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「有事法制」&テロ 関連スレッド2

180。・゜*ヽ(´ー`)/。・゜*:2004/04/15(木) 22:47 ID:Be.LMY7A
To: the Muslim Organization in Iraq and The Resistance group Holding the Japanese Freedom Fighters
What we really care about in AUIGH is the security of the Iraqi People and the Unity and sovereignty
of the Iraqi land. The Iraqi People are showing a heroic stand against the barbaric attack of
the American state terrorism. The AUIGH is also carrying out its duty and will start a series of
popular opposition to the US ( and other countries) occupation of Iraq, like what happened on
the 20th of March, the main slogan will be the demand for the withdrawal of all foreign armies
from Iraq. Also we will start an international popular trial of Bush and his gang as war criminals.
This trial will start on the 17th of April in Brussels-Belgium.
However your continuous holding of the three Japanese brothers:Namoko Takoto,Noriaki Imai
and Soshizo Kori Yama is not helping us, despite your continuous assurance to us that they are
in good conditions. Your stand on this subject does not help us to gather the wider popular support
to your just struggle against US and its allies including the Japanese government.
We ask you to promptly release the three Japanese , for they are fighter for the unity of Iraq
against the US invasion and they have been fighting for this aim, they oppose the policy of their
government and they are demanding the immediate withdrawal of Japanese forces from Iraq.
Therefore you should release them immediately in order for them to continue their fight
against US occupation of Iraq.
The Anti?US & Israeli Globalization & Hegemony(AUIGH)


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