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1Aya:2011/10/13(木) 21:16:06
【This thread is for the contributors from KIFL who submit their Quick Write products as weekly assignment.】

Monday, Oct 3, 2011 9:01

【Bright lights, big city, no friends】

Dear Cary,
After I had been widowed for three years, I fell in love with a man who lives in a large city (I lived in a small town). We tried long-distance dating for two years. It was very difficult, and we came to the conclusion we wanted to be together. Since he was still working, the only way we could be together was for me to move to the city.
It was a difficult decision. I would have to leave my friends of many years to move to a major city where I didn’t know anyone. Also, he has a long commute to work and sometimes has to work late.
I moved to the city two years ago. We have a wonderful relationship, and I love the city. However, I do not have one friend. I joined a yoga class and am taking an art class. I volunteer twice a week. I’ve also tried to join a book club. I cannot find one book club in my area that has either mixed ages or women my age (I am in my mid-60s). It seems everyone in our neighborhood is between 25 and 40. Sometimes I get so lonely I just want to go to bed. I am so depressed.
We have talked about moving to a different area of the city, but right now the housing market is so depressed. I dread the onset of winter when I am even more isolated. I am happy on the weekends but then Monday rolls around. Cary, I feel like I am losing my mind. How do I pull myself out of this?

Sad Lady
(273 words)

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2101035:2011/10/14(金) 10:35:58
Hi, Ms. Sad Lady.
I was surprised by reading your problem. That’s because you fell in love even you are mid-60s. At first, I’m sorry but I felt that you are kind of crazy. But, I think it over once again. Then, I realized that there is no generation gap between “lovers.” Shame on myself that I thought it was stupid that 60s people would fall in love!! So, I was going to say to you “Give up your love and go back to your hometown.” But I will never say it. Now, I’d like to advice you that you should find another hobby. A yoga class or an art class are for young people. So, why don’t you try something for your age? I’m sure that your active person. Then, you can do it!! You won’t be afraid of anything if you are with someone who you love deeply. Please have a wonderful life with him.

3101719:2011/10/14(金) 12:01:33
Thank you for your letter.
How is your going? I understood your situation. I think your decision was right.
And now what you should do is that leave your feeling from your hometown. And you should love the city. I think you always compare with your hometown and the city. But, every city or country has each good point.
I have two suggestions. First, why don’t you invite your neighbor for dinner? Then, you cab ask them around there or community, everything you want ask. I think if you could make a good relationship, your life will be more fun. Second, why don’t you work?
Because, work place don’t need to think about your age, hometown, or hobbies. And they do same work. So, you can have same small problem or something. To solving some problem together can make good relationship.

I hope you get over your problem. (148 words)

4101692:2011/10/14(金) 12:09:02
Dear Sad Lady
Hello! Thank you for your message. I understand your issue and how you feel. I’ll give you advice.
Friends are really important for life. I think no friends no life. Friends give us mental wealth, so you should make any friends. Don’t give up!! However, I know you make a lot of efforts to make friends. You have many opportunities to make friends, but you can’t. I think the reason why is that the activities you join are kind of for younger people. You know almost all participants are younger than you. It is not impossible to be friend with younger people but I think the same age people as you can easily be friends. So why don’t you join the activities which there are more the same age people as you.
By the way, the most important thing I want to tell you is the relationship between you and your boyfriend. You said you and he make a good relationship, but does he realize you feel sad because you have no friends? I think it’s important to realize the partner’s feeling. Is he worried about you? Please reconsider your relationship.
I hope you can solve the problem soon. Bye!! (203words)

5101170:2011/10/14(金) 16:19:21
Dear Sad lady,
Hi. To begin with, I’m happy that you and your boyfriend have a very good relationship. Actually, having no friend is a really big problem as you said. I think that attending some classes is a wonderful idea to make a friend. If there was a small problem, it would “what kind of class you choose”. So, why don’t you try to join a gardening class or a handicraft class? I assume that many people who are in the same age as you probably attend these classes. In addition, I think the reason why you feel lonely is you have enough time to think about something too much. So, why don’t you try to take a job except for a volunteer? Simple task is O.K. If you can feel that you are needed by someone, you don’t get so lonely. The other solution is moving to a different city as you know. Your boyfriend has a long commute, right? I guess moving to near his office is also nice idea. I recommend you to find friends in a class. In all likelihood, it’s the easiest method. Good job.

6101118:2011/10/14(金) 16:21:29
Thank you for your letter. This is a difficult problem. Although moving to a different area of the city might be good decision, why don't you stay in this city where you live now for a while? I think the important thing is neither age nor exterior. Nobody cares about those. A person who has bad character doesn't have a good friends or couldn't make them, but a person who has good character has many friends. What I have to say is that the most important thing is heart, so you should have a confidence. If you act like myself, you can make a new friend, so never mind about age and exterior. You can make it. I hope you'll make a new friend, enjoy your life and get along with your boyfriend. Good luck! (135 words)

720101458:2011/10/15(土) 00:56:15
Thank you for your letter, Ms. Sad Lady.Oh, you poor thing. I understood your problem. Certainly, having friends are very important for one’s life. However, I think that friend's number is not important. Do you have some hobbies? If you and a companion have a common hobby, conversation will continue deeply. For example, my hobby is going to Tokyo Disney Resort. And, I often go there alone to watch some shows and parades. One day, I made a friend who likes going there alone to watch some shows and parades like me. She is 52 years old now. Surprisingly, she is a person of the same age as my mother! Although her age differs from me more than double, we often meet there and watch some shows and parades. If you overlook, there must be many opportunities for encounter with people.May the friend suitable for you is found!You are in my prayers. Good luck!!(157words)

820101485:2011/10/15(土) 16:20:15
I can understand and you have all my sympathy.

I think you are a hard worker. You can't become familiar major city and young people, right?
Did you talk with your old friend or husband? If you don't talk with them, you had better concult them.
You may relax. In my opinion, you don't need to adapt current life. You strive to adapt them, you are tired.
I can understand how you feel because I sometimes fell like you. As you know, there are various human or life. It is difficult for you living at major city.
Why don't you return your hometown and spend slowly? You can find something better than now. Good luck! (115words)

920101027:2011/10/15(土) 18:05:47

Thank you for your letter, Ms. Sad Lady.
I could understand your situation. It is lonely that you don’t have one friend, isn’t it? I have some suggestions for you. First of all, how about searching work? You tried to join yoga and art class, and started to volunteer. I think you are an active person. If you started work, you will get friends who can work together. By cooperating with other people can make a good relationship. Secondly, if you felt loneliness, you should return your hometown to see your old friends. Your friends will encourage you. I hope that you can get over the loneliness which you feel. Then, please enjoy your life with your boyfriend. (118 words)

10101195:2011/10/15(土) 18:43:55
Hello. Thank you for sending a letter for me.
You think too much I think. You have to think simply. First, you quit all club and class. I think yoga class has many young people, isn’t it? Usually, yoga class has many young women. Art class is same situation as yoga class isn’t it? And you can read book alone, so you can quit all club. Second, you will join neighborhood club. Neighborhood club has many women that same age as you, and also has many activities for you. You can make a lot of friends rather than yoga, art class, book club and volunteer. Also, did you use the Internet? It will help you to make friends. You should choose the club that suits you. I hope you will have nice life in your city. Bye.
(137 words)

1120101638:2011/10/16(日) 13:23:22
Thank you for your writhing. Umm… It is normal problem for people. Because, It is difficult to make friends when people move from other country. Of course, you are older than other people competitively. But, If you talk with other people of your class, you can make it positively. I believe that. So, you may find friend who have same hobby. In contrast to this situation, If you can’t change this mood, you should stay in your house. In case of that, you will be able to enjoy by using sawing or something. And Maybe to use computer is a little bit difficult. But If you do chat or kind of talking in computer, you can make good friend someday. (120words)

12101434:2011/10/17(月) 14:46:02
First, have any kinds of job. It’s difficult to get a full time work for you. So part time at super market is fine. Secondly, find new hobby. I think yoga and art class are for young people. How about start knitting or gardening and attend the classes? You may be able to have friends who are same age as you. Or make friends with younger people like your children’s age. You feel like talking to your son or daughter, if you have. Therefore, you will be busy and can live a full life than before. That is good for you. I know you are lively lady and have a strong mind to have friends. You don’t lose loneliness and a big city. I’m sure you and your husband have a wonderful life. (Word 133)

13101617:2011/10/17(月) 18:07:36
Hello Sad Lady. I read your letter and I understand why you are sad. I have three opinions. First you wrote that you joined a yoga club and are taking art class now. But you could not really enjoy these things, could you? So I recommend you to join other club and take other class instead. And I also recommend you to get a job. If you worked and you become busy, you would not get sad or lonely. Second why don`t you use some SNS? like the facebook or skype. These sites would help you to contact with your old friends who live in other cities are far from your city. And first you think it is difficult for you to use these sites. But you can gradually get used to using these. Finally would you find the hobby that you can enjoy and do it by yourself. For example reading books or watching DVDs. I hope you would live comfortable life with your Mr.Right! Good Luck! (168 words)

14101209:2011/10/17(月) 20:52:11
Hello, Thank you for telling your real feeling. First of all, I want to say congratulation on getting together with your boyfriend! However, you’re facing with new and hard problem. But it is a kind of obstacle. When people try to start new challenge, some trouble come with usually. Now, you tried to get with your boyfriend. If you really want to make success, you have to make over that problem. But actually it is not so difficult situation. If you change the viewpoint, your situation will turn over dramatically. First, you said there are many young people in your classes. However, why is it matter? You can be friends with all of generation. Probably, it is difficult to talk with you firstly for young generation, so you need to talk to such classmate. You don’t need hesitate! And then, you think too much your situation negatively. You already have done enough challenge, so you should think positive. By the way, I have one idea for you. How about ask your boyfriend to introduce your new friend? If your boyfriend’s friends, you don’t care about age or something. Moreover, it is very safe and reasonable way to find new friends. I think you can try mu idea. I hope you will find new good friends! Good luck! (217words)

15101212:2011/10/17(月) 21:52:51
Dear, Sad Lady.
Thank you for sending message. I read your letter, and I understood your situation.
I know it’s hard to make friends especially adult age. People who are children can make friends easily. But getting old, getting difficult to make friends. However you tried to make friends. I really respect of you. You’re positive person. But, First thing, you should think about your age. As you say, you joined a yoga class and took an art class. I think these classmates are must be young. It’s a little hard to make friends if there have age gap. So, you ought to join another class. How about gate ball class or golf class. If you don’t like sports, you don’t have to join. Don’t worry. They could be having knitting class. There are many classes. So, you can find class which is fit you. Please try to think about it! (151 words)

16101047:2011/10/17(月) 22:49:14
Thank you for your time to write to me about your worried.
I can feel your loneliness. Everybody feel like lonely when people are where is new for them. When I went to the place where I’ve never visited before, I felt really lonely at the first time.
But, it’s your decision to stay there with your partner. I know it was big decision. And it’s your way.
You may have a lot of energy for any kind of things like a yoga class, an art class, and volunteer. I’m sure you can still work and it’s work for your feeling. Any job is okay if you like it. If you work somewhere, you can make some friends and can earn money yourself. Then you can go back to your hometown to see your old friends sometime. It’s your money and friends!
Anyway, you don’t need to hasty so much. You can make your feeling more naturally to make some friends. Hope you are going to get peace of mind.
(169 words)

17101075:2011/10/18(火) 02:39:29
Dear Sad Lady
Hello and Thank you for your letter.
I understand how you can feel alone and isolated. It’s so hard and scary because no one can make it better for you.
But don’t forget you are not out there alone. You have a good partner!
You can move to the city where you didn’t know anyone because of you wanted to be together with your partner. Probably I can’t make a decision like this and most of the people can’t make a decision like you. Every man is dearest to himself.
You are an energetic and active person! You should talk to your neighbor!
Well in truth age is not a problem if two people get along then why can’t be they friends, I have many friends who have a huge age difference. We have a good friendship for several years. So you can make your friends in your neighborhood.
I hope you get good friends and you will get better soon! Enjoy your life!
(167 words)

18101044:2011/10/18(火) 11:07:17
Thank you for your e-mail. I was surprised that you are mid-60s and in a challenging situation. I understood your feeling. And I will give you some advice. First of all, you should join other activities. There are a lot of young people in a yoga or art class. But, for example, “fancywork”. A lot of people like you join this activity, so you can make friend easily. Second, if you don’t want join activity which I recommended, you have to keep youth like around you. In addition, it may good way to teach your “wisdom” to young people. Communication is important for represents you. I hope you be cool and more attractive. GOOD LUCK. (115word)

19101186:2011/10/18(火) 11:42:23
Thank you for your message. I understand your problem and I know you try to make a friend. But please thinking. You are mid-60s. It is just my image. Yoga class or book club is I think young people do it. That’s why I suggest you should change your class or club. For example, you change your class calligraphy, tea ceremony or something. The reason why calligraphy members are almost old. So you can make friends. It is easy to make friends. Or I have another idea. You try to talk with your neighborhood. It is the best way. Because you can talk about your family, trouble. It is easy talk. Don’t be shy! I know it is challenging for you. You are stranger in the city. Or I suggest you try to talk with your husband. Definitely, he understands your problem. You can do it. Good luck!(148words)

20101481:2011/10/18(火) 12:14:24
Hello, Sad Lady. Thank you for your writing. I received and read your message. This is very difficult problem for you. I understood how you can feel alone and isolated. I thought hard and found the best answer finally. In my opinion, you should choose breaking up with your boyfriend and return to your hometown or maintaining the status quo. In the world, there are many people who can’t find a destined person within a lifetime. Although you already have a best partner, you want to get more things. I seem you are some greedy. You should seriously realize your actual condition, and then you have to determine which the best is for you. However, don’t worry. If you care about the welfare of him, you are sure to make a wise decision. There is nothing to be afraid of. You absolutely have a bright future! Have a confidence yourself! I hope that you share a long and happy life together. Good luck. (163 words)

21101690:2011/10/18(火) 14:00:22
Dear Sad Lady

Thank you for your posting.
I think you are very nervous and anxious about your relationship. But you know, it is only 2 months that you have spent time in your new city, right? That’s very short to make a deep and good relationship, I guess. That’s why you don’t need to worry about that too much. This is normal that take a long time to get used to live in a new area.

And so you should keep joining the yoga class and the art class. They give you many opportunity which you can communicate with people who around you. That’s good.

In addition I would like to recommend join the book club. I know that you are worrying about the relationship with young people. However, I disagree with you. I can guess young people are better than people who are the same age as you when you start new relationship. The reason why is that they want to talk to you who have a lot of experiences. And the can understand you because they are already mature.

From now, you don’t have to worry about your age when you make your friends.
That’s a no matter.
You can trust me at all.

(208words/ 10min)

2220101179:2011/10/18(火) 14:09:34
Dear sad lady
Thanks for your letter. Now, you joined a lot of classes, but you got so lonely and depressed, right? In that case, you’d better quite. If you don’t feel fun, it’s not worth taking lesson. I think it’s waste of time and money. Don’t you think so? So I have three suggestions for you. First, why don’t you start learning other lessons? Such as, flower arrangement, harmonica and handicraft. I think that yoga or book club is for young people. So it’s a little bit hard to get along with them… And I have one more suggestion. How about having a pet? By staying with pet, you feel relax or fun. Pet may get rid of your negative feeling. Or how about starting to work outside? Then you absolutely make various types of friends at work place. Anyway, don’t be so depressed! You had friends in previous place. So as times go by, you can make friends. (160 words)

23101671:2011/10/18(火) 14:49:14
Thank you for your letter. I understand that it is difficult to live in the new city. But you don’t have to feel sad. What is the friend? You live with your lover. You have hobbies. You have got happy life already, haven’t you? If you meet the person who’d like to get to know you, you are friends. But I think getting friend isn’t task. Don’t jump to conclusions. All the same you feel lonely, why don’t you have a dog? I think he makes you happy. In addition when you take a walk with your dog, you meet various people and you might get friends. Finally, please talk with your lover. You ought to tell him your worries. He might give you advice. I hope your life will be happier than now! (134 words)

24101026:2011/10/18(火) 15:30:05
Thank you for your letter. I know your feeling. I think friends are very important thing for me. So if I have no friends, I feel sad. So first you should make friends. For example go to park, go to shopping, and so on. Or why don’t you have a pet? If you have a pet you can enjoy. You will make friends. You don’t need think too much. If you want to make a friend, you can make naturally. I hope you well done.( 85 words )

2520101141:2011/10/18(火) 17:47:53
Dear Sad lady. Thank you for your letter. I understand how you feel. This is not easy problem.
I think you seem to have misunderstood something. I think that friend's number is not important.
but I know that you and your boyfriend have a good relationship, haven't you? You are lucky.
Also, attending some classes are wonderful idea to make friends. so you are having a lot of
chances. you should talk same class mates voluntarily. In addition, how about ask your boyfriend
to introduce your new friend? If your boyfriend's friends. I think don't care something. also,
I think boyfriend's friends are very safe and easy way to find new friends. I hope you will good
life. Good luck. (123words)

26101088:2011/10/18(火) 17:49:27
hello! how are you? thank you for consulting with me. im happy to recieve your letter. i know you are in your mid-60s. but you don't feel it's nervus or a shame. love makes every people happy and to serve a lot of enjoynable.

you had decided to move to a large town from your town you lived in a small town. and at the present you dont used to be your new place. However, you dont need to be up set because you are positive. you have already take part in various activity such as joying yoga class.
so you need to continue what you dedicate to do.

An effort never goes unrewareded.(114 words)

27101474:2011/10/18(火) 17:56:07
thank you for your letter.I know your feeling that it is difficult to live in the new city. but I understand that you want to be together with him. So to be together you have to move to the city. I think it is the good decision because the decision is important for being together . That is happy for each other.
you are concerning about your age, dont you ? Acutually if you are much older than around people, it is difficult making friends each other. so as my advice, you should belong to comunity club which there are many older people. but you have to find the club. if you do so you can make a lot of friend . and you feel really fun.

see you (129words)

28101716:2011/10/18(火) 17:59:50
Hello! I know your feel because I lived the countryside and live in Tokyo now. I always feel people in Tokyo are pretty cold. Then I want to go my hometown. However my pet encourage me! Why don’t you have a pet? If you have a dog, you might go parks. Then you can have friends.
I have another plan! Why don’t you earn money? I think you can get friends at workplace and waste money. You may be satisfied with buying something.

29QWer:2011/10/18(火) 18:00:44
Thank you for e-mailing me. Then I would like to give some advice to you. Sometimes, it is very stressful for those who lived in countryside to live in a big city. Although there are a great number of people in the city, people who live in urban area feel lonely easily. I suppose the reason is that they are not interested in others so much. I know it not completely. If you are living in a village or small town, most of residents know each other and you hardly feel lonely. In the small village, there are not so many opportunities due to the small community. In the big city that you live in now, on the other hand, you have more chance to meet someone who you have not ever met. This is my main opinion. At last, you are now doing wonderful thing which anybody in your age cannot imitate. You could make such a difficult decision, so you can find your best friend in your city. You are just missing something. (175words)

30101716:2011/10/18(火) 18:01:21

31101475:2011/10/18(火) 18:03:17
Sorry I forgot write my ID.
Upper one is 101475.

32101792:2011/10/18(火) 18:06:18
Thank you for your letter. I understood how your feel lonely. You don’t need to be nervous. Don’t worry about it. Because I think you are outgoing to make a friend. Someday you will meet nice person. You don’t need to hurry and have plenty of time. I hope so. If you feel lonesome, why don’t you meet your old friend? You are not alone. Se you

33101603:2011/10/18(火) 18:08:51
Dear Sad Lady
Thank you for your letter. I think your problem is difficult for me. But I tried to think about your problem so I give you my advice. In my opinion, you should find a hobby that you really want to do. For example cook. You should study cooking very much then you will be good cooker and you will be able to have a home party. You have to invite your neighbors. I think it is good opportunity to make a friend. I hope to hear your good news. (92words)

34101752:2011/10/18(火) 18:26:05
Hello. Thank you for your letter! I understood your problem. You mean, you want to have some friends. So you joined a yoga class and are taking an art class. Then I’ll ask you. Do there classes have elderly person who almost same age with you? If there classes don’t have them, you quit the class. Because you can’t be friend with your neighborhood, can you? Then you couldn’t be friend with young people. You have to change the class or join another culture lesson in which elderly people are. And you also try to be friend in your neighborhood without give up. Good luck! (105 words)

3520101146:2011/10/18(火) 18:47:39
Hi, Sad Lady. Thank you for your letter and I understood what your problem is. Are you alright? I’m sorry to hear that you feel sad. At first, as you said, although you joined some classes, you couldn’t make any friends. But don’t worry, it’s not your fault. I guess these classes such as yoga class, almost all students are young. That’s why you couldn’t get used to be there. So, why don’t you join the class which gather 50 to 60 years old person. And also you said, you join the book club. I think you can make a friend in there. Because, even he/she is young person, if they have same interests of book or author, you could talk about it with young person, of course the person who same age as you, too. It doesn’t matter whether he/she is young or not. So, you should find the person who has same interests. Nevertheless you can’t make it well, or you feel really disappointed, you can rely on your husband, and also me. We are on your side. Don’t forget about it. So, don’t be afraid of making new friend. It’s easier than you think. Don’t think deeply. It’s waste of time. Take it easy, and you can just have fun your own life. Good luck for you. (220words)

3620101715:2011/10/18(火) 20:39:24
Thank you for your letter. I understand your situation. I was surprised that you are mid-60s. You are so active person, aren’t you? If I were 60s, I would not try anything like you. I suggest you should try to use computer and you make friends at online. The internet is very useful and easy to contact someone even though you don’t know. In your free time, you can chat there. Also, I suggest you should get a job. I know you aren’t so young, but you can do. If you get job, you definitely get co-workers instead of friends. I think you will be able to enjoy your life. (110words)

37101732:2011/10/18(火) 22:38:24
Thank you for your letter. Love makes you strong. It does not have a relationship with your age. You do not lose your mind. Don’t worry about it. I think you can get many friends from your club if you want. If it is difficult for you, have a job would be good. After you get a job, you will be busy and you can get a chance to have friends. You could fell in love. It is evidence that you are outgoing. You should have a confidence. Enjoy your rest of life. (92 words)

3820101730:2011/10/18(火) 22:49:14
Thank you for your letter. I know how you feel, so I will give you some advices. According to your letter you joined yoga class and you are taking an art class. Also you have tried to join a book club. I think these classes for younger people, so would you try to find for older people class as same as your age? You live in a large city you can find your real class and friends. I think you are active person, so you must try new things. Such as use internet and make online friends, or you come back your hometown and meet your friends it’s good for you. I hope you can enjoy your life. Good luck! (120words)

39101447:2011/10/18(火) 22:56:57
Dear Sad Lady.
Thank you for your letter and I understood how your feel and have problems.
I think you did good decision. Good for you and your lover relationship, good for your lover, and good for you from now on live.
All I want to say is why don’t you think upside down? (I mean thinking positively)
You moved to the city and then your neighborhoods are too younger to get along with you, so you feel lonely right?
I know your effort to attend the any classes or clubs to communicate with neighborhoods aggressively.
You think your age make it more difficult to communicate with them. But don’t worry it is just piece of cake.
Neighborhoods are just neighborhoods. Not close friends or lover. Don't take things too seriously. Even if you feel anxiety, remember you have lover.
Good luck. Take it easy!
(145 words)

4020101683:2011/10/18(火) 22:58:31
Thank you for your message. I understood your situation. I think friend is quite important for people. We need someone who can share our happiness, sadness and so forth. I believe you can make good many friends. It’s because you try to join some classes. It means you’re so aggressive. To make good friends, I’d like to give you some ideas. First, finding and joining another class is good for you. There are many young people in the yoga and art class, right? They have different sense or ideas. So, I recommend you join another class, for example gardening and handicraft may be good. Second, if you are tired about the community all the time, why don’t you back your hometown to take a break? I’d like you to choose a good way to spend every day. Take it easy. I stand by you. Your husband also does that. I believe he will understand your feeling. You’re not lonely. I hope you can choose best decision. Good luck. (168words)

41101734:2011/10/18(火) 23:07:20
Thank you for your message. I understand what you are in trouble. If you are not try to find something what you are attracted to, maybe I could recommend to find something that. Yet look at the your present situation, it is not going well. So saying, I have to try to find good advice because it is my duty. Don't worry, I have a one idea what to change for the better your life.
What is Dog. I'm sure To keep dog is the best thing to get out from under your present situation. I believe you can see would-be your friend through dog. It is the well-known story that boy meets girl through happening of pet. Have you ever watched 101 ? It is typical story to realize dog is very helpful to find new relation. Maybe dog have more better ability to find new friend than you.
So, what you have to do is finding new partner. I think selecting your new partner is more difficult for you than your previous problem.
What type of dogs you select is depending on what type of friend you want.
If you have Labrador retriever, you have to go out and enjoy outdoor activity with your partner. And so, you will have met the person who interested in outdoor activity as a your friend. Several other type of dogs are also have many type of characteristic respectively.
However, Don't forget that if you keep dog and do not try to find new relation, you can not change your life. Weather you can get new relation or not is depending on your behavior. But never give up. I can say your partner will help you to find new relation as a best friend!
I hope your good coming across! (298words)

42101650:2011/10/18(火) 23:13:53
When I first read your letter which sent to me, I could noticed that you are well read and very intelligent, ma'am. The letter is made of simple and short pasaage, but well writen and summarized. I was very surprised that even the person who wrote it has a problem to ask me. But thank you for sending me an e-mail.
I can imagine this smart lady being so alone and sitting apart from those youngers in the book club. But at the same time, she is watching them with the heartful eyes just like they are her actual children.
What needed is the generosity. A word generosity may sound old to those youngers and even to those your age if they don't realize what is needed. However sounds old it may, it is the truth. Generosity of people is the legacy passed on from generation to generation. There is no prosperity for those who prefer thier leisure over the others. If you can unclench your holded hands with handful generosity, the people would realize that there is already forgotten legacy still exists.
Please, extend the hand.


4320101647:2011/10/18(火) 23:14:31
Hello, Sad Lady
I can understand your situation. Friends make us happy, but sometimes make us unhappy. You know it’s difficult to make friends when we jump into the place where we have never been to. Sometimes it’s easy, but normally it’s difficult. Especially it’s more difficult if you can’t find the people who are around your age. However there’s a chance to make friend with a lot of people. If you continue to go to some particular places, you will find some common senses with a lot of people. They will be your friends. I think you need to be more flexible and active to make friends with young people. You know there are no answers to how to make friends, someday you can make friends with the person you were not planning to.
So, the things you can do for now are many. But at first why don’t you start to spend your time more for your hobbies? You will forget that you are lonely if you really into your hobby. Also young people will respect you that you have a lot of knowledge.
Let’s get rid of your ides that I’m lonely and sad lady. Why don’t you call you more positively?
Also don’t think about make friends to get rid of your loneliness. If you think like that you will be friends with the person who has bad affect for you sometimes. You won’t be able to find good person. Friends are not quantity, it’s quality, right? I think if you won’t be able to find person who are kind of similar but stimulate me, I don’t need friends. I guess you had a lot of friends before. But if the culture changes the way to make friends are also different.
Well, my point is don’t think about friends so much, don’t try to make more friends. Just be natural. You will naturally find nice friends like when you met to your boy friends. Time will tell up until then try to make you more nice and funny. That’s all. Just hang in there and see what will happen.

(353 words)

4420101180:2011/10/19(水) 00:23:51
Dear Sad Lady
Thank you for your letter. As you said, you can’t make new friends, right? So I have some recommendations for you. How about having a dog? If you go to the park with your dog, you may make new friends. It’s not easy for everyone to make a good relationship, but I think taking a walk is good opportunity to know about people around your town. And how about starting work? I think you’re in good health and young because you can join yoga class and so on. Part-time job is important for you to not only keep healthy but also make new relationships. In my case, I could make new relationships at new part-time job. My companies are very kind and good personality. So I think this environment makes me strong and happy. If you can start job, I definitely think you can enjoy your life more than now. So you don’t have to move into another town. And I think, if you can’t make new friends, it doesn’t big problem. Because you have friends in your small town. You can meet and talk on the phone. So don’t worry about it and your husband always stands by you! I hope you can enjoy your life. Thank you. (212 words)

I’m sorry I’m late.

45101712:2011/10/19(水) 13:00:27
Thank you for your letter Sad Lady.
I can understand your problem well Because I live in my hometown for 20 years. So I have close friends who know about me and we trust each other. I storongly think if I have to leave from them I'll get so lonely.
I think your efforts to make friends are really good things. So why don't you continue to take some class or join volunteer more a little time ? May be something will change.
But unfortunarely you won't make friends, I recommend you to have dogs. Because dogs like people and they can become family. Moreover they can make you go outside from fome. Then you will make friends who are the owmer of dogs. You can built links of comunication with dogs. I think it is good for you. Why don't you try it?(145words)

4620101171:2011/10/19(水) 16:29:25
Hi, Sad Lady. Thank you for your letter.
I know that you are in challenging situation, because it is a little bit hard to live in such place. I am really amazed that you’re trying to get used to living style. However there are many young people in yoga class, right? So I would like to suggest that tea ceremony class or handicraft school are good for you and your age. I want you to enjoy making friends at your ease. You’d better think which hobbies are good for you.
I think that you should be positive about your own life. This is not your husband’s life as you understand well, so just live your life and spend some time as you like.
I hope my suggestions answer your trouble. (130 words)

47101177:2011/10/19(水) 22:56:52
Hi. You are feeling like you are lonely, isn’t it? Is it true you are lonely? I don’t think so. Many people who are same as your age feel loneliness, because they don’t have partner who make them crazy and any college.
How about you? You love your partner. You moved to new place, or I can say his place, because you wanted to be with him. That means you have a partner who makes you crazy like a young girl. And also you have colleges. You are trying to enjoy your new life. You joined some classes.
Do you need new friends? If you can enjoy your class and satisfy your relationship with your partner, you don’t need new friends. You have many friends in your city, right? You had an experience a long distance relationship. I think long distance love is really hard as you know, because people need to feel partner’s warmth and love. However, long distance friendship is not so hard. What do you want them to do? Maybe you just want to talk to them. It is easy to contact with them. You have internet and cellophane, so you can talk with them whenever. You can go to your city to see your friends once a month. Please don’t be sad. Now is time to satare your long distance frienship. It soundes exciting. You can enjoy your life. ( 221 words)

48101741:2011/10/20(木) 19:34:32
Hi, Sad Lady.
I understood what you feel about. Certainly, you are little bit older than other women. But you shouldn't care about it. If you always care about it, you can't go ahead. I also concerned about the generation. I know it is really hard to be friendly with too younger or older guys. Moreover, I changed my thinking. So, you should throw away your stereotypes and have forward-looking. If you address them, they will join you, probably. Don't worry. You need a brave of contacting them. (88 wards) I'm so sorry I'm late to submit this homework.

4920101681:2011/10/23(日) 01:12:23
Thank you for your letter, Sad Lady.
I understand your serious situation and I know you try to join in many activities to adapt yourself to the new environment. However you had better consider another method. I recommend you to have a dog. I believe it makes your mind satisfied. And when you take the dog for a walk to park or somewhere, you can make friends through the dog. As another way, how about working? You come to have connection with your coworker and you may be able to lead a full life. Take it easy! You are active and you have good health and lover. So you can do well!

5020101654:2011/10/24(月) 18:22:59
Hi. I understand that you are very lonely because you have had no friend since you moved to the new town. In my opinion if you want to have friends, it is important to increase the opportunities to meet people. I know that you join various classes, but do you speak to them actively? I think age is not affect as making friends, but it is difficult to talk without constraint when people talk with someone who is older than them. Therefore, you should be careful to talk with them. If you look down on them, it is impossible to make good relationships.
Now why don’t you changing the way to meet people? For example, you can held your home party and invite your neighborhood. In addition, you can have your job. If people achieve something together, it might generate fellow feeling and they become friend each other easily.
Good luck! (151words)

5120101187:2011/10/26(水) 14:22:52
Thank you for your letter and I understood what your problem.
Although you joined yoga and taking art class and so on, you can not
make friends at there. I think your age caused now your situation.
Your address is right to make friends, but I recommend that you should
go back to your home town. Because, there are many your friends and same
your age people at there. So I think you feel more relax to meet their.
And also, it is easier for you to make friends. Don’t think deeply.
It is only part of person’s opinion. Good luck!

5220101187:2011/10/26(水) 14:24:25
Thank you for your letter and I understood what your problem.
Although you joined yoga and taking art class and so on, you can not
make friends at there. I think your age caused now your situation.
Your address is right to make friends, but I recommend that you should
go back to your home town. Because, there are many your friends and
same your age people at there. So I think you feel more relax to meet
their. And also, it is easier for you to make friends. Don’t think
deeply. It is only part of person’s opinion. Good luck!(101ward)

5320101729:2011/10/26(水) 14:32:11
Thank you for your letter.
I understood your situation and I admit your effort. You try to go to place where people come and communicate. But I don’t know why you can’t make a good relationship with them. You worried about the age but I think it’s not problem. You could make a relationship in small town. So you can do it again. Think positive and try to talk with them. People who belong a club which is same as you means you and they have same hobby. So you can enjoy taking with them. Think positive! You can do it.
sorry, Im late for submission.

54101148:2011/10/26(水) 14:52:51
Thank you for sending me e-maile. there is one thing I would like to make sure whether you love him.
If you love him sincerly you shouldn't be worried about that. Exactly, it's difficult to live with feeling sad without friend.But also, if you would like to make your friends, you must be more positive and speak to someone more aggresively in spite of ages.
you must have decided to live with him snd consider about any trouble you can imagine, didn't you?
I know you make some effort to make friend that you attended to some classes.
It would take long time to make friend and know well each other.111words

55101166:2011/10/26(水) 18:50:41
Thank you for sending me a mail, Sad Lady. I think you need something to do by only yourself. Although you joined some clubs, you couldn't make any friends, right? That means you are not interested in those things very much, I guess. How about this suggestion, make a list and write down 10 things what you really want to do by the end of this year. It could be anything like skydiving, traveling or working. Once you decide, you can't go back. That's only one rule of this list. That will help you explore your new world. (99 words)

56101140:2011/11/02(水) 14:42:58
Dear: sad lady
Thank you for your letter.
I think you seem to so powerful person.
You go to yoga class; you participate volunteer twice a week and so on.
I think you should do not care about you have no friends in the city.
You have many good friends in your past town.
You don’t care about that.
In addition, you are so active person.
If you want to have friends in your current town, you can get friends easily.
Don’t care about years. You are not sad lady because you have good friends, good husband.
You should keep relationship to them. And then, you will become happier than now.

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