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20140604 -- Posts, Responses, Comments, and Questions

1Aya:2014/06/04(水) 19:29:41
Tonight's guest is @shasinnkyou. https://twitter.com/shasinnkyou

From his Twitter profile:
フォトコンと筋トレ好きな親父です。TOEIC835 英語喉プロジェクト第1回完走 http://nodopro.blog.fc2.com/?pc

2rockonlanguage:2014/06/04(水) 21:36:41
I always wonder if my speaking skill are good enough, and I know it's not good enough,
for sure. then, I try hard to improve the skill everyday...

3rockonlanguage:2014/06/04(水) 21:46:15
I do shadowing for my listening skill and pronounciation almost everyday.

4Aya:2014/06/04(水) 22:32:05
At the end of the day, it should be okay for us to keep learning and become better than what we were yesterday. No? :)


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