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1Meijinoyakata:2014/05/16(金) 09:03:58
The land and building of a Meijinoyakata are as it is the property of sunlight Toshogu Rinno-ji altogether in fact.
In addition, all the housings of gyousinntei and yuuannsannbou are also housings of Rinno-ji also as ふじ.
He is Ui about it. Hajime wears a face like his own thing, and is staying on.
He is impudent.
However, it is said that sunlight total work incorporated company pays Rinno-ji the house rent every year.
Therefore, an employee's salary is the talk that it is unreasonably cheap.
an employee is pitiful -- disagreeable -- he is pitiful -- or it is a free foolish thing or which


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