したらばTOP ■掲示板に戻る■ 全部 1-100 最新50 | |


1名無しさん:2017/03/24(金) 00:07:01 ID:jirvV.Nw
if you wanna look it
this is ascll art story
mabe i think some one must encode

and should be look by computer

2Dr TOMMY:2017/03/24(金) 00:10:59 ID:jirvV.Nw
             /      \ this is tommy i had alot of experience
           / ─    ─ \
          /   (●)  (●)  \ great story and stupid story many many
            |      (__人__)     | From BY use ascll art ANIME MANGA
          \     `⌒´    ,/
          /     ー‐    \

3Dr TOMMY:2017/03/24(金) 00:18:02 ID:jirvV.Nw
       /      \
      / ─    ─ \ i introduce by my self
    /   (●)  (●)  \
    |      (__人__)     |
     \    ` ⌒´    ,/
     /⌒ヽ   ー‐    ィヽ i am massage Dr 40 years old next week happybirthday 29 mar 1976
    /      ,⊆ニ_ヽ、  |
   /    / r─--⊃、  |
   | ヽ,.イ   `二ニニうヽ. | i stay thai near6 year
and india 1 year australia 1year swiss 3 month...and alot of
country and total 8year i have oversea experience

4Dr TOMMY:2017/03/24(金) 00:20:03 ID:jirvV.Nw
        /⌒  ⌒\
      /( ●)  (●)\
     /::::::⌒(__人__)⌒::::: \ today i will talk about
     |     |r┬-|     |
     \      `ー'´     (⌒) why i can speak english
      >          ノ ~.レ-r┐、
     /          ノ__  | .| | |
      |          〈 ̄   `-Lλ_レレ
      |          ̄`ー┬--‐‐´

5Dr TOMMY:2017/03/24(金) 00:28:45 ID:jirvV.Nw
      / ノ' ^ヽ_\ really when i was student i was no good english
   ゚ / 。;'⌒)  (⌒ヽ\°
   / o'゚~(___人___)~o°\゜
    |    ゚ |/⌒ヽ|  ゚   |
   \     ` ⌒ ´     /
     /`         ´\
    /       ``"´       ヽ
   .|   Y            Y   |
   .|  |          |  |
I was the weakest in English in particular and was the 52000th of 54,200 people.
I exposed the word that carved a number, and was crowded,
and made the dice for two pencils, and made a random number vote,
and was used on tests such as HAVE and is or On well and buried an answer column.

6Dr TOMMY:2017/03/24(金) 00:47:19 ID:jirvV.Nw
1・ Mr Donard is kind (Q1) Racist

  _ _(_) / ⌒  ⌒ \
 l_j_j_j^⊃(●)  (●) ヽ
  ヽ / ::⌒(__人__)⌒::: | (_) _ _
   | |     |rt- j   ⊂_ l_j_j_j  
   | ヽ    `ー '   /__ ノ ̄
  /  `ー――― ' ノ
  |        /ー'
  ヽ       /
  / _\ \_ノ
  U (⌒ _ノTommy rolled two pencils. The number was 8 with 2 and 6.

8= hate
Me stupid when of does not write it for the random number vote.

7Dr TOMMY:2017/03/24(金) 00:51:28 ID:jirvV.Nw
殺 伐 と し た ス レ に 救 世 主 が ! ! In the brutal times a savior
      li     li__|_||
   ||     |/  |::::::::::::::::::::| li
      ll/  ●|::::::::::::::::::::|
  |l   /     |:::::::, '⌒ヽ| ||
     |    .|  |:::::::l  :::::`ヽ __ l|
     |●',./i  |:::::::ヽ    :::::::..⌒)
li   |  .|  `、 |  |:::::::::::` ー- --- '
(⌒ヽ__ノ.|      |::::::::::::::::::::|  ll
 ヽ,   .|      |::::::::::::::::::::| |l
   ` -.|     / ̄ ̄ ̄/
     |   /:::::::l⌒l::/ ||
  li   |  /:::::::::::::| .|'
     |/:::::::l⌒l__.| .| li  ズズ‐ン
       ̄ ̄.|  | (⌒ ,'" `ヾ
   ||  (⌒ヽ |  |( `v  , '"`ヽ
    , '"`v (⌒ ,'" `ヾ"    ',

8Dr TOMMY:2017/03/24(金) 00:56:50 ID:jirvV.Nw
         ,. ‐''三ヾ´彡シ,=`丶、
    //.:;:彡:f'"´‐------ ``'r=:l
    /〃彡_彡′,.=、 ̄ ̄ ,.=、 |ミ:〉
   'y=、、:f´===tr==、.___,. ==、._ゞ{
   {´yヘl'′   |   /⌒l′  |`Y}
   ゙、ゝ)       `''''ツ_  _;`ー‐'゙:::::l{   あきらめたら           If you give up
.    ヽ.__     ,ィnmmm、   .:::|!   そこで試合終了ですよ・・・・ = game over
  ,.ィ'´ト.´     ´`"`"`゙″ .::::;'
イ´::ノ|::::l \         "'   :::/
::::::::::::|:::::l   ヽ、      ..::  .:::/.、
:::::: ::: |:::::ヽ    ヽ、.......::::/..:::/!\\
::::::::::: |::::::::ヽ    ``''‐--ァt''′ |!:::ヽ:::\
:::::::::::::|::::::::::::ヽ、       /i|iト、  |l:::::::ヽ:::::\
:::::::::::::|::::::::::::::/:ヽ、   ∧|i|i|i|〉. ||::::::::::ヽ:::::::\

9Dr TOMMY:2017/03/24(金) 01:01:13 ID:jirvV.Nw

                      _  _
                       , ' ´ 、、 `' , , ` 、
                      /彡ミ三ミY彡三ミミ  、
                      彡ミ          彡ミ
                     彡ミ  二 二 二二  彡ミ if you wanna make friends EURO you must know about foot ball
                 彡ミ    ー ― ―   彡ミ if you wanna make ffriend USA you must know about NBA and MLB
                 X彡 彳≧x   .ィ≦ミミ . ミγ、
                ト、| ̄Y   γ=Y   Y ̄|/ .|
                     !ド  入_ ノ  入_ノ  .}' ノ
                \i     ` ー '       .i/
                 λ  ィ彡彡ミミミミ、   j
                / ハ             ,ハ
                 /  ` 、.  乂__ノ   .イ  ヘ
              _ - ´/:::  |  ミ 、 _ , 彡' i!   \` ー _
          ´    l :::::::  |   `ゝ====<´   |    l     `
             /     |: /´》:::::::::《`\ |    \
                 l       |   /:::::::::::ヘ    |     l
                l       !   ,.::::::::::::::::‘   !      l
               l:     !   !::::::::::::::::::l   !      !
                  l     !   !::::::::::::::::::l   !     :!

10Dr TOMMY:2017/03/24(金) 01:06:18 ID:jirvV.Nw
     |l{  __
.         ̄ー==x
.           __jノ  ,z=ァ=ミ   ======ミ
           ̄   /ミi/二三\____
           ∨┴=ニニ}三}_  {     ̄i} ̄`  _
           r[_]‐匚厂 ̄)_} ハ       [____/ /
               {{{{{j}}   }| l { \ \ノ「` / / \__
              ∧ 、_  / |    ヽ  l/ /  ) _ 廴
              / jト―‐ァ__]匚_____/ /、  / /   /{
       / | _/  |\/ \_________//  \___/ ̄) {_」__
         { l| |  l| l   \} | ̄\_________/ /   〈_r‐┴―  〉
        | l| |   }| \     }。|   /  / /// |  /  {
       │l| }  ハ     \\/ / ̄ ̄` < / r|一'  ( |
.         |  j/ / \    ノ}。|、/         \|_ ̄\}/
           〈 ー' /}\___ | | |   l  \ } r‐┴ \厂
        __}_) (___ | | ̄ ̄`\│  l    ヽ {r    /ヽ|
        У ̄ ̄\l 乂_ヽ  `∨  l     \__ /  l| | l
.       _r'    n_/ ̄ ̄ ̄\ ̄ j∨      \{ ̄   } | |
     (__)、―‐┐ |      \ \ ` ∨ l       ヽ  ` / / /
   / / /`/`ト、 }ノ_/      \\ \ ∨l    \   |  / / /
    (_/_,/ _/ //\ 、__  -‐  ¨  ̄ ̄∨    ) │/
.       `¨¨Τ  \  ̄\         ___∨  /__ヽ|´
          ∨    __ -‐ァ 7 〔{  }〕}/ ̄ ̄\|
      \ ∨_/ /  / / / /  / \「 ̄}ー‐|
.       \\ \_/___/_/__/  /  ノ_/  ∧
.          ヽ   ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄(_/ /      __}
                         {_____/ ̄
The teacher of the trip technical school era changed my life.
The teacher began to talk about the story that slept with a vivid white to me of the 18 years old virginity with English endlessly in those days.

11Dr TOMMY:2017/03/24(金) 01:12:07 ID:jirvV.Nw

             /      \
           / ─    ─ \
          /   (●)  (●)  \
            |      (__人__)     |
          \     `⌒´    ,/
          /     ー‐    \He was an unheard-of teacher.
He thought of what, and would you love only me who was bad of results
and the good girl of first results most in a class?

12Dr TOMMY:2017/03/24(金) 01:23:56 ID:jirvV.Nw
                      _z==ァz==ミ、 this is other school teach at Jr high school
                      rfニ二`ソ二二  \
                      ヒァ'⌒"''"⌒ヾ\\ ',
                        j/=   二、  }廴ヾ } You try only study english
                        Y´fth==f rtぅト―┴ァくl
                      /`ー‐{  ト--'     〈トj }
                        {   {{}TlT勿   し  {_,ノ―-
                   /\          //         、
                      ´ / }         //           \
                  /  l/   |\\___ ノ //               \
.               /i ハ i // |  \_____/              ∧  ヽ
               /  l{  j/    \/___∧ /        ヽ  l{  / }l
.             /   \/       // |  ∨          \\i   リ    \
            /    /        /│ |    [ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄]  ヽ|  /   |     ヽ
.           / / 、\′       ′l |      ̄ ̄    ー=| /∟ノ 八_ ‘,
          / /   ヽ{        /   |                  ∨ { ̄/   、   i
        _j/ {__   乂___  ___/   l  | ̄   ―--___  -‐={\/∠二ヽ\ |
.       {_[ ̄\ \ /⌒ ̄ー===,|    | ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄   ー=ニニ{  匚 ̄ ̄    ̄〉
.     / ̄ ̄ ̄ ヽ /`\___    ̄|    | ̄ ̄         __r‐<_( ̄ \\ |
      /       \  ′   ̄    |    |             /⌒  \ \ \   l /
.    |         i     \   |     |             〈 / /⌒_ ヽ ∨ヽ\j l /
      |  r'⌒ヽ\i,ノ{      ___ ̄ |     |.        (`∨__/ /  ,ノ}o }__/
     |rく \ } ∨  ヽ   \_______|     |.         \_) 'ー〈__/ ̄ ̄/,}
.    rく \ノ__, ノ ̄ ̄\    ̄) \___/                   __/ニ二{
.  /\\ノ(_/     \__ _  |oニニ=-‐    / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄\___}
  /    ̄            ̄ ̄二ニ=┴――=ニ二フ´ /          \\{
. |  i   \ \   lト、       \   _|_/=-‐/             ̄\  〉
. |  \    \ \ | \   \  \  「  [  /     i                \{

Because You are one subject of English, and other subjects can reach Ritsumeikan University
even if only anything is stupid.only english can do 1 sbject good univercity

It was defined the controversial statement, and, as for him, a school was sent

Though I got nervous more than 10, I was discharged from the mean score of the class which he was in charge of.

13Dr TOMMY:2017/03/24(金) 01:31:02 ID:jirvV.Nw
I have a different career to say that he was registered at the university defeated by Michael Jordan of college student days at the time of 30 and leave five universities of the circumstances United States.

14Dr TOMMY:2017/03/24(金) 01:32:18 ID:jirvV.Nw
he has a different career to say that he was registered at the university defeated by Michael Jordan of college student days at the time of 30 and leave five universities of the circumstances United States.

15Dr TOMMY:2017/04/09(日) 10:10:21 ID:iDylnqDw
I look young and serve it. It is 41 years old in this. I have the history as the massage surgical operation person for 16 years.

          I have a relationship with a paralytic in particular. The first encounter was my grandmother.
             /       \
           /  ⌒   ⌒  \
          /  (●) (●)  \
            l    ⌒(__人__)⌒    l
          \     `⌒´     /
          /              \

16Dr TOMMY:2017/04/09(日) 10:14:14 ID:iDylnqDw
 |       `ヽ  _'   , -'''""'''' γ ^"'' 、       _  /
  ヽ   `    ζ´  `ヽy´    ―ニヾ _‐ ヽ   ,,, ,´  ヾー、
   ゝ -   ヽ ヽ   /     __、      ヽζ `     \ヽ、
     ヽ、,_     /   / ´    ヽ√ `ヽ、 ヽ _ ノ    )\-ー
        ヽ,    /⌒ 、 / r,.== 、    i ,.=ヽ ヘ  人   入ノ
          ">( ヽ V  ,.=-=、`' ' ' _二,  | /     /
            , ヽ( ,   ‐(  Oi ゙i r' Oノ |   入 ノ
 ヽ, _ 、-―‐ /  ̄>ヽ  ,. 、`ー‐' ,.   ヽ=' | _ ノ
     >    /  ソ  ´i'ヽ、__ノi_   l、 /
   、´      |_/|   i l  _   `ヽ,ノi/
     >      (  ゝ  ! ! ,´_二ニニソ / ヽ、_        
    `>       ヽ `ヽ ゝ,    ‐‐ /  <、
   ` >        ヽ  ヽ、 _ー_ ノ   <´
    ,´>         ヽ     /       ヽ
     `>          ヽ、/       <`
     ´、―                    <`

Two years ago when I am to a masseur. The grandmother fell down by cerebral infarction.

17Dr TOMMY:2017/04/09(日) 10:17:38 ID:iDylnqDw
             /      \
           /   ⌒   ⌒\
          /   ( ●) ( ●)ヽ
            l      ⌒(__人__)⌒ |
          \     ` ⌒´   /
          /             ヽ
Quantity of the rehabilitation that a hospital gave a grandmother is not enough.

18Dr TOMMY:2017/04/09(日) 10:28:41 ID:iDylnqDw
          /      \
         / ─    ─ \
       /   (●)  (●)  \
       |      (__人__)     |
       \     ` ⌒´    ,/
r、     r、/          ヘ
ヽヾ 三 |:l1             ヽ
 \>ヽ/ |` }            | |
  ヘ lノ `'ソ             | |
   /´  /             |. |
   \. ィ                |  |
       |                |  |
Saturday and Sunday rehabilitation is closed. This was a problem in particular.
Daily quantity is not enough, too.

I went along 3-4 times a week to a grandmother.
The grandmother arrived until a walk exercise in spite of 70 being old miraculously. 
          /― ― \
   rヽ     /(●)  (●) \
   i !   /   (__人__)     \
  r;r | ヽ |    ` ⌒´      | 
〈     } .\           ./
 l    /  /           \
 ヽ   l /              \
However, pancreatic cancer was discovered in the body of the grandmother.
Even if I did it in those days, the operation of the grandmother was forced in spite of
what I objected to and ended an operation of the useless pancreatic cancer for failure.
In other words, the grandmother was considered to be the toy of the doctor.

19Dr TOMMY:2017/04/09(日) 10:35:00 ID:iDylnqDw
   /    /' /     / ,:'/,:
 ,:' /   ,: ' / ' / / ,:'/,   / / ,:'/,:
'  ,:   /'   / ̄ ̄∪\      /' /
' / ,'/,:   /(●)  (●).\  ' / ' /
/,:     / (__人__)      \  ,:'/,:   /'
/ ,:'/,  |   ` ⌒´    ∪    | ' / / ,:'/,:
 /    \      `       ,/' /
/  /'  /  ∪       \'/  /'
/ ,:'/,: | Y       ∪   |  |/ ,:'/,:
     ||∪       |  |

I ran away to India for six months to miss the eyes.

I think that the grandmother was waiting for my returning home. The grandmother died three days after my returning home.

Japan is proud of the average life span of the world top-class, but the internal conditions are surely dark.

20Dr TOMMY:2017/04/09(日) 10:41:46 ID:iDylnqDw
I learn massage in Thailand and am happy afterwards
I worked and arrived.

               -―─- 、
           /         \
         ′  ─    ─   ,
          i  ( ●)  (● )  i
          |     (__人__)    |
          、           ノ
      ⊂⌒ヽ  >       <_/⌒つ
       \ 丶′             7
        \ ノ           ト、_/
.            ′           |
.          i           |
         乂         イ
            | /ー―一 、 |
           し′     、_j
            /      \_
           / /   \( ;:;:;)
         /( ;:;:;:;:;ノ   (=)  \
        (;:;:;:;;;:;  (__人__)    .:::::)
        / ||    ` ⌒|||   ,/
        / / |\/ /  /l |  ̄
        / /__|  \/ / | |
       ヽ、//////) /  | |
        /  ̄ ̄ /   | |
      __/  )--- ヽ   ヽ つ
    ⊂---― 'ー----'

However, the wrist did not move me by the bone fracture of the arm at all one year later.
I was treated, but was the result that abandoned money in the ditch.

21Dr TOMMY:2017/04/09(日) 10:49:02 ID:iDylnqDw

                       ji      ィ
                      .j:|     /;!
           ,イ          j i     .i !             .゙ii,
           | i          / .|     | |.i             ./ !
           .| :i,  ゙ヾ;ヽ,    / //-ー''"゙゙゙'i,.i,.i,_     ._,、-‐    / i
           .| ゙i,   i, i,  .,/,//      ゙iヽヾ‐、, /./    / .,i
           .i,  ゙i、  ! レ'" i :i /       .i :| |  ン゙;/    /  /
           i゙i,  ゙ヽ i .!.|,  | i::!  ,,,,,,,__  ノ.ノ.| /./.∧,   ./  ./i
           | ヽ  ゙Y\',\,i, i;ヽ,/,r--, i ///-;シ ノ ゙i, ,/   /./
           .i,  \ |  ヽ'ー\ヽ| i i~'i | レ'",-シ'゙ / /''゙    / /
            i、  .ヽト.、,/`゙フラiミ;'| :i、ニ, .! Li,,、r''ヾヽ/ノ゙  ,/ ./
            i, .\, ゙i  ヽ/゙/-| .iiヾ、,,_ /i''L| i、.\ /゙´ /-‐'゙ ,イ
            i、  ゙'';|  ;|,.ト, | .!''i,---シ''i'i,.|_i,゙i\j/  ./-;シ'//
             .\, |  .:i,ヾ=i、!≡i、 ヽ, .≡='"ノ/  ////
               ゙'';i  . \,  -'゙ ゙ヽ |   ,ノ/  ./;/r'゙
               /i,  .\ .゙i ヽ,  :|/ .r''ツ‐',,、' ./"T´
               / \\,i |  .,_  '゙  .| |、ノノ  /-イ
              /  /\_ |   `.゙´  | |゙ー'゙,/-‐'i
              / ,,,、/-‐゙、エ゙;i、,_  ´  .,、!,レ'´レ'i |, .i,          _
'ー-、,,,__        / | ____ ''''ヾ;i、,,、-‐'゙   /  .| ゙i,_,,i、、、--―'''''"゙゙´´
     `゙゙゙''''''―‐--、、..,|, レ'i i-''i i  :i |      i: .//:|'''゙゙゙´
               \, iヽ, i i,__,ィ.i :!      | i | :|
                \, i ゙'i ./'i; i |,     j /, ji:|,
''''''ー――――――-------- ゙i:|, :i、;‐;シi, i、,    ノ./t;;シ:|:ヽ,,、、---―''''''''''''''""゙
\                  ゙i;  .´.,、、, `゙''''''" /'ゞv‐,|::::i,
 \                 ゙i; :i゙i‐''i:Yつ.)  .〉,ニ //:|::::::i,
,  \             __,,,、、、-i ゙'  i,.i, .)i  i,゙ー;シ :!:::i;::L,,,,,____
゙ヽ,  \ __,,,,、、、---―''''"゙´     iミ;、,  ゙ヽ-'ニ'i//゙゙.ノ .ノ'゙゙i;::i    `゙゙゙'''''――
  .\  \              :i;;>,,、,   ノノ   .,ノ  i;|
,,_   \, \              i;/  ゙ヽ-、、、、、-‐゙    :i
 i    ゙ー-\        _,,、、-‐'"i;;             .ノヽ-、,,_

I decided to go to the temple in the suburbs of Chiang Mai in thought to be reliant in straw. This is because it saw it treated the paralytic before in a temple.

22Dr TOMMY:2017/04/09(日) 10:50:57 ID:iDylnqDw
   i!              i|
                |i,             ,i|
  /i             |ii,            ,ii|               |.i,
  i' |i ゙ヽ、,            |li,          i'l|          ,,ィ'  ノノi,
  i ゙i,i,   ゙ヾ、,          ||i!         | li|        /''´  // .}
  { ゙ii,     \\      jl |_,,,r-‐''个''‐-、,_,| i i      //   // ,i'
  i  ヾ、.     ヽヘヽ   ,,rッ' j.ハ,          / i i弋、    //   //  /
  ゙i,  ヽ\    ゙i,ヽi,_,r'''∨//_ ゙i,      / ,ハ i, 仆,  /.//   //  /
  ゙i,  ヽ\   ゙i, i゙i,'ヾ〈.〈〈 ))i,     / r))i 〉 〉'゙i,/ //   /"  /
   ヽ,   ヽ\   i, i i,  i ゙l i,((ヽi,,,r─‐v' ))'シ // / //  /'"  ,ィ
     ト、   ヾ\. ハヾi, i ゙i,゙i,ヾ,シ/√i、゙、((ノ/ // .ノ / i' /'"  /|
    i, \   ヾメ ゙i,ヽ\} ヽ Y´ i" ハ } 乍‐' /厶' ノシ/"   / /
    ゙i,   \ r-、「i  \ヽヘ,_゙'''}. | {  } | ├‐'.ノ-、'//Yノ|  /  ./
     ヽ、  ゙'i,=、ヽ、/ ゙'ニ、ヽ,|,=゙i,゙''''"/=!,/r‐''''く,,r''"、厶″  ノ
      〈\  i,((ゝヽ,,/iH:::::トi::i, ))─'))/仆、:~ヽ/(('''/  ,,,r'〉
       ヽ ゙ヾi,ヾ、,, { ヾ、\{゙''ヽ,=' ゙='/"ヾ‐゙'ヽ} ノノ/,,,r‐'"/
       ヽ   ゙i, ))゙i, ミ三三ミ└─、‐ヾ三彡 j i( /'"  /
   _,,,,,,r‐‐''"~゙ヽ、,i,ヾ))\         i ヾ::゙i  ///)ソ,,,r-‐';;::::゙ヽ,、_
_,r‐'":::::::::::::;;;r-‐'::::,r=、 i iヾヽ、    ...i  }:}/" i } /ヾ、:::::::::\、::::::゙ヽ、  _,
゙'''ヽ、,::::-‐'':::::::::::::/(('/\ヽソ ヾi   ゙″ ノii´ {ソ,,仆ノ,ハ::::::::::::::\ヾ,,,r-‐''"
    ゙'ヽ、,,_:::::::/ヘi ゙ヾ、,_\  i|  ー=‐  |i  /,,r='//゙i::::,,,r‐''''"~´
        ゙'ヽi ゝr=、 ゙ヾ,\,_{、  ゙‐   ,i,,r'/" ii/゙)) |'ヘ
          ゙i, (( i!}  i}   ゙ヽ、,,__,,r'″ i{   .|{シノ .|,/
          ゙i, ゙ .{{ヾi, .ii,          ii ((ヾノ   レ
,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,_゙i, ヾノノ,、ii         ii ヾ、〈  /,,,,,r---──''''''''''"~
 ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ゙'i,  {レ' }゙'ト、,     _,,,r┤ハ''ヘ、  // ̄
           ヾiレ/ / ,ハ ゙''ヽ、,r''"  .j∧ ゙i, ゙\{ i
             / i' ./ / .ハ、,,,,,,,i,,,,,,,,,,ノ゙i, ゙i, i, ゙i_,}、

Let's introduce the man who is specialized in massage.

23Dr TOMMY:2017/04/09(日) 10:55:01 ID:iDylnqDw
                                                 ./   __ /  /   _、-ッ,
                                                 /   /、/l ./  _,,,///
                                                 /   / ,i / / _,,、-'`i' ,i'.E/    ,,
                                                /    /`/、|_、-<  l /_/_,/  ,,/   _、-
                                               ./   _、.'-i' ヽヽi  j_ノ-' `''" // _,、-''"
                                              r---''"   ) /j_ノ'''"   /''/_、-'"
                                             _,,ゞく ̄ ̄`i ::( .i|'"    ,,//,-'"
                                         _、-''"  _ノ∩三/:://  // /,''"
                                      _,、-''"  _,、-'' ,ノ"='"/ ト,///'"
                                   _,,、-''"  _,、-'' つ /'"/Y/ノ j///          _、-'' ̄
                               _,、-'''"   ,、-''"  ,、-'"/'"(/_ノ ,ノ-//"    _   _,,、-'''"_,、--''"
                             ,、-''    ,、-'"   _,、-"_、-"_,〃'"  /`Y⌒"-イィ ,r'r'"_,、-''"、-'''""
                         _,、-'"    ,、-"   _、-" ,,-"`"/     ト-!_:::::::::::::"ll`1ニ-''"¨
                      ,、-''"    ,、-"   ,,、-" _、-'' /"     ,イ/ヒ'^i_`-i___:::::ij`'l\,,,__ ノl
                   ,,、-"     ,、-"    ,,、-" _、-"  /      /l/::(。V,∠l--l'''l"`ノ  | |/" /    ____
                 ,,-"    ,、-"    ,,、-"  、-"  /      // il_//'_/・-/,/''7 ̄l / ノ`,i/⌒ ̄ ̄
              ,/"    ,,、-''"    _、-''"  ,、-"  //      //ヽl|`、__/_/彡"6ノ'"-"、-"
            ,、・"   ,、-"     ,,、''"  _、-"   //      //、'/7 \__//_、--/-ヽ"
           ./    /     ,、 "  _、-"   //      //`-─、`-、__//`一/i /⌒`'|
         /    /     _、-"  ,、・"   //"      //\\ r⌒ヽ`ニ/,,-''"" |、ノノ ,r-.、|
        /    /   _、-''"   _、-"    /,,/      //lr、 \ /`-''-,-'"iヽ.    l  /  ,|_
      /    /  _、-"   、-'"    //,,     , /\\ `-'/ / / ̄、r、  ト,    ヽ''"_、-i ,、|
     /  _、-'"'''''"" ̄   _、-"    ///    ///、 \`、," / / (_〃ノノ l     ゝ" .Yi、 .j
   / _、-"      _,,、-''"     ///   //''/  `i .l  \_ / /_,,,,、-''"/     .|rヽ | `ニl`i
  /、-''"  _、、-ー''""        /// //'"  /  / /⌒Y" `-t一-ッ一.< l      .!ノ_ノ、_.ノ.ノ
   ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄             //////    /   l し` ノ   i⌒V" ,,、-、 )      .Y ヽ__ノ/

I received the treatment called the Vaughn knife with the acute pain for approximately ten minutes on that day. He said that the massage would do it tomorrow.

24Dr TOMMY:2017/04/09(日) 10:57:35 ID:iDylnqDw

            ヽ, ヽ,               _,,、-z
             :iー'i,             ././
             .j  :|             / /
            /`ヽ'j            /`゙:|
           ,/i  /   ,         | ∧
           / ゙ヽ/  /!,、  ___    i''  ゙i,
          ,イ  /゙,r'i'/゙;;;;;゙;;;゙'''―;ゞ;;`'ヽ;iヽ, i  /i,
        ,.r'i゙ .゙ヽ、!(i゙;;;゙';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;゙;;;;;;゙i、,,/ |
      / ,|   i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ノ   i
      / ./゙ i、_  〉-、、;ヘ;;;;;;、;;;;;;;;;;、;;;;;;;;;;;;;/ヽ、,、ィ゙
     / / ./゙i,゙゙''´  i .i、,_ン゙ ゙v='゙_,>―''゙i,   ,/
     i :i、-.、 ,i;;゙'kー''"./ :|    ゙''iっ i゙.(   `゙'/;レ!
     レ'゙   :!:!;;;;;i,゙i'<,_;/i   ノ .))_ヽ,_゙'--<;;;;;;;j゙
     i゙ /~! ,! ヽ;;;i,.゙k=ミミ;i;.  :i゙,、--三-┬イフ./;;;;;'/
     | :i, .ノiヽミ、;;i, iヽ、,ri゙i_/=シ'".,、゙゙,ツ./ ./;;;;;;/
 r‐'''ヽ'"i  ゙i´ `゙''ヽ;;;iヾ'┐゙ヅ  `;'"゙ ̄ノノ/;;;;;;;r゙ _
    .j, ゙i,゙i, ヽ、_ _,ニ);i,i :| .、, ,,  |.iミニ彡イ/;;;;ラシ ̄  `゙ヽ、,
 i、,,ノ゙ ゙i、 ゙i、ヽ,  ̄ \i, :|. 、、,,_ .j ! ⊥'゙/゙;ッ'''゙r''"      `゙ヽ、
     .゙i, `>----‐イ゙'iヽi、   .j i_,.r''"ィ /´           `ヽ,
      l  :!   j゙i;'' /゙ヽ、゙ー-''"彡-イ/ /     _.,,、-―''''''''ー-、,ヽ,
      :!  i,.,、i  :! |   `゙゙゙"゙´   .i゙ :レ'''ヽ,、r'"          `゙i,
      j._,、r| ヽ, :!/゙i,        :| / .'! :|´  ._,、r―'''''''''''''''‐ッ、,ヽ
     ,ノ゙´  i,i,ミ;i,i,|_.、ヽ,      .,、イ! .゙'‐゙ / ,.r'"゙     _,r―ノ :|゙'i゙
  _,,、r‐'゙    ゙i,.イ ゙| )) .`ヽ、,,,,,、r''゙  .゙i,  ./<      ./r'了゙   i i,
 ´        i;  :i(:i,、  ,r''ヽ .,、-‐'"´`゙>r゙ .`'ー----‐'゙  | :i,   .λ,_
          ゙ト=-ト、, (' .i'゙ /--―-i,|:! \,,        ヽ、ヽ-ィ゙ry
           ゙i ゙i ゙i、 ヽ.、,,__j;! r,-、  | レ  `゙ー-----―;┬''三、,,_ ー゙ ,
           ,j :| ゙i゙ヾ;,_ _,,|, i:i,   j/ .;'     .;;,,、、r‐、,i     `''ー゙
         ,,/|゙i j  i    .゙ヽ,ヽヾ='ツ,,_,r''''ヽ, ./    ゙ヽ
       /ブ ./! ヾ,_i'ヽiニ''''ー-、\_/゙´./  i゙  レ'゙  .,,r‐'ヽ,  |

It was the surgical operation with the acute pain the next day, but my wrist was restored by his single blow. His name is P naan Mai.

25Dr TOMMY:2017/04/09(日) 11:00:28 ID:iDylnqDw
     /⌒  ⌒\
   /( ●)  (●)\
  /   (__人__)   \
  |     |r┬ i     |
  \     `ー‐'    /
Let me call you a teacher.
            ヽ, ヽ,               _,,、-z
             :iー'i,             ././
             .j  :|             / /
            /`ヽ'j            /`゙:|
           ,/i  /   ,         | ∧
           / ゙ヽ/  /!,、  ___    i''  ゙i,
          ,イ  /゙,r'i'/゙;;;;;゙;;;゙'''―;ゞ;;`'ヽ;iヽ, i  /i,
        ,.r'i゙ .゙ヽ、!(i゙;;;゙';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;゙;;;;;;゙i、,,/ |
      / ,|   i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ノ   i
      / ./゙ i、_  〉-、、;ヘ;;;;;;、;;;;;;;;;;、;;;;;;;;;;;;;/ヽ、,、ィ゙
     / / ./゙i,゙゙''´  i .i、,_ン゙ ゙v='゙_,>―''゙i,   ,/
     i :i、-.、 ,i;;゙'kー''"./ :|    ゙''iっ i゙.(   `゙'/;レ!
     レ'゙   :!:!;;;;;i,゙i'<,_;/i   ノ .))_ヽ,_゙'--<;;;;;;;j゙
     i゙ /~! ,! ヽ;;;i,.゙k=ミミ;i;.  :i゙,、--三-┬イフ./;;;;;'/
     | :i, .ノiヽミ、;;i, iヽ、,ri゙i_/=シ'".,、゙゙,ツ./ ./;;;;;;/
 r‐'''ヽ'"i  ゙i´ `゙''ヽ;;;iヾ'┐゙ヅ  `;'"゙ ̄ノノ/;;;;;;;r゙ _
    .j, ゙i,゙i, ヽ、_ _,ニ);i,i :| .、, ,,  |.iミニ彡イ/;;;;ラシ ̄  `゙ヽ、,
 i、,,ノ゙ ゙i、 ゙i、ヽ,  ̄ \i, :|. 、、,,_ .j ! ⊥'゙/゙;ッ'''゙r''"      `゙ヽ、 NO
     .゙i, `>----‐イ゙'iヽi、   .j i_,.r''"ィ /´           `ヽ,
      l  :!   j゙i;'' /゙ヽ、゙ー-''"彡-イ/ /     _.,,、-―''''''''ー-、,ヽ,       call me papa
      :!  i,.,、i  :! |   `゙゙゙"゙´   .i゙ :レ'''ヽ,、r'"          `゙i,
      j._,、r| ヽ, :!/゙i,        :| / .'! :|´  ._,、r―'''''''''''''''‐ッ、,ヽ
     ,ノ゙´  i,i,ミ;i,i,|_.、ヽ,      .,、イ! .゙'‐゙ / ,.r'"゙     _,r―ノ :|゙'i゙
  _,,、r‐'゙    ゙i,.イ ゙| )) .`ヽ、,,,,,、r''゙  .゙i,  ./<      ./r'了゙   i i,
 ´        i;  :i(:i,、  ,r''ヽ .,、-‐'"´`゙>r゙ .`'ー----‐'゙  | :i,   .λ,_
          ゙ト=-ト、, (' .i'゙ /--―-i,|:! \,,        ヽ、ヽ-ィ゙ry
           ゙i ゙i ゙i、 ヽ.、,,__j;! r,-、  | レ  `゙ー-----―;┬''三、,,_ ー゙ ,
           ,j :| ゙i゙ヾ;,_ _,,|, i:i,   j/ .;'     .;;,,、、r‐、,i     `''ー゙
         ,,/|゙i j  i    .゙ヽ,ヽヾ='ツ,,_,r''''ヽ, ./    ゙ヽ
       /ブ ./! ヾ,_i'ヽiニ''''ー-、\_/゙´./  i゙  レ'゙  .,,r‐'ヽ,  |

26Dr TOMMY:2017/04/09(日) 11:03:13 ID:iDylnqDw
I ran after him for one year and turned it.
I would freeload at a temple and acquired experience as an assistant to him after all.

27Dr TOMMY:2017/04/09(日) 11:11:20 ID:iDylnqDw
            ヽ, ヽ,               _,,、-z
             :iー'i,             ././
             .j  :|             / /
            /`ヽ'j            /`゙:|
           ,/i  /   ,         | ∧
           / ゙ヽ/  /!,、  ___    i''  ゙i,
          ,イ  /゙,r'i'/゙;;;;;゙;;;゙'''―;ゞ;;`'ヽ;iヽ, i  /i,
        ,.r'i゙ .゙ヽ、!(i゙;;;゙';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;゙;;;;;;゙i、,,/ |
      / ,|   i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ノ   i
      / ./゙ i、_  〉-、、;ヘ;;;;;;、;;;;;;;;;;、;;;;;;;;;;;;;/ヽ、,、ィ゙
     / / ./゙i,゙゙''´  i .i、,_ン゙ ゙v='゙_,>―''゙i,   ,/
     i :i、-.、 ,i;;゙'kー''"./ :|    ゙''iっ i゙.(   `゙'/;レ!
     レ'゙   :!:!;;;;;i,゙i'<,_;/i   ノ .))_ヽ,_゙'--<;;;;;;;j゙
     i゙ /~! ,! ヽ;;;i,.゙k=ミミ;i;.  :i゙,、--三-┬イフ./;;;;;'/
     | :i, .ノiヽミ、;;i, iヽ、,ri゙i_/=シ'".,、゙゙,ツ./ ./;;;;;;/
 r‐'''ヽ'"i  ゙i´ `゙''ヽ;;;iヾ'┐゙ヅ  `;'"゙ ̄ノノ/;;;;;;;r゙ _
    .j, ゙i,゙i, ヽ、_ _,ニ);i,i :| .、, ,,  |.iミニ彡イ/;;;;ラシ ̄  `゙ヽ、,
 i、,,ノ゙ ゙i、 ゙i、ヽ,  ̄ \i, :|. 、、,,_ .j ! ⊥'゙/゙;ッ'''゙r''"      `゙ヽ、
     .゙i, `>----‐イ゙'iヽi、   .j i_,.r''"ィ /´           `ヽ,
      l  :!   j゙i;'' /゙ヽ、゙ー-''"彡-イ/ /     _.,,、-―''''''''ー-、,ヽ,
      :!  i,.,、i  :! |   `゙゙゙"゙´   .i゙ :レ'''ヽ,、r'"          `゙i,
      j._,、r| ヽ, :!/゙i,        :| / .'! :|´  ._,、r―'''''''''''''''‐ッ、,ヽ
     ,ノ゙´  i,i,ミ;i,i,|_.、ヽ,      .,、イ! .゙'‐゙ / ,.r'"゙     _,r―ノ :|゙'i゙
  _,,、r‐'゙    ゙i,.イ ゙| )) .`ヽ、,,,,,、r''゙  .゙i,  ./<      ./r'了゙   i i,
 ´        i;  :i(:i,、  ,r''ヽ .,、-‐'"´`゙>r゙ .`'ー----‐'゙  | :i,   .λ,_
          ゙ト=-ト、, (' .i'゙ /--―-i,|:! \,,        ヽ、ヽ-ィ゙ry
           ゙i ゙i ゙i、 ヽ.、,,__j;! r,-、  | レ  `゙ー-----―;┬''三、,,_ ー゙ ,
           ,j :| ゙i゙ヾ;,_ _,,|, i:i,   j/ .;'     .;;,,、、r‐、,i  

His instruction method was not common.
A low sound when moved a shoulder and a knee joint to materials
He taught me high technique to tell to make sure of a place to operate on.
Besides, I taught the technique of innumerable masters.

He was able to speak almost none of English. Still I tell me using a body in various ways. I decided to learn Thai for him.

28Dr TOMMY:2017/04/09(日) 11:26:01 ID:iDylnqDw
     /      \
   /  _ノ  ヽ、_  \
  /  o゚⌒   ⌒゚o  \
  |     (__人__)    |
  \__ ` ⌒´ __/
  | :::r::l::l  ハ  |:7::::::l::|

He was the human being who was slovenly for money and a woman. Only the technique that he was treated was inspired.
Than the player that I take off a well-conducted chute,
I choose Romario and Cantona

By the way, there are many students whom I studied in this temple, but the most go for a few days and say that I went here.
As for the student who stays here more than 300 days,
and learned, there are really only several people including me.

29その他の世界一流スーパーコピー:2020/06/20(土) 05:40:46 ID:KQczxFwk

その他の世界一流スーパーコピー https://www.cocolv020.com/one/page-4.html


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