>German Parliament Backs ‘Milestone’ Gender Quota for Company Boards?
>The legislation requires many public companies in Germany to have at least one woman on the supervisory board.・・・
> “UNICEF confirms that at least six children were killed and one girl was badly injured overnight in the border town of [Atme] in the northwest of Syria due to heavy violence,” said Bertrand Bainvel, acting UNICEF Regional Director for the Middle East and North Africa.
「To keep it compressed, the GenStab considers the VKS for something like ‘extended range artillery’: a branch meant to cover tasks from provision of close air support, to interdiction strikes up to around 100, perhaps 150km behind the frontline. For this reason, the VKS has a purely supportive role, through and through: it is meant to – and equipped to – establish air superiority only over the frontlines, and then support ground or naval forces. Strikes deep into the enemy-controlled territory are a business of missile forces, and forces equipped with cruise missiles.」
「Talking about VKS and PGMs: Colonel Andrew J Bachevich (US Army, ret.) – one of less than a handful of sober, balanced, and serious military historians left in the USA – has explained it in his TV-appearances already years ago. When invading Ukraine, in 2014, Russia lost the control and contact to about 120 major arms-manufacturing enterprises – including about 50 manufacturing the host of PGMs in the VKS service. Ever since, the GenStab did try to re-establish some of production at home, but this was largely spoiled – both because of the endemic corruption of the Putin-regime, and because of resulting sanctions, which cut off Russia from approach to the necessary know-how and high-tech.
‘What a surprise’ then, that Russia can’t run large-scale production of PGMs, that the few that are available are either from stocks manufactured back in the 1980s and early 1990s or astronomically expensive and thus not affordable for the GenStab; or that the VKS never got enough money to buy new PGMs, and thus has next to none to deploy in combat operations. Indeed, that it has to send its Sukhois with a price tag of US$40-50 million apiece into low-altitude strikes armed with ‘dumb’ bombs.
> Drug overdoses, which long ago surged above the country’s peak deaths from AIDS, car crashes and guns, killed about a quarter as many Americans last year as Covid-19.
「The T-62 and T-55 are now mostly used by Russian reserve units for a possible secondary mobilization while some are kept in storage.」 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/T-62#War_in_Chechnya
「“We’re not trying to induce a recession,” the Fed chair, Jerome Powell, said in comments after the rate hike was confirmed. But Powell made clear that some economic forces behind the 40-year inflation high are out of the Fed’s control. Jumps in commodity prices, he said, could “take the decision out of our hands”.」 https://www.theguardian.com/business/2022/jun/15/federal-reserve-rate-increase-recession-economists-react
> Upon arrival in Belize, the couple were met with protests from villagers over a land dispute involving a charity William is a patron of. In Jamaica, the prime minister told them in an awkward meeting that the country would be “moving on” to become a republic, and a government committee in the Bahamas urged the royals to issue “a full and formal apology for their crimes against humanity”.
...economics of developing a Level Four AV — something Niedermeyer says automakers like Ford and VW are only now realizing may not pencil out for them, even if many believe the tech itself is within reach.
Because the Level Four vehicles undergoing testing today tend to be covered in “hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of sensors” — and, because, by their nature, they operate only in limited roadway scenarios, like a fully driverless bus on a dedicated bus lane — Niedermeyer says the most logical applications for them would probably subtract vehicles from the road, yielding an “urbanist’s dream” of reduced car dependence but cutting into automaker profit margins.
The so-far-mythical Level Five AV, though, could operate anywhere without any human help, and supercharge the private vehicle market in a way never seen before — but the industry is growing increasingly less optimistic that it will exist anytime soon. https://usa.streetsblog.org/2022/11/02/why-the-argo-shut-down-is-a-bad-sign-for-americas-av-future/
> A landmark report in 2021 found that members of the Catholic clergy in France sexually abused an estimated 216,000 minors over the past seven decades and that the Church prioritized the protection of the institution over survivors who were urged to stay silent.
> The UK will be the first European country to have a Reciprocal Access Agreement with Japan, the most important defence treaty between the UK and Japan since 1902.
- The Russian military command appears to be relying on existing units deployed to the international border area and readily available forces in the rear, most of which are units staffed with conscripts and irregular forces, to address the ongoing Ukrainian incursion into Kursk Oblast.
- These units would likely be the first to respond even if the Russian military command has decided to transfer additional, more experienced units from elsewhere in the theater.
- The Russian military command may currently be resisting operational pressures to redeploy forces from other operational directions to prevent the Ukrainian incursion from disrupting Russian offensive operations in eastern Ukraine.
- The Russian military command may currently be transferring more experienced and better-provisioned frontline units from eastern or southern Ukraine to Kursk Oblast, but it would likely take additional time for such units to arrive in Kursk Oblast.
It seems that the poor bore the brunt of the diminishing food supply. Cut off from income opportunities and regular food supply, their ultimate fate during the Japanese occupation was to starve along the roadside. Many of them may indeed have perished this way, because available evidence indicates an overall decline of the population in Java during the years 1944 and 1945. During those years about 2.4 million people died on top of the normal mortality rate. It seems likely that most of these deaths occurred in the group of 7.5 million who were deprived of a regular supply of food.
On the whole, it is improbable that the volume of the Japanese military demands caused food shortages in Indonesia. It is also unlikely that Japanese food policies in Java contributed significantly to a redistribution of available food supplies. It is very plausible that the rigorous attempts to control food marketing in order to obtain the required quantities of rice for distribution purposes impeded a flow of food stuffs from areas where farmers could produce a surplus to deficit areas. As explained above, direct government control over food supply was not the only reason for the failure of the distribution mechanism. Low purchase prices, deteriorating production circumstances and increasing transport impediments are additional explanations. Figure 3 has indicated that per capita food supply stabilised during 1944-1946 in each of the three provinces in Java.
It is therefore likely that many farmers adhered to subsistence production with only a small surplus to serve the local rural economy. Hence, food shortages and human suffering were not caused by the requisitioning of rice by the authorities, but by the impediments imposed on the trade and transport of food stuffs.
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