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45ワープする塗り仏:2019/08/28(水) 18:43:51 ID:chgki8FA0
Severe competitions were developed over mass-production of excellent displays.
We suppose that great pressures were applied to researchers engaging in those projects.
In fact, two developers who had worked in the company ( >>9 >>38 ) committed suicide at that time ( about the beginning of the 2000 s ).

By the way, an ancient remains (≒ residuals) called ‘Assembled Stones in Sakuragaoka’ are located near to the company.
Besides, I feel that ‘Assembled Stones in Sakuragaoka ( http://www.knet.ne.jp/~ats/t/hist/s5/sakura.htm )’ are similar to a placement of magical stones which is drawn in ‘Al.Azif ( or John.Dee document )’ 〈 https://produto.mercadolivre.com.br/MLB-708747865-necronomicon-al-azif-abdul-hazared-john-dee-_JM 〉.


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