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『The Gurdian Weekly』のすすめ
1 名前: 亀山信夫 投稿日: 2003/04/16(水) 07:01
嘗て藤原肇博士が著した『日本脱藩のすすめ』に目を通した藤原ブッククラスターの中には、以下の下りを読んで『The Gurdian Weekly』の定期購読者になった者も少なくないようです。


       『日本脱藩のすすめ』藤原肇著 東京新聞出版局 p.149

私は単なるイギリスの『The Gurdian Weekly』の一読者に過ぎませんが、その私に以下のメールが『The Gurdian Weekly』から届きました。

Subject: Get up to 4 months free on your next annual subscription

Dear Guardian Weekly Reader,

Recommend us to a friend and save on your own subscription

As a Guardian Weekly subscriber you obviously appreciate our fresh
perspective on world events. But what about your friends and family?
Is there anyone you can think of who would also enjoy our weekly update?

I ask because, according to research, 9/10 of our readers say they
would be happy to recommend the Guardian Weekly to a friend. We're
currently running a special offer on subscriptions, and there may be
someone you know who would like to take advantage of it.

Our thank you to you

As a thank you for your recommendation, if a friend or colleague does
take up a subscription we will send you a free copy of 'The Guardian Year'
featuring the best writing and reporting from the Guardian in 2002. And
for every additional friend that takes one up, you will receive a
month's free subscription added on to your next yearly subscription.

How to recommend

To recommend someone, simply enter their details in our quick online form.
We'll send them a short email introducing the Guardian Weekly,
mentioning that you have put them forward for the special offer.
Please note that we will only use their details on this one occasion
and will not pass them onto any other parties.

Or, if you prefer you can simply forward this email to your friends
so they can find out more about the offer.

So if you know someone who would enjoy the Guardian Weekly, tell us,
claim your free copy of 'The Guardian Year' and enjoy up to 4 months
free added on to your next yearly subscription. But hurry, we only
have a limited number of copies of 'The Guardian Year' to give away.

Yours sincerely

Patrick Ensor

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