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QW 042712 “From an Irish Pub, ARROW’S ”

1Aya:2012/04/27(金) 20:56:04
I’m writing this piece at an Irish pub waiting for my friends to come. Three of them texted that they’d be an hour late, so I decided to do my daily writing practice at the bar over a glass of British beer before I get too toxicated to write a 300 word piece . They are the students that I taught a few years ago at an English conversational school for which I had been working for ten years. Since they taking my classes, we’d occasionally get together to catch up and talk about a lot of things, mainly English learning. I’m sitting in an arm chair, chatting with a guy who came almost on time, drinking Fuller’s ESB beer. Oh, here comes another guy. My second drink is a pint of Bass & Pale Ale. Oh, yeah, I’m getting tipsy. Two more people joined. Just now the last person has sent us an e-mail saying he’d be here in 40 minutes. We decided to send him the same e-mail saying “Daijyouubu-Dayoun!” He will end up receiving five identical e-mails.

(120 minutes / 180 words)


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