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7--:2014/07/08(火) 04:49:04
>>5 They knew they had been relegated to the bottom of Apple’s hierarchy, below the industrial design, hardware, and software units. Even before Jobs’s return, operations had been described as a “bowel movement.”

X 業務
O 業務課, 運用課, ...
O 業務部門, 運用部門, ...

Operations and Flight Inspection Division 【組織】運用課◆国土交通省

•operations committee 業務委員会、作業委員会

•operations control 操作調整◆【略】OPSCON

•operations control information 運用管理情報

•Operations Desert Scorpion and Peninsula Strike 「砂漠のサソリ」作戦と「半島攻撃」作戦◆米軍が2003年6月中旬に始めたフセイン政権残存勢力掃討作戦。

•Operations Division 【組織】運用課
•operations division 業務部門


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