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Any Questions? Saturday 31st May 2008

4ちゅーりっぷ:2008/05/29(木) 14:39:30

★ People in the north are waiting for spring to come.
★ I want a knife to cut this bread with.


★ 各組の文がほぼ同じ意味になるように、(  )に適切な語を入れなさい。
1.(a) This book is so easy that they can read it.
(b) This book is easy ( enough )( for )( them ) to read.

2.(a) Thank you for coming to see me.
(b) It is ( glad )( of )( you ) to come and see me.


★ 各文の(  )に入る最も適切な語句を選び、番号を答えなさい。
(1) It is necessary ( ④ ) his advice.
① you following ② your following
③ of you to follow ④ for you to follow

(2) This river is dangerous to ( ③ ) in July.
① being swum ② swim ③ swim in ④ swimming

(3) Her wealth ( ① ) her to do anything she likes.
① allows ② forces ③ has ④ lets

それぞれ( )に入れた番号で合っているでしょうか?



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