h ttps://nurumayu.net/amegazou/getamed.php
② h ttps://streamable.com/ のpaste a videoにstatic動画のURLを
貼り付け,create videoをタップ、しばらくすると魚拓が作られる。
③ h ttps://streamable.com/から始まる新たなURLをコピペすれば
クロ ピーさん
h ttps://jbbs.shitaraba.net/bbs/read.cgi/movie/10127/1470830271/l30
System of a Down - Genocidal Humanoidz
アーティスト: System of a Down (Andy Khachaturian, Daron Malakian, John Dolmayan, Serj Tankian, Shavo Odadjian)
アルバム: Aid For Artsakh Campaign (2020)
翻訳: アルメニア語 #1, #2, イタリア語, エスペラント語, ギリシャ語, スペイン語, トルコ語, ドイツ語, ブルガリア語
Genocidal Humanoidz
Genocidal Humano… を
Amazon Musicで聴こう (広告)
Beating the devil
We never run from the devil
We never summoned the devil
We never hide from the devil
Beating the devil
We never run from the devil
We never summoned the devil
We never hide from the devil
We never
Terrorists were fighting and were never gonna stop
The prostitutes guns who prosecute have failed us from the start
Beating the devil
We never run from the devil
We never summoned the devil
We never hide from the devil
We never
Terrorists were fighting and were never gonna stop
The prostitutes guns who prosecute have failed us from the start
Can you see us
Beating the devil
We never run from the devil
We never summoned the devil
We never hide from the devil
Persecution ends now
Guess who’s coming over to dinner
The genocidal humanoids
Teaching warfare to their children, the bastards that will be destroyed
Guess who’s coming over to dinner
Genocidal humanoids
Beating the devil
We never run from the devil
We never summoned the devil
We never hide from the devil
Beating the devil
We never run from the devil
We never summoned the devil
We never hide from the devil
We never
Terrorists were fighting and were never gonna stop
The prostitutes who prosecute have failed us from the start
Can you see us
Beating the devil
We never run from the devil
We never summoned the devil
We never hide from the devil
Persecution ends
Beating the devil
We never run from the devil
We never summoned the devil
We never hide from the devil
Beating the devil
We never run from the devil
We never summoned the devil
We never hide from the devil
Googleで“7cm背が高くなるシューズ Before After”って画像検索すると出てくる。