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1管理人◆6iDLRyZ1YM★:2011/10/30(日) 10:17:42 ID:???0

動画・配信:Yes.Do it.
By the way, is the talk of you and the rotten mandarin orange known?

When the rotten mandarin orange is placed, it is the talk that even a surrounding ordinary mandarin orange rots.

Even when he is normal, it may be being unable to be, if the rotten thing's is in the circumference close and it is normal.

It becomes impossible to face the circumference squarely, and eventually he may leave the body to the circumference and it may rot, so that it tries to be if normal.

It may not be a position in which the it who writes and who says is possibly also already depressed, and can say such a thing.

However, if a mandarin orange rots, although it cannot return to origin any longer, man can return to origin, if it can have a better opinion of itselves.

What is necessary is just to be able to notice unusually, before becoming too late and missing oneself.


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