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1A Scanner Darkly:2019/03/02(土) 10:42:00
「酒乱・ ‘大西共産党’ とは?」

「ゲーム依存に注意。 患者の脳に見られる特徴的な反応がアルコール・ギャンブル依存に酷似」

2五段加持祈祷 ≒ 東洋版エクソシズム:2019/03/11(月) 23:55:01
A hopeless alcoholic called ‘大西共産党 ( the Great Western Communist Party )’ had lived in some stigmatized place of Hokkaido in Japan until 2013 .
I heard that this hopeless alcoholic came from Sikoku district to Hokkaido district.
Probably, demonic influences brought by ‘大西共産党’ such as Inugami (犬神) might affect those persons who committed suicide.

3五段加持祈祷 ≒ 東洋版エクソシズム:2019/03/23(土) 15:56:58
When a shared door of a building that I’ve been staying for now ( some place in O-city of Hokkaido in Japan ) is closed, a very noisy shocking sound is caused.
As such unpleasant shocking sounds were caused many times a day, I searched problems of dwelling with such defects for ‘faulty residences’ (欠陥住宅) or ‘stigmatized objects’ (事故物件)’ .
At that time, the site of Oshima Teru ( http://sp.oshimaland.com ) was indicated in high ranks of searched results.
I found out this site through above circumstances.
By the way, I heard that the meaning of ‘a large-sized island exposed to something such as a visual or monitoring system, some radiation is implicated in the name called Oshima Teru.

4プロファイリング:2019/03/25(月) 18:12:36

5土偶幻人:2019/04/05(金) 23:11:07
Inugami (犬神) is a spiritual entity rather than a real being to be utilized in one of the black magical methods called Ko-jyutsu (蠱術) .
In a word, a magician kills an animal such as a dog with giving extreme sufferings and pains to the animal, it’s the black magic to shift resentment of the killed animal to a hateful opponent or an object of jealousy.
This black magic called Ko-jyutsu (蠱術) was so prevailing that the prohibition (禁令) for the undesirable trend was socially applied about 10 〜 12 th centuries around Western Japan.

6プロファイリング:2019/07/16(火) 17:42:13

7プロファイリング:2019/08/10(土) 19:22:43
> Probably, devilish influences brought by ‘酒乱・大西共産党’ such as Inugami (犬神) might affect the drug-dependent case.


8ワープする塗り仏:2019/12/31(火) 11:23:45
「酒乱・大西共産党」で検索すると、何故か比較的上位にこのスレが表示される怪 (現時点で)。

9五段加持祈祷 = 東洋版エクソシズム !?:2020/03/13(金) 22:16:56
> ゲーム依存に注意
最近の厚生労働省の ‘広告’ に、「依存症 (アルコール依存, ギャンブル依存, ショッピング依存, 薬物依存も含む) に理解を」という呼びかけがある。

10浄土古墳からの土偶幻人:2020/05/08(金) 20:07:09
その薬物中毒死があった日 ( 2019/08/01 , 日本時間 )、私が居る部屋の向かいの部屋に住んでいた方も、熱中症で突然死した。
その前、15 : 00 頃そこを通りかかると、何やら大声で叫んでいるのが分かった。私以外にも、私の居る所を時折訪れていた方も、’その騒いでいる状況’ を聞き「何事か?」と思ったほど。

11浄土古墳からの土偶幻人:2020/06/23(火) 20:20:07
> 「酒乱・大西共産党」( the Great Western Communist Party as a Hopeless Alcoholic ) とは

That is one of the obscure assassins operated through Kodoku (蠱毒) by Sikoku (死国 and/or 尸国) .
That is same as ドン黄桜@ 10kg 減量 , it’s told that the hopeless alcoholic also is categorized into such ‘obscure assassins’ .
By the way, if you want to know about ドン黄桜@ 10kg 減量, you should refer to the following site.

12芋田治虫:2020/07/25(土) 02:18:33



13浄土古墳からの土偶幻人:2020/07/25(土) 07:29:16
> ドン黄桜 〜
昔は、切り落とした敵兵の ‘首 (= 頭部)’ を水でなく酒で洗うということが実際に行なわれていた、

14五段加持祈祷法 ≒ 東洋版エクソシズム ?!:2020/09/14(月) 02:11:36
Unfortunately, the death of a person and an incurable disease were required to cut off an undesirable connection with 「酒乱・大西共産党」※ .
※ 「酒乱・大西共産党」 ;
A Kodoku (蠱毒) shifted from Sikoku (死国 and/or 尸国) to some region of Hokkaido.

15風雲! 尼崎事件!:2020/10/06(火) 01:21:36
A corpse = 尸
ついでに、「医療廃棄物 フィリピン 1999」などで検索。

16風雲! 尼崎事件!:2020/10/06(火) 01:34:29

A 県警 (日本の東北地方、日本海側の県) に拠ると、その県内では毎年相当数の人間の (死因不明の) 変死体が見つかっているという。
大手マスコミでは、『アエラ』が「A とは何か?」という特集記事を組んだきり。

17風雲! 尼崎事件!:2020/10/22(木) 06:39:56
A ‘Namahage’ which is well-known in Akita prefecture also is a kind of Oni (鬼) ≒ a devil or a demon.
By the way, somehow, the police is often commonly called the demon.

18プロファイリング:2020/12/22(火) 23:52:09
Indeed, I also heard that the people habitually presenting undesirable advertisements such as e×tremely erotic contents and ones to stimulate vicious impulses on the net would be conveyed to the purgatory by the judgment by the king of Enma (閻魔) ,

19プロファイリング:2021/01/12(火) 15:02:18
We also heard that the people habitually presenting undesirable advertisements such as e×tremely erotic contents and ones dealing with defective products & fakes on the net as well as the people habitually making annoying and noisy sounds with vehicles in Japan would fight against the world as their enemies.

20プロファイリング:2021/01/19(火) 19:18:06
We also heard that the people habitually presenting undesirable advertisements such as unreliable ones dealing with defective products & fakes like above contents on the net would be conveyed to purgatories due to the judgment by the king of Enma (閻魔).

21プロファイリング:2021/01/20(水) 23:31:42
> 県内では、毎年相当数の人間の変死体が見つかっている

「・・・ ( 2020/08/16 )」
> コロナ感染者の過半数 (≒ 国籍不明者) である統計的事実が何故クローズアップされないのか

22プロファイリング:2021/01/20(水) 23:37:56
URL 訂正 :

23三尸:2021/01/30(土) 02:04:26
We also heard that the people habitually presenting undesirable contents such as e×tremely erotic & vulgar contents and advertisements of unreliable contents including fakes on the net also would fight against the world as their enemies.

24三尸:2021/01/30(土) 02:07:18
Besides, according to many reliable informations,
it’s highly probable that the people habitually presenting undesirable contents on the net would be transferred to ‘purgatories’ ,

25教えて閻魔様:2021/02/12(金) 12:22:45
We also heard that the people habitually presenting undesirable contents such as e×tremely erotic & vulgar contents and unreliable advertisements dealing with fakes on the net and intentionally making various harassments including auditory harassments would fight against the world as their enemies, and they would be transferred to ‘purgatories’ due to the judgment by the king of Enma (閻魔).

26庚申革命:2021/04/22(木) 22:07:13


27プロファイリング:2023/09/27(水) 19:14:59
「まんが王国」を見れば見るほど、女 (或いは雌或いは人間) 嫌いになってしまう怪。


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