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1ボクサー:2010/03/23(火) 01:27:31

Further the Restoration
>Poverty Control Laws
Reward: +2000

in the wake of revolution in France,our nobles and ministers strongly
urge us to prevent the breeding of sedition amongst the common
subjects,which was surely the cause of such outrageous insolence.
Putting them into a place where they can serve their king efficiently
will not only keep their minds from rebellion and subversion,but also
increase the size of our war coffers.

2 misson Issued
Reformation of the Army 軍の改革
Drill School 軍事訓練学校
Reward: Experience for all land units すべての陸軍に経験値+1

It is evident that our last defeat at the hands of the French was not due
to our skill and cunning,or the morale of our troops - quite the
opposite in fact. It is only due to advances in technology and
organisation that such common plebeians could have defeated our
valiant royal armies. We have learned this lesson bitterly, and must take
action at once to prevent another embarrassing disaster. Currently we
are at peace,and should use this time to enhance our recruitment capabilities

2ボクサー:2010/03/23(火) 01:28:06
3 mission Issued
>Forging an Alliance 同盟せよ
Prussia ここに相手の国名が入ります
Reward: +1000

The warmonger, Napoleon, has set about usurping territory from all the
great nations of Europe and must be stopped. While others stand wiht
us against France, the Kingdom of Prussia has yet to join our coalition.
Should their domain fall into the hands of the French, nothing would
stand between Napoleon and the Montherland; institute a military
alloance with Prussia that we may support one another in the face of
invasion from the west!

4 mission lssued
The march on Vienna オーストリアの首都ウィーンでの行進
Capture citi: Klagenfurt

Mon General! Now that you have assumed command of the Armee
d'Italie, you must prepare for the invasion of Austria. As we speak, our
forces in the Rhineland are readying to advance into the Tyrol. If we are
to have any hope of seizing Vienna, we must be in a position to support
our forces when the time comes.

To this end, we have been charged by the Directoire to invade Carinthia
and capture Klagenfurt, from whence we will be able to stage our
glorious march on Vienna!


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