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235凡人:2017/02/28(火) 04:43:51 ID:/9hL6NYE0
I thought that was a part of the act when watching this Oscars on TV in my apt. It turned out to be a history-making mistake in the show. LOL
A Transcript of the Best-Picture Mixup: It Was ‘La La Land,’ Until It Was ‘Moonlight’

For a brief few minutes, “La La Land” lovers relished the victory, while those rooting for “Moonlight” to win best picture turned the TV off or tweeted their anguish. Then, in an awkward series of events sure to be permanently etched into Hollywood lore, it turned out to be fake news.

Presenting the best-picture award at the end of a long Oscars evening, Warren Beatty opened the envelope and after some hesitation, his fellow presenter Faye Dunaway announced that “La La Land” was the winner. Moments later, even as “La La Land” speeches began, a producer of that film made it clear that, in fact, “Moonlight” was the winner.

The words “WHAT IS HAPPENING?” trended on Twitter.

It was stunning for such a mix-up to happen on one of the most high-profile stages possible. Rumors long held that Marisa Tomei was given her best supporting actress award in 1993 by mistake, but those rumors have been thoroughly debunked.

Steve Harvey famously flubbed the winner of the 2015 Miss Universe pageant, but that gained prominence through media coverage in the days afterward. This time, the world was watching as it unfolded.

Here is a transcript of the scene. Grab your popcorn.

Warren Beatty: And the academy award [hesitates] for best picture… [hesitates again]

Faye Dunaway: You’re impossible. C’mon.

Mr. Beatty hands her the envelope.

Dunaway: “La La Land.”

The crowd erupts in applause, and the “La La Land” cast approaches the stage.

Jordan Horowitz, a “La La Land” producer: Thank you, thank you all. Thank you to the academy. Thank you to Lionsgate. Thank you to our incredible cast and crew. We’re all up here right now. Thank you to Jamie Feldman and Gary Gilbert. Thank you to my parents for supporting my choice to pursue a career in the arts, even though it was a little bit crazy. Arthur Horowitz, you are my fantasy baby. And to my kind, generous, talented, beautiful, blue-eyed wife and creative partner, Julia Hart, you have inspired me to become the man I am right now and more importantly, the man I’m still becoming. There’s a lot of love in this room, and let’s use it to create and champion bold and diverse work ― work that inspires us towards joy, towards hope and towards empathy.

Marc Platt, a “La La Land” producer: Here’s to the fools who made me dream: my uncle Gary Platt; my mentor, Sam Cohn; my parents; my children; my wife Julie, on whose shoulders I’ve stood for 40 years because she insisted I reach for the stars. And to the Hollywood community that I’m so proud to be a part of. And to the Hollywood and the hearts and minds of people everywhere, repression is the enemy of civilization. So keep dreaming, because the dreams we dream today will provide the love, the compassion and the humanity that will narrate the stories of our lives tomorrow. Fred?

At this point, people onstage have clearly begun to pass around the disorienting news.


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