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Volcanic Eruption Is Just Bullying

1tiger:2014/07/02(水) 04:36:14
Volcanic Eruption Is Just Bullying


It is just the bullying on ordinary human beings by the Japanese imperial clan.

( http://book.geocities.jp/japans_conspiracy/02/p009.html )

6cat:2014/07/06(日) 05:49:59
Japan Is Nation of Bullying


So, this country always tries to spread completely paradoxical news all over the world.

For example, North Korea's alleged abduction crimes are all deception and fabrication not only by Japan only but also by both the two nations.

The reason is that North Korea is a Japan's perfect colony.

( http://book.geocities.jp/japans_conspiracy/02/p003.html )

7cow:2014/07/06(日) 11:58:44
World Wars and Regional Battles Are All Fake


The global ruling clan always takes advantage of wars and battles just to enhance its domination over the ordinary human beings.

( http://park.geocities.jp/j_con4/0204/p041.html )

8snake:2014/07/06(日) 15:48:53
Typhoons Are Disaster Conspiracy by Japanese Government


The ruling people in Japan believe that bullying is the best way to maintain their domination eternally.

( http://park.geocities.jp/jpcdebate/0203/p033.html )


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