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12ボクサー:2010/04/15(木) 10:45:55
Military Academy 陸軍士官学校

Maximum number of generals:+1 将軍(陸軍)の人数制限+1
Maximum nunber of admirals:+1 将軍(海軍)の人数制限+1
Generals become available for recruitment at a moderate rate 将軍(陸軍)を雇うターンを減らす

Admirals become available for recruitment at a moderate rate 将軍(海軍)を雇うターンを減らす
Rwcruitment capacity :3
Enables research of:
Enables recruitment and reppenishment of

A military academy trains young officers, and improves the recruitment of military

in most countries military command, especially in peacetime, is usually limited to the
sons of the ruling and propertied classes: only those with a significant stake in the
survival of a nation will defend it properly. However, the counter-argument is that
military matters are complicated, and “gentleman amateurs”, even if extremely well
bred, may not be good enough. Military academies take in those who have talent, and
teach the theory and practice of the military art. The graduates, however, are sometimes
regarded as tradesmen because of this vulgar professionalism.

The French were the pre-eminent military power of Western Europe, and led the way in
military teaching with the creation of a “Ecole Militaire” in 1751 to educate promising
cadets from poorer backgrounds. It was later re-organised and re-named as the “Ecole
des Cadets-gentilshommes” or “School of Young Gentlemen”, which neatly subverted
the original intent, although Napoleon Bonaparte was a graduate of the new school. On
the other hand, the United Kingdom’s military schools mostly provided for the
orphans of officers, with no more than a vague hope that the pupils would follow their
fathers into the army.


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