일본인들의 비열함이 상상을 초월하는 것은 일본 야당이 거리에서 연설할때 극우놈들이 태극기를 들고 응원하거 온 것 처럼 위장한다는 것.
왼쪽은 재특회 회장 사쿠라이 마코토이고 우측은 아예 가짜로 민단이라고 가슴에 달고 다님.
pbs.twimg.com/media/EV0ZK18WAAEYY7s?format=png&name=small ← おのれ🤑、🎌狗族🎌。
pbs.twimg.com/media/EV0ZK17WoAAQkvT?format=jpg&name=360x360 https://twitter.com/raymondpark0601/status/1251184505601359873
>5 months ago
>I was homeless for nearly a year due to crappy circumstances,
>and I literally used to watch your videos in a Denny's booth wifi all night to learn modern tech stacks.
>Ended up getting a job at a software company remotely, and was able to get a long-term motel room and then a house. Crazy to think about.
>I really appreciate all you've done to teach technology graciously, and freely. I'm gonna miss you, man!
benebell wen
I'm sure this will be of interest to somebody who sees this.
Pages from a medieval Mongolian Buddhist grimoire, Sajnyzagal, on magic and inner alchemy.
pbs.twimg.com/media/EqxQXTeVQAADFAc?format=jpg&name=4096x4096 https://twitter.com/tarotanalysis/status/1345539084819726339
Does this go under any other name .. I can't find anything else on Google https://twitter.com/opus125/status/1345546610877468673
benebell wen
Try Baidu or other Chinese/Asian search engines. ❤️ In any event, I will talk about it in my SKT guidebook. https://twitter.com/tarotanalysis/status/1345547575068266498?lang=en
S.carloS @KebyJr
本来の英語用語では「stationary bandit」。米国の経済学者であるMancur Olson(マンサー・オルソン)の用語だ。
「a "stationary bandit"—a tyrant—has an incentive to encourage some degree of economic success https://twitter.com/KebyJr/status/1355855409785962497
as he expects to remain in power long enough to benefit from that success.」
泥棒はその地域の経済発展を進めるインセンティブを持っている、ということだ。 https://twitter.com/KebyJr/status/1355856634883411970
泥棒に「長期的な略奪のために投資してくれてありがとう」と言う馬鹿は居ない。また、それを期待する阿呆泥棒も日本ネトウヨしか居ない。 https://twitter.com/KebyJr/status/1355858363754549257
Imagine waking up one morning, having a stretch and opening your bedroom curtains,
and there in your window plant box are 3 sleeping squirrels..😳😂😂👇
pbs.twimg.com/media/E1XXMEEWEAIp179?format=jpg&name=medium https://twitter.com/JohanSparks5/status/1393256264365391874
"I need there to be" | WordReference Forums https://forum.wordreference.com/threads/i-need-there-to-be.2277913/
>I have a little question about grammar. Would it be correct to say:
"Oh, I'm so tired. I never have enough time to finish all the work they give me.
I seriously need there to be more than 24 hours in a day!" ?
I've been told by a non-native speaker that this sentence doesn't make sense at all...