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111615:2013/07/28(日) 17:51:15
The Wyoming Incident (or The Wyoming Hijacking) is a lesser known case of television broadcast hijacking/hacking. A hacker managed to interrupt broadcasts from a local programming channel (believed to serve several smaller communities in the county of Niobrara) and aired his/her own video. The video contained numerous clips of disembodied, human heads showing various emotions and poses. The camera position changed often (usually every rednightlotus ten-to-fifteen seconds) and the video was often interrupted by a SPECIAL PRESENTATION announcement. This clip is taken from one of these intervals.

2名無しさん:2019/10/06(日) 19:30:13

3無名的人民:2021/01/02(土) 08:20:21
Indeed, we also heard that the people habitually and intentionally making explosive and noisy sounds with vehicles in Japan would fight against the world as their enemies.


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