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English thread

1管理人:2009/06/15(月) 10:07:50
Japanese people are also the threads about which all the men in the English area also speak in English.
From a standpoint of each other, let's keep a simple text in mind.
Now, let's talk :3

31Althares:2010/05/18(火) 08:50:41
Is it possible to edit the range of ShowChatScope?

From what I can tell it would require a source edit, so I have to ask- Is the program's source open?

Thank you for the development of this very useful program, hope all goes well =].


33Zatoh:2010/06/21(月) 10:59:22

Anyone can tell me if exist  a guide to confifure RCX?

Thanks for answer.


35名無しさん:2010/09/23(木) 16:56:54 ID:cXQamk6E0
First, thank you for this wonderful program

I am having a problem with the "sound" section, I cannot get my Homunculus alarm to work right. I am using windows 7 and entered the full path name for a .wav file.

Also, RCX conflicts with the program "SMplayer" but does not conflict with any other games, why is this?

36名無しさん:2010/10/18(月) 15:15:38 ID:WCJ3g4UU0
For some reason I can't get the menu for kro renewal to open with the suggested ctrl+1 and ctrl+B is there some way of fixing it like a setting that i'm missing or is it not yet supported for kro renewal client?

37名無しさん:2011/05/10(火) 15:11:02 ID:6BAHWKIw0
The iro rcx doesn't work anymore. I don't know if you guys know that already.

38名無しさん:2011/09/20(火) 07:33:11 ID:XjCfib9U0

I think this program is very useful for a RO player.
I am a spanish C/C++ developer and I would like to see the source code.
Is there a svn repository or something like that?
I would like to translate a tutorial/howto to spanish so that spanish community enjoy this program, too.



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