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1名無しさん:2017/01/23(月) 12:23:08
     ヽ"`    ヽ,,,、
   /::::::::ソ::::::::: :゛'ヽ、
  /::::::,,、ミ"ヽ` "゛ / ::::::ヽ
/::::::==        `-::::::::ヽ    おまえら70歳まで年金なし
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i::::::::l゛  .,/・\,!./・\ l:::::::!    おれ給料25% 上がりし春は 八重桜
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   l ヽ ` "ー-´/  〈 ̄   '-ヽλ_レ
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22名無しさん:2022/12/19(月) 19:39:28
After winning a reprieve as planned, the LDP government announced to the public at the end of this year that it would impose even heavier taxes.
The reason is a doubling of military spending.

It has also been revealed that money collected in Japan by the former Unification Church is being sent to South Korea, where it is headquartered, and that some of it is going to North Korea.
Of course, US President is aware of this.

Japan's democracy has already collapsed into a virtual despotic dictatorship.
Japan has fallen into the hands of a cult through a process so simple it is almost mind-boggling.

How did my brother die?
Seven years ago, at his brother's funeral, Yamagami cried.
Tragedies and conspiracies, like those in comic books and movies, are still swirling around Japan.

The next tragic hero may be born in the United States.

23名無しさん:2022/12/19(月) 19:41:00


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