside the sender's pigeon-hole.

The name comes from the similarity in appearance to the compartments used in pigeon racing to store the animals whilst in transit.

Cubbies are also used in American preschools and kindergartens as places to store backpacks, lunchboxes, and jackets.

In large organisations the mailboy delivers mail to departmental pigeon holes from the postroom.

<Meanings in various countries>

*In South Africa, cubby-hole is the local word for a glove compartment in a vehicle.
*This use is also common in Zimbabwe and Barbados.
*In England it may refer to the cupboard under the stairs.

152凡人:2012/12/15(土) 11:28:24 ID:SlRvF5Gk0
make it rain

Throwing money at strippers; a song by Fat Joe and Lil Wayne; also what Rob and Big did to people in Tampa, they threw $5000 in $1 bills to all the people from the top of a half pipe, they made it rain! Lets make it rain.

"What's the forecast look like today?" "It's gonna be perfect weather, with a 100% chance of rain!" "I make it rain on dem hoes!"

153凡人:2012/12/19(水) 14:09:28 ID:Adgu59nk0
Swatting is an attempt to trick any emergency service (such as a 9-1-1 dispatcher) into dispatching any emergency response based on a false reporting of an incident. Incidents may range from large to small, from an entire SWAT unit to a fabricated police report meant to discredit an individual as a prank or personal vendetta. It is a misdemeanor or a felony in most states to report any untruth to law enforcement. The name 'swatting" as in "swatting a fly", derived from SWAT (Special Weapons and Tactics), one type of such team.

154凡人:2012/12/19(水) 14:10:16 ID:Adgu59nk0
A dirge is a somber song or lament expressing mourning or grief, such as would be appropriate for performance at a funeral. The word is also commonly used to describe singing in an un-tuneful manner.

155凡人:2012/12/19(水) 14:11:05 ID:Adgu59nk0
A bier is a stand on which a corpse, coffin, or casket containing a corpse, is placed to lie in state or to be carried to the grave.

156凡人:2012/12/19(水) 14:19:13 ID:Adgu59nk0

1. To spend a large amount of money at once.

2. To sit down suddenly.

3. To hit something or someone hard with an object.

1. I can't believe you plunked down that much money for that car!

2. Plunk yourself down right here next to me.

3. The teacher plunked the boy on the head with his backhand before he could lift up the girl's skirt.

157凡人:2012/12/23(日) 15:04:41 ID:CC45fB9k0
Crampons are traction devices used to improve mobility on snow and ice during ice climbing. There are three main attachment systems for footwear: step-in, hybrid, and strap bindings. The first two require boots with welts, the last adapt to any type.

Oscar Eckenstein designed the first 10-point crampon in 1908, dramatically reducing the need for step cutting. This design was then made commercially available by the Italian Henry Grivel.

158凡人:2012/12/25(火) 01:08:49 ID:nKgB3Ww20
A prostitute or promiscuous woman.

strumpet - streetwalker - trollop - moll - drab - tramp

159凡人:2012/12/25(火) 14:44:56 ID:nKgB3Ww20
Epaulette (pron.: /ˈɛpəlɛt/; also spelled epaulet)[1] is a type of ornamental shoulder piece or decoration used as insignia of rank by armed forces and other organizations.

Epaulettes are fastened to the shoulder by a shoulder strap or "passant", a small strap parallel to the shoulder seam, and the button near the collar, or by laces on the underside of the epaulette passing through holes in the shoulder of the coat. Colloquially, any shoulder straps with marks are also called epaulettes. The placement of the epaulette, its color and the length and diameter of its bullion fringe are used to signify the wearer's rank. At the join of the fringe and the shoulderpiece is often a metal piece in the form of a crescent. Although originally worn in the field, epaulettes are more common today on dress or ceremonial uniforms.

160凡人:2012/12/25(火) 14:54:45 ID:nKgB3Ww20
glib adjective \ˈglib\
glibber glibbest

1a : marked by ease and informality : nonchalant b : showing little forethought or preparation : offhand <glib answers> c : lacking depth and substance : superficial <glib solutions to knotty problems>
2archaic : smooth, slippery
3: marked by ease and fluency in speaking or writing often to the point of being insincere or deceitful <a glib politician>
— glib&middot;ly adverb
— glib&middot;ness noun

*Politicians need to do more than provide glib answers to difficult questions.
*the actor's glib portrayal of a drug addict
*Or they could have saddled us with “The Stranger,” which had the mitigating charm of being glib and pretentious and would thus have kept the kids who were obviously going to end up at Bard happy. —Joe Queenan, New York Times Book Review3 June 2007

161凡人:2012/12/26(水) 03:28:51 ID:SyxpM4fU0
Perplex (someone) greatly; bewilder: "he was completely flummoxed by the question".

confuse - bewilder - confound - perplex

162凡人:2012/12/26(水) 08:35:16 ID:SyxpM4fU0
precise measurements

Compasses and calipers during the 18th century, were frequently used to measure and fit work. Many products' designs were based on the proportional relationships between their parts stepped off with a compass rather than on measurements expressed in feet or inches.

163凡人:2012/12/27(木) 01:24:27 ID:wYebsq3k0

A loose coatlike outer garment, often worn to protect the clothes while working.

164凡人:2012/12/28(金) 03:06:48 ID:DqT9U31A0
stuff your face (slang).

to eat continuously They're home watching the ballgame on TV and stuffing their faces with potato chips.

165凡人:2012/12/29(土) 10:09:34 ID:qMbR4mw60
Flapping their gums

When someone is said to be “flapping their gums” it means that he or she talks a lot about topics he or she doesn't really understand or know about. It also means to say something but not really mean it.

Frank and Joe are always flapping their gums about what it's like to be street hustlers, when they have never even been out of the burbs.

166凡人:2013/01/03(木) 16:52:25 ID:8nfH14Hg0

A term to describe quick sexual intercourse which includes the man not taking off his pants and alot of dry humping. This term is commonly used by english teachers like Mr. Fetterman

In the Mel Gibson version Hamlet boffed his mother

167凡人:2013/01/04(金) 09:22:11 ID:hzP61Y6w0
What Is First Dibs?

First dibs, or sometimes just dibs, is a phrase used when a person wants to declare ownership or express interest in something. By calling first dibs, or by being offered first dibs, the person gains an advantage over other people. He effectively gets the right of first refusal. A person who gets a first dibs privilege may be given the opportunity to choose first among several different options – or he can also decide to pass on the opportunity. The enviable situation that a first dibs opportunity gives is the privilege to actually accept or deny ownership of something without having to worry about any competition.

168凡人:2013/01/04(金) 14:39:41 ID:hzP61Y6w0
buff 1
1. A soft, thick, undyed leather made chiefly from the skins of buffalo, elk, or oxen.
2. A military uniform coat made of such leather.
3. A pale, light, or moderate yellowish pink to yellow, including moderate orange-yellow to light yellowish brown.
4. Informal Bare skin: swimming in the buff.
5. A piece of soft material, such as velvet or leather, often mounted on a block and used for polishing.

1. Made or formed of buff: a buff jacket.
2. Of the color buff.
3. buff&middot;er, buff&middot;est Slang Having good muscle tone; physically fit and trim: buff athletes lifting weights at the gym.

tr.v. buffed, buff&middot;ing, buffs
1. To polish or shine with a piece of soft material.
2. To soften the surface of (leather) by raising a nap.
3. To make the color of buff.

buff 2
n. Informal
One who is enthusiastic and knowledgeable about a subject: a Civil War buff.

169凡人:2013/01/06(日) 16:08:14 ID:VkGSCc5I0


1.Challenge (a judge, prosecutor, or juror) as unqualified to perform legal duties because of a possible conflict of interest or lack of...: "a motion to recuse the prosecutor"

2.(of a judge) Excuse oneself from a case because of a possible conflict of interest or lack of impartiality.

170凡人:2013/01/08(火) 14:10:26 ID:Ov1PYS..0
bunny boiler

n. a woman who follows or observes her mark persistently, especially out of obsession or derangement (stress derangement). A bunny boiler's mark is a man that she has had sex with maybe one time, usually this man is hard working and strives to succeed profesionally and in life. A bunny boiler's plan consists of plan A and plan B.

Plan A: The ultimate goal of a bunny boiler is to fix her mark's life by interfering and/or setting him up and blackmailing him in an effort to force him into a horrible relationship that was never meant to be. The bunny boiler's goal is almost certainly a recipe for disaster and a fate worse than death itself. When the plan begins to fail the bunny boiler then resorts to plan B: destruction.

The term is taken from Glenn Close's character in 'Fatal Attraction', who after engaging in a steamy hot one time sex scene with a colleague, Michael Douglas' character, she resorts to boiling her former one time sex parter's family pet rabbit in an all out war aimed at disrupting his life, family, career and destroy (emphasis on destroy) him for not wanting a sincere man/woman (nuclear family) type relationship with her.
An open letter to all bunny boilers:

Dear Bunny Boilers (you know who you are):

I am sorry that it didn't work out. Really I meant you no harm and hope that you had a good time. I am sure you will find a new boy friend.

Your friend always

E. Nuff Allready

171凡人:2013/01/08(火) 14:12:08 ID:Ov1PYS..0
off the rails

To start behaving strangely, in a way that is not acceptable to society.

He went off the rails in his twenties and started living on the streets.

172凡人:2013/01/08(火) 14:56:46 ID:Ov1PYS..0
bust a move

To hit on a chick. Make a move on a woman.

I'm gonna bust a move on that fine ass bitch.

173凡人:2013/01/08(火) 14:59:03 ID:Ov1PYS..0

A daub, blot, or smear of something, typically a liquid.

Make such a daub, blot, or smear on: "a rag splotched with grease".

174凡人:2013/01/10(木) 04:41:24 ID:hWPnjzRw0

175凡人:2013/01/11(金) 08:09:39 ID:KykvHos.0
fly off the handle

to react in a very angry way to something that someone says or does

He's extremely irritable - he flies off the handle at the slightest thing.

176凡人:2013/01/11(金) 14:19:29 ID:KykvHos.0
"Butt Glue" is the common name for a body adhesive that is often used by Beauty Pageant contestants to help keep their swimsuit in place when they model swimwear.

Popular Uses
Butt Glue was originally popular for it's use during beauty pageants. But the glue is also practical for contests or activities such as dance or Ice Skating. It is also useful for actors in theater and film during performance, while wearing revealing or provocative outfits. In general, the product is used to prevent embarrassing or inappropriate movement of costumes during public display. The novelty of the item also makes it a popular joke gift.

177凡人:2013/01/11(金) 14:54:24 ID:KykvHos.0
The mullet is a hairstyle that is short at the front and sides, and long in the back.[1] The mullet began to appear in popular media in the 1960s and 1970s but did not become generally well known until the early 1980s. It continued to be popular until the mid-1990s.

178凡人:2013/01/11(金) 15:01:39 ID:KykvHos.0
a tackle box?

To keep all bait & lures tidy and handy when fishing

179凡人:2013/01/11(金) 15:08:09 ID:KykvHos.0
On the horn

On the phone; talking on the phone

A: She gave me her phone number two days ago

B: You had better get on the horn pretty quick if you want her to go out with you

180凡人:2013/01/11(金) 19:00:24 ID:KykvHos.0
The burpee (identical to what is in US English termed a "squat thrust") is a full body exercise used in strength training and as aerobic exercise.

(Military 8 count bodybuilder)

1.Squat with hands on the ground,
2.Kick back your feet,
3.Down for push up,
4.Up for Push up,
5.Kick feet back in,
6.Stand up,
7.Motion one of a jumping jack,
8.Motion two of a jumping jack.

181凡人:2013/01/12(土) 13:05:35 ID:4OUVlEVw0


1. An authoritative order having the force of law.
2. Law The judgment of a court of equity, admiralty, probate, or divorce.
3. Roman Catholic Church
a. A doctrinal or disciplinary act of an ecumenical council.
b. An administrative act applying or interpreting articles of canon law.

v. de&middot;creed, de&middot;cree&middot;ing, de&middot;crees

To ordain, establish, or decide by decree. See Synonyms at dictate.

To issue a decree.

[Middle English decre, from Old French decret, from Latin dcrtum, principle, decision, from neuter past participle of dcernere, to decide : d-, de- + cernere, to sift; see krei- in Indo-European roots.]

182凡人:2013/01/12(土) 16:55:24 ID:4OUVlEVw0
on the grind

staying "on the grind" means to work hard, always be hustling, or otherwise engaged in money-making or woman-procuring activities.

people who were once poor and become wealthy might then become lazy and indolent and spend all day in champagne-filled jacuzzis whereas other newly-successful people might continue to work hard, thus "staying on the grind"
there are many examples from 50 Cent's latest release, "the Massacre", but i'll offer up two:

excerpt from "God gave me style":

A O.G. told me God's favorites have a hard time
You out the hood, that's good now stay on the grind

Chorus from "Bitch get in my car":

I got no pickup lines
I stay on the grind
I tell the hoes all the time
Bitch get in my car (Bitch get in)
I got my 64, ridin' on Dayton spokes
And when I open that do'
Bitch get in my car

183凡人:2013/01/12(土) 16:59:08 ID:4OUVlEVw0
Ask for her hand in marriage

pop the question

184凡人:2013/01/13(日) 05:58:05 ID:T88WnrCg0
Patina is a tarnish that forms on the surface of copper, bronze and similar metals (produced by oxidation or other chemical processes); stone; a sheen on wooden furniture produced by age, wear, and polishing; or any such acquired change of a surface through age and exposure. Patinas can provide a protective layer to materials that would otherwise be damaged by corrosion or weathering. They may also be aesthetically appealing.

On metal, patina is a coating of various chemical compounds such as oxides, carbonates, sulfides, or sulfates formed on the surface during exposure to atmospheric elements (oxygen, rain, acid rain, carbon dioxide, sulfur-bearing compounds). Patina also refers to accumulated changes in surface texture and colour that result from normal use of an object such as a coin or a piece of furniture over time.

185凡人:2013/01/13(日) 08:27:03 ID:T88WnrCg0
A palapa (a Spanish word of Mayan origin, meaning "pulpous leaf") is an open-sided dwelling with a thatched roof made of dried palm leaves. It is very useful in hot weather and, therefore, very common in Mexican beaches, such as in Acapulco. It is perhaps one of the most important architectural contributions of Philippine culture to Mexican West cultures.

Palapas are also common in Honduras and other Central American countries.

186凡人:2013/01/13(日) 08:36:44 ID:T88WnrCg0
A gazebo is a pavilion structure, sometimes octagonal or turret-shaped, often built in a park, garden or spacious public area.

187凡人:2013/01/13(日) 08:40:06 ID:T88WnrCg0
A pagoda is the general term in the English language for a tiered tower, built in the traditions originating in historic East Asia or with respect to those traditions, with multiple eaves common in Nepal, India, China, Japan, Korea, Vietnam, Burma and other parts of Asia. Some pagodas are used as Taoist houses of worship. Most pagodas were built to have a religious function, most commonly Buddhist, and were often located in or near temples. This term may refer to other religious structures in some countries. In Vietnam and Cambodia, due to French translation, the English term pagoda is a more generic term referring to a place of worship, although pagoda is not an accurate word to describe a Buddhist temple. The modern pagoda is an evolution of the Ancient Nepal stupa, a tomb-like structure where sacred relics could be kept safe and venerated.[1] The architectural structure of the stupa has spread across Asia, taking on many diverse forms as details specific to different regions are incorporated into the overall design.

188凡人:2013/01/15(火) 07:47:04 ID:45dyLut.0
A vole is a small rodent resembling a mouse but with a stouter body, a shorter, hairy tail, a slightly rounder head, smaller ears and eyes, and differently formed molars (high-crowned and with angular cusps instead of low-crowned and with rounded cusps). There are approximately 155 species of voles. They are sometimes known as meadow mice or field mice in North America. Vole species form the subfamily Arvicolinae with the lemmings and the muskrats.

189凡人:2013/01/16(水) 12:37:08 ID:QMtzdk8I0

a small, unintended defecation that occurs when one relaxes the anal sphincter to fart (blend of "shit" and "fart")

I sharted at the party last night and went home pronto to change my clothes.

190凡人:2013/01/16(水) 12:56:46 ID:QMtzdk8I0
A wet nurse is a woman who breast feeds and cares for another's child. Wet nurses are employed when the mother is unable or chooses not to nurse the child herself. Wet-nursed children may be known as "milk-siblings", and in some cultures the families are linked by a special relationship of milk kinship. Mothers who nurse each other's babies are engaging in a reciprocal act known as cross-nursing or co-nursing.

191凡人:2013/01/16(水) 17:36:30 ID:QMtzdk8I0
WTF stands for What the fuck. If you are unsure of something or pissed off or dont understand why something has happened.

Girl: Bananas dance at night.
Boy: WTF!!

Mean girl: Your an asshole.
Stupid guy: Wtf!!

Monkey1: The Zebra asked me out.
Gorilla: She was mine bitch!!
Human: WTF!!!

Boy: MY cousin ate me for dinner.
Girl: WTF!!

Depressed guy: My girlfriend left me for a goldfish.
Bitch: WTF!

192凡人:2013/01/16(水) 17:40:25 ID:QMtzdk8I0
off chance
A remote or slight chance: The sun was shining, but I brought an umbrella on the off chance that it might rain.

193凡人:2013/01/18(金) 14:39:20 ID:KTlLalZg0

An abbreviation of 'radical'--a term made popular by the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Still primarily used by people on the West Coast who find words like 'cool', 'awesome', and 'tight' to be tired and overused; 'rad' is generally considered to be a much higher praise than the aforementioned superlatives. Also used as a general expression of awe.

"Those are some rad shoes."

"Oh, RAD."

194凡人:2013/01/18(金) 16:40:01 ID:KTlLalZg0
corked out

Being intoxicated to the point where one's physical an mental states are impaired by an excess of some substance.

All those shots got me so corked out at his party last night!

195凡人:2013/01/18(金) 17:15:54 ID:KTlLalZg0


1.(of a person) Surprised and confused so much that they are unsure how to react.
2.(of a person) Unperturbed.

aghast - confused

196凡人:2013/01/19(土) 17:26:38 ID:dGlotJkU0

1. Derivitive of the word penis.

There was an intoxicated man dancing on the train with no pants on, his peen was flopping around everywhere!

197凡人:2013/01/19(土) 19:13:36 ID:dGlotJkU0
a cog in the machine/wheel

one part of a large system or organization He was just a small cog in the large wheel of organised crime. This warehouse is an important cog in our distribution machine.

198凡人:2013/01/19(土) 21:26:39 ID:dGlotJkU0


1.Twisted silk or cotton with cord or wire running through it, used chiefly in upholstery.
2.offensive. A physically handicapped or lame person.

offensive. Limp; hobble: "she gimped around".

199凡人:2013/01/19(土) 21:27:58 ID:dGlotJkU0
stipple (stpl)

tr.v. stip&middot;pled, stip&middot;pling, stip&middot;ples
1. To draw, engrave, or paint in dots or short strokes.
2. To apply (paint, for example) in dots or short strokes.
3. To dot, fleck, or speckle: "They crossed a field stippled with purple weeds" (Flannery O'Connor).
1. A method of drawing, engraving, or painting using dots or short strokes.
2. The effect produced by stippling.

200凡人:2013/01/20(日) 18:22:40 ID:B3UAjQqI0

going balistic on someone:flippin out:fuckin someone up
That nig went HAM on that bitch!!!

201凡人:2013/01/21(月) 07:26:49 ID:QneVluks0

Attractively unusual or old-fashioned.

odd - strange - weird - peculiar - bizarre - outlandish

202凡人:2013/01/21(月) 23:45:35 ID:CjvVAk5o0
walking papers

A dismissal, as in They're downsizing, and I got my walking papers last week. This slangy expression, first recorded in 1835, refers to a written notice of dismissal.

Also called Walking Ticket. A notification of dismissal from a job.

203凡人:2013/01/23(水) 11:22:28 ID:wjKdTDY60
1. wheelhouse

area of expertise, a particular skill;

as an alcoholic, a beer drinking contest is right in my wheelhouse.

2. wheelhouse

In baseball this is the part of an individual's swinging range in which as a hitter they can make the best contact with the ball. If a pitch is right in your wheelhouse it is right where you want it, in the spot where you have the best chance of hitting it well.

The term is also often used to explain something that falls into a person's area of expertise.

ESPN: "Konerko can hit the ball 500 ft. if it's pitched right in his wheelhouse."

Child 1: "How can we get this hot girl to take her clothes off?"
Child 2: "Ask Hugh Heffner, that's right in his wheelhouse."

3. wheelhouse

Anything that can be acted on with confident success.

I'm guessing it originates from the fact that a wheelhouse is the room on the bridge of a ship where you steer from, providing you with clear view & control to steer the situation.

Have the handsome guy address that roomful of female sales potentials; it's right in his wheelhouse.

Singing this song in that key is right in your wheelhouse.

That pitch was thrown down & out, right in the batter's wheelhouse.

204凡人:2013/01/23(水) 18:14:53 ID:wjKdTDY60
a hunk of junk from a skunk

205凡人:2013/01/25(金) 23:59:47 ID:hrjngfvU0
There is a difference between smoked salmon and lox. Smoked salmon is first cured in brine or with a dry rub, and then either cold- or hot-smoked. Fish smoked at a low temperature (cold-smoked) retains a silky texture like that of uncooked fish, while the hot-smoked type has the consistency of moist baked fish. Lox and gravlax (dill- flavored Scandinavian salmon) are not smoked, only cured in brine. The cold-smoked salmon favored by the French has a more subtle flavor than Jewish-style lox, and is therefore served on its own.

206凡人:2013/01/26(土) 00:27:05 ID:hrjngfvU0
sludge (slj)

1. Semisolid material such as the type precipitated by sewage treatment.
2. Mud, mire, or ooze covering the ground or forming a deposit, as on a riverbed.
3. Finely broken or half-formed ice on a body of water, especially the sea.
4. An agglutination or aggregation of blood cells forming a semisolid mass that often impedes circulation.

intr.v. sludged, sludg&middot;ing, sludg&middot;es
To agglutinate or aggregate into a semisolid mass; form a sludge. Used of blood cells.

207凡人:2013/01/29(火) 05:43:56 ID:pB2SIsA20


tr.v. a&middot;vert&middot;ed, a&middot;vert&middot;ing, a&middot;verts

1. To turn away: avert one's eyes.
2. To ward off (something about to happen); prevent: averted an accident by turning sharply. See Synonyms at prevent.

[Middle English averten, from Old French avertir, from Latin vertere : -, ab-, away from; see ab-1 + vertere, to turn; see wer-2 in Indo-European roots.]

208凡人:2013/01/29(火) 09:11:23 ID:pB2SIsA20
bias (bs)

1. A line going diagonally across the grain of fabric: Cut the cloth on the bias.
a. A preference or an inclination, especially one that inhibits impartial judgment.
b. An unfair act or policy stemming from prejudice.
3. A statistical sampling or testing error caused by systematically favoring some outcomes over others.
4. Sports
a. A weight or irregularity in a ball that causes it to swerve, as in lawn bowling.
b. The tendency of such a ball to swerve.
5. The fixed voltage applied to an electrode.
Slanting or diagonal; oblique: a bias fold.
tr.v. bi&middot;ased or bi&middot;assed, bi&middot;as&middot;ing or bi&middot;as&middot;sing, bi&middot;as&middot;es or bi&middot;as&middot;ses
1. To influence in a particular, typically unfair direction; prejudice.
2. To apply a small voltage to (a grid).

209凡人:2013/01/29(火) 09:13:15 ID:pB2SIsA20

Getting yourself or others into a situation that is way over your head and spirals out of control.

Origin 1: President George W. Bush's Presidency
Origin 2: Michael D. Brown, FEMA Director / Bush's appointment
Origin 3: President Bush's nomination of Harriet Miers to the United States Supreme Court
We told some guy that our software could do all that and then when he invited us to a meeting, it turned out the president of his company was there expecting a demo and we totally got bushed.

I lied on my resume years ago by saying that I fluent in Spanish and then forgot about it until my first day at my new job and I totally got bushed when it turned out I was supposed to be the liaison to the Latin American office.

210凡人:2013/01/29(火) 14:12:51 ID:pB2SIsA20
keep somebody on their toes

to force someone to continue giving all their attention and energy to what they are doing He gave me a couple of extra things to do just to keep me on my toes.

211凡人:2013/01/30(水) 17:51:56 ID:MQbnsFDE0

When both a girls nipples slip out of her top but not the whole breast.

Called "peeps" because it resembles two eyes "peeping" over a fence.

Not to be confused with only the areola showing, or nipples visible through a garment.

"Dude, check out the peeps on that girl getting out of the water."

212凡人:2013/01/30(水) 23:55:23 ID:qdnfaawg0

To cosnpire to ruin someones reputation untill they become unemployable and people refuse to associate with them.

After he cancelled that concert his manager blackballed him. Now no record company wants to produce his album.


the process where someone says things behind someones back to make themselves seem good, then acts all freindly towards taht person when they see them.

"that dick keeps playing blackball with you"


Going without undershorts, said of a male, so called because his balls hang free and unencumbered. A similar expression is "going commando," which can be used of either a male or female without underwear, but is more often used of a male.

"A lot of guys like to freeball in the summer, but I prefer jockey shorts, to give my balls a little support, since otherwise they hang too low in the heat. I do freeball if I'm anticipating a sexual encounter, however!"

213凡人:2013/02/02(土) 13:07:52 ID:.p5ucJmA0
Rockers & Bikers
Sexy Glam & Blings
Western Chic
Boho Chic
Girly Chic
Classy Formal & Preppy
Beach & Resort
Urban & Utilitarian Chic

214凡人:2013/02/02(土) 13:08:23 ID:.p5ucJmA0
own up

Verb 1. own up - admit or acknowledge a wrongdoing or error; "the writer of the anonymous letter owned up after they identified his handwriting"

fess up, make a clean breast of

concede, confess, profess - admit (to a wrongdoing); "She confessed that she had taken the money"

215凡人:2013/02/02(土) 13:43:28 ID:.p5ucJmA0
Boho-chic is a style of female fashion drawing on various bohemian and hippie influences, which, at its height in 2004–05, was associated particularly with actress Sienna Miller and model Kate Moss in the United Kingdom and (as "bobo" chic) actresses Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen and Nicole Richie in the United States.

It has been seen since the early 1990s and, although appearing to wane from time to time, has repeatedly re-surfaced in varying guises. Many elements of boho-chic became popular in the late 1960s and some date back much further, being associated, for example, with pre-Raphaelite women of the mid-to-late 19th century.

216凡人:2013/02/04(月) 14:14:09 ID:qm677vj.0


Delay or prevent (someone or something) by obstructing them; hinder.

hinder - hamper - obstruct - prevent - encumber - inhibit

217凡人:2013/02/05(火) 19:38:53 ID:loKKcIAg0
fly off the handle (informal)

to react in a very angry way to something someone says or does He really flew off the handle when I suggested selling the house.

218凡人:2013/02/09(土) 04:40:27 ID:2ojxhAzg0
riding shotgun

Earning the right to ride in the front passenger seat of someone's car. This is also the direct opposite of "riding bitch," where you are sitting center-backseat, sandwiched by your friends (aka: riding gay, riding whore). It is "shotgun"'s responsibility for controlling car temperature, changing radio stations, calling out landmarks, and flagging down hot girls.

Variations to "calling shotgun" can include paper/rock/scisors, coin flip, or being the first to yell "shotgun" when the driver pulls their car keys out of their pocket. Seniority rarely means anything when calling shotgun.

Steve was riding shotgun because he won the coin flip in the mall.


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