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1名無しさん:2003/06/27(金) 21:35
【口  数】100口/200口/400口
【入 会 金】20,000円(消費税含む)
【月 会 費】3,000円(消費税含む)

113名無しさん:2005/04/12(火) 20:54:35

114名無しさん:2005/04/18(月) 23:12:21


115名無しさん:2005/04/18(月) 23:12:44

116名無しさん:2005/04/21(木) 21:31:52

117名無しさん:2005/05/01(日) 16:15:44

118イケイケ ミッキー:2005/06/02(木) 18:34:56
ドレスデン ようやく復調のきざし 去年とは大違いの今年 ラフィアンは今年
未勝利 ブルック アムンゼン ドレスデン レジオなどの活躍で11勝もしたのに...

119イケイケ ミッキー:2005/06/30(木) 11:51:26
今年の1歳はまず1頭のみでスタート 19番ダービーラブリネスに決めた
栗東のミヤリンの厩舎 日記も読んで身近だし何かの縁と思う
今年は結構関西も多いなと感じた 来年 再来年の スターになって欲しい

120名無しさん:2005/08/14(日) 01:29:41

121名無しさん:2005/08/14(日) 01:29:58

122イケイケ ミッキー:2005/08/16(火) 22:31:16
>>121 9月下旬 
今年の ラフィアン 絶不調 未だ 未勝利

123イケイケ ミッキー:2005/08/24(水) 19:08:53
今年やっと初勝利 ブリリアンの子 グリッツア ドレスデン 引退と 

124イケイケ ミッキー:2005/08/30(火) 14:19:19
今年 2勝目はトップレディー 2週続けて未勝利勝ち 今週は グリッツアが新潟2歳Sに登録
出るかどうか あとレジオはどうか....

125イケイケ ミッキー:2005/09/14(水) 23:12:02
アムンゼン 骨折!!!! 半年休養...

126イケイケ ミッキー:2005/12/15(木) 13:22:32
今週はグリッツア ひいらぎ賞 どのようなレースをするか?

127名無しさん:2005/12/23(金) 21:23:14

128名アリさん:2006/03/17(金) 14:49:51
ラフィアン ただいま マイ持ち馬 本年 未勝利 アムンゼン 待ち

129名アリミッキーさん:2006/04/03(月) 13:03:17
本年 ラフィアン 初勝利 mロード 社台とで 2勝目 
現 3歳は 8頭に出資し社台2頭 ラフィ 6頭 
勝ち上がりは ナイトレセプション ホーリーミスト m グリッツア トップレディ スパークル 
75パーセント の確率デス まあ良いほうか...

130名無しさん:2006/04/06(木) 22:42:14

131名無しさん:2006/04/07(金) 07:05:19
マズラー勝浦悲しい。 どんどん騎手が悪くなる‥

132名無しさん:2006/04/07(金) 07:05:35

133名アリミッキーさん:2006/04/12(水) 17:04:33
先週 スパークルが 2勝目を挙げた 次回が楽しみになって来たが スケルティとの
タイム差があり... どうなるか

134名無しさん:2006/04/20(木) 07:16:03

135名アリミッキーさん:2006/04/20(木) 11:24:08
//>> 134 其の通り 私も マリスタ 1口 何回か PAT

で単勝買ったが... これでは 繁殖も無理だろうし...

136名アリミッキーさん:2006/04/21(金) 09:24:18
スパークル プリンシバルに出るとのこと 折り合い付けば...
期待できるが...如何  今週は エムロード はたして...***

137名無しさん:2006/05/05(金) 11:45:25


138名無しさん:2006/05/14(日) 22:28:33
バルクキタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!!

139名無しさん:2006/07/02(日) 15:48:40

140名無しさん:2006/07/04(火) 21:52:17

141名無しさん:2006/07/04(火) 21:52:36

142名無しさん:2006/07/04(火) 21:52:54

143名無しさん:2006/07/04(火) 21:53:07

144名無しさん:2006/07/04(火) 21:53:18

145名無しさん:2006/07/16(日) 21:10:49

146名無しさん:2006/09/26(火) 21:13:48

147名無しさん:2006/10/12(木) 21:38:46

148名無しさん:2006/10/12(木) 21:39:19

149名無しさん:2006/10/12(木) 21:39:51

150名無しさん:2006/10/12(木) 21:40:25

151名無しさん:2006/10/31(火) 21:20:57

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You will find also a for Caroline Pancake Breakfast at St. Mary Parish Hall in Scituate on Saturday; a Miracle Operate 5K and 10K at Norwell High school on April 7; in addition to a key fundraising auction on June 7.
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156グッチ 財布 メンズ 長財布:2013/09/27(金) 19:25:21
The Flushing Township Board of Trustees voted at Thursday's conference to switch on the recent agency, Squander Management, to Richfield Equities, LLC next yr.
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Protests erupted during the funds, Reykjavik, next the bank collapse as countless numbers vented their stress at political and economic leaders, like central bank main David Oddson, for failing to avert the crisis.
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Australian Key Minister Julia Gillard and Opposition Leader Tony Abbott will sign a guide of condolence with the New Zealand Higher Fee in Canberra.
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161ルイヴィトン ダミエ 長財布 激安:2013/09/27(金) 19:26:24
The lodge, operate by entrepreneur Dave Brewitt, insists the balconies would either be employed by friends in adjoining rooms or individuals attending "boring" canapetype activities.
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Make health and fitness fun. "On heat evenings, my partner and that i bike to our weekly supper date. Or we will hitch up the kids' trailers to our bicycles and select a pleasant very long ride."
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Council leaders hope specials could be struck over the basis within the Lonsdale model.
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GREENBELT, Md. Not only often is the Geminid meteor shower active as Earth passes by way of a stream of particles from comet 3200 Phaethon, and also, say forecasters, a different meteor shower could make an look.
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Vice president Jim Blyer of Blyer Inspections, Pinole; secretary John Brogan, of Brogan Dwelling Inspection, Oakland; and treasurer John McComas, Producing Inspection Support, Berkeley.
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Ben Ankenbauer, Cam Bailey, Jordan Innes and Meng An Chao took household a $1,000 cheque for their operation inside of the tough twoday level of competition held in Vancouver Nov. 2 and 3. Only ten groups built it on the final round.The team was a single of two from Okanagan Higher education that took half inside of the party, which commenced Friday evening with students preparing a circumstance on strategic management which they introduced before the judges on Saturday.
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It more directed financial institutions to revise their KYC plan within the light of explained guidelines and "ensure rigid adherence for the exact."
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The initial suspicion went on Hemraj whose system was later located with the terrace at their home in Jalvayu Vihar in Noida around the outskirts of Delhi.
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Supervisors touted the amount of moolah they've knocked from the township's personal debt inside the to begin with 50 percent of 2010.
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In the meantime, the MTA, that's mostly selfinsured, hasn even calculated the expense to revive its drowned subway model.
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Camp Flozza, since it is thought between people, has long been the location of fiery clashes around loggers and protesters.
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Sure, it a ceremony and all ceremonies come which has a certain amount of aptitude and needless extravagance. But even picture ops and ceremonies should make some sense.
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The county required the endorsements as a way to submit its software to the New Jersey Division of Fish and Wildlife and continue its deer administration application.
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189ルイヴィトン 2013:2013/10/03(木) 16:11:06
Protesters have carried out all sorts of things from chaining them selves to treetops to decreasing them selves into "spider holes" to halt the bulldozers, and dozens have been completely arrested.
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190ルイヴィトン ショルダーバッグ ヴェルニ:2013/10/03(木) 20:36:10
"Community Action will hold the deed into the armory for 5 to six yrs, even though the city will continue to keep up the power," he claimed. "After that time period the deed will revert back into the city."
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191グッチ 財布 メンズ 2012:2013/10/03(木) 20:36:21
The four girls allegedly compelled into prostitution by Somali gangs in Minneapolis had been just a smallish portion of a wideranging investigation in the gangs' alleged prison enterprises.
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Coordinators of Get Linked, which pairs spot residents with nonprofit teams and volunteer opportunities, are inspired to observe the brand new webpage generating strides.
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194ルイヴィトン ダミエ バッグ 人気:2013/10/03(木) 22:28:11
Read much more around the personnel report to the Board (Product 29).
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195ルイヴィトン 財布 人気:2013/10/03(木) 22:28:24
The corporation will maintain open its sales and repair firm in Jonesboro and Chicago. Peak employment attained about one hundred workers in Arkansas.
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196CHANEL 激安 財布:2013/10/03(木) 22:28:35
Her spouse just isn't over a transplant waiting around record nevertheless, pending the completion of medical related standards.
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197シャネル 2012 春夏 バッグ:2013/10/03(木) 22:29:09
The mixeduse improvement, known as Arena Put, shall be engineered at Weston and Ottawa Avenue southwest by Orion Construction.
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PHOENIX Liberty for 3 a lot of women snatched in excess of a decade back in Cleveland provides hope for the people of lacking persons here in Arizona.
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199ルイヴィトン コピー 財布:2013/10/03(木) 22:29:56
Prosecutor Timothy McGinty informed Cuyahoga County Choose Michael Russo there exists a likelihood of alot more costs.
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200シャネル 2013 新作:2013/10/03(木) 22:30:06
Get Linked recorded about 3,000 page sights in March, and almost 600 considering that Monday, in the event the connection to Days of Caring was initially posted.
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201グッチ 長財布 激安:2013/10/03(木) 22:30:19
Landlord Stuart Simek believes countless producing proprietors will maintain the line on rents even with rising utility costs and assets taxes.
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202CHANEL 新作 財布 2013:2013/10/03(木) 22:30:35
The Purple Cross in Arkansas also has sent a few emergency trucks, each and every manned by a twoperson group. Williams explained the teams attained as far as Pennsylvania on Monday previously their development was halted via the storm.
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She says the ability utility did not must connect with on crews from Pictou County to aid them and they been given 12 calls to disconnect ability Monday afternoon.
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204ヴィトン ダミエ 財布:2013/10/03(木) 22:31:28
She explained the ability utility did not have to get in touch with on crews from Pictou County to aid them and so they gained 12 calls to disconnect strength Monday afternoon.
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"What I might choose to see is each the greenback volume and also the variety of units" earlier mentioned the yearago figures, he said.
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heading undercover there might have been minor probability of obtaining the similar evidence. Mrs Tuttle is persuaded if we experienced not posted this he can have do not ever been arrested."
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"He designed admissions not merely in interview with the law enforcement station, but with the position of arrest.
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211Louis Vuitton ダミエ 財布 激安:2013/10/16(水) 15:31:56
Il considre que Teco Administration est l'acheteur le plus srieux s'tre manifest puisqu'il ne sollicite pas l'aide du gouvernement pour relancer le chantier maritime. Par contre, selon lui, la query de la dette de 15 thousands and thousands de pounds du fonds de retraite des employs demeure un dtail crucial encore en suspens.
Louis Vuitton ダミエ 財布 激安 http://www.cornish-tartans.co.uk/images/louis-vuitton-3-cheap.html

212ルイヴィトン バッグ モノグラム ヴェルニ:2013/10/16(水) 15:32:06
Le gouvernement du Qubec n'aura pas investir dans la relance, mais Investissement Qubec, qui est un crancier dans cette faillite, a fait des concessions pour faciliter cette transaction. L'organisme refuse pour l'instant d'en prciser le montant, vehicle il s'agit d'une entente de principe. La crance d'Investissement Qubec est de 16 hundreds of thousands de dollars.
ルイヴィトン バッグ モノグラム ヴェルニ http://www.jolliedesign.co.uk/portfolio-web-s/lv/16-louis-vuitton-store.html


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