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2con:2023/02/21(火) 15:12:57
The 9th season of the ISL Football Sports Development Limited (FSDL) the organizers of the league have picked up the window between 19 November 2022 to March 5 2023 as the time frame to host the league. This time around hopefully there will be no playing behind closed doors as the organizers are working on making the 9th edition to be played in full house stadiums. The ISL will witness some renewed rivalries as Mohun Bagan (now merged into ATK Mohun Bagan FC) and East Bengal FC will face Bengaluru FC in the ISL after parting ways in the I-League in 2017. Games between Kerala Blasters FC and East Bengal FC are also likely to turn into rivalries as both sets of fans are already engaging in pre-season banter on Social Media. Teams with the highest goal aggregate in their respective two-legged ties progress to the final. In case scores are tied after two legs, the ‘away goal’ rule will apply i.e. the team which has scored more away goals over will qualify for the final. If the away goal rule cannot determine a winner, the game will go to the extra time in the second leg. The away goal rule will not apply in extra time and the team that scores the higher number of goals in extra time will win the semi-final. If both teams score none or equal number of goals in extra time, the winner will be decided through the penalty shootout.
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