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9現役:2016/05/31(火) 05:45:11 ID:W1SbvihY0
神様の実在証明ですか? 参考にアインシュタインの所感を紹介しましょう。

Einstein referred to his belief system as "cosmic religion(宇宙宗教)" and authored an eponymous article on the subject in 1954,
which later became his book Ideas and Opinions in 1955.
The belief system recognized a "miraculous order(奇跡の秩序) which manifests itself in all of nature(自然) as well as in the world of ideas,"
devoid(除く) of a personal God who rewards(報償) and punishes(罰) individuals based on their behavior.
It rejected a conflict between science and religion(科学と宗教の間の対立を拒否), and held that cosmic religion was necessary for science.
He told William Hermanns in an interview that "God is a mystery(神は謎). But a comprehensible mystery(分かり易い謎).
I have nothing but awe(畏敬のみ持つ) when I observe the laws of nature(自然の法則). There are not laws without a lawgiver(立法者), but how does this lawgiver look(どう見える)?
Certainly not like a man magnified." He added with a smile "some centuries ago I would have been burned or hanged(数世紀前なら焼身刑か絞首刑にされたであろう).
Nonetheless, I would have been in good company."


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