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5立てば借家苦、座れば負担、歩く姿は有利の墓:2010/07/09(金) 21:45:25
You swore to love under the shining stars
They faded away,so say you love me now

h ttp://www.adultshoping.com/index.cgi?id=1054760400

6立てば借家苦、座れば負担、歩く姿は有利の墓:2010/07/10(土) 21:41:04
If only yesterday will come right back to me
Then I will tell all what's true to you
I will always believe you
I will never change
This precious feeling
That I love you still

h ttp://www.adultshoping.com/index.cgi?id=1054760400

7立てば借家苦、座れば負担、歩く姿は有利の墓:2010/07/11(日) 21:54:00
Misunderstand you and I were one
That we can love forever
Unconciously we just came apart
One day you walked away
And I've been standing here alone
You will never loose my love
So say you love me now

h ttp://www.adultshoping.com/index.cgi?id=1054760400


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