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498アイナメ:2015/11/25(水) 14:52:31 ID:kWRCBC56
366 :名無し :2015/11/25(水)14:25:29 ID:P4B ×

I find it recorded in my notebook that it was a bleak
and windy day towards the end of March in the year 1892.
Holmes had received a telegram whilst we sat at our lunch,
and he had scribbled a reply. He made no remark, but the
matter reminded in his thougts, for he stood in front of
the fire afterwards with a thoughful face, smoking his pipe,
and casting an occasional glance at the message. Suddenly
he turned upon me with a mischievous twinkle in his eyes.

時々辞書を引けば読めるでしょ。 「最後の挨拶」の一編目「ウィステリア荘の冒険」冒頭。

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