MB証券[MBS]が発表したミニスーパー、コンビニエンスストアの2019年1-7月期売上高に関する統計によると、テーゾイジードン投資[MWG]のミニスーパーチェーン「バックホアサイン(Bach hoa XANH、グリーン百貨)」が1店舗当たりの月平均売上高でトップだった。
携帯電話小売・家電小売最大手でミニスーパーを拡大中のテーゾイジードン投資[MWG]は7日、中国の電動二輪車のトップメーカーである雅迪集団(Yadea Group Holdings)が製造する「ヤディア(Yadea)」ブランドの電動バイクの販売を開始した。
2019年の家電小売市場は、大手企業の規模縮小や閉鎖と対照的に、テーゾイジードン投資[MWG](Mobile World Investment Corporation)の運営する家電販売店チェーン「ディエンマイサイン(Dien may XANH、グリーン家電)」が大躍進した。
Square, Inc. is a financial services, merchant services aggregator, and mobile payment company based in San Francisco, California. The company markets several software and hardware payments products and has expanded into small business services. Wikipedia
Stock price: SQ (NYSE)
For the first quarter of 2020, consolidated revenue and profit before tax (PBT) advanced to VND 6,631 billion and VND 1,142 billion, up 17.0% and 18.9% YoY. In particular, PBT of Global IT services and Telecom services respectively surged by 29.3% and 27.0% YoY, exceeding targets by 03%. PBT margin was improved to 17.2% (16.9% in Q1/2019).
Preparing for the potential macroeconomic tension in case that the pandemic lockdown extends, FPT is determined to keep employees safe, activate wartime working mode to enhance the competitive capabilities, and follow closely with the strategic vision as well as dividend distribution plan to ensure the shareholders’ interests.
Please see the attached reports in both English and Vietnamese for more details.
Shares in Vingroup climbed as much as 5.3% on Tuesday to a record high. They have risen 27% this year, giving the company a market value of about $20 billion.
In the first two months of 2022, FPT has achieved remarkable growth rates of 27% in revenue and 30% in profit before taxes (PBT). Global IT Services received strong demand, resulting in 53% hike in PBT. Specifically, the growth is fueled by digital transformation revenue, which recorded a rise of 81% YoY.
Preparing for strong momentum ahead, we would like to invite our shareholders to join the 2022 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders via our own online platform: https://agm.fpt.com.vn/ to understand better our strategy going forward as well as our up-and-coming leaders.
4月11日 月曜 振替休日(雄(フン)王記念日) Substitution(Hung Kings Commemorations Day)
4月30日 土曜 南部ベトナム解放記念日 Victory Day
5月1日 日曜 メーデー International Labour Day
5月2日 月曜 振替休日(南部ベトナム解放記念日) Substitution(Victory Day)
5月3日 火曜 振替休日(メーデー) Substitution(International Labour Day)
9月1日〜2日 木曜〜金曜 建国記念日 National day
Revenue and Profit Before Tax ( in the 10 months of the year reached VND 35 105 billion and VND 6 456
billion, up by 24 4 and 24 YoY Profit after tax attributable to parent company’s shareholder and EPS
reached VND 4 550 billion and VND 4 158 up by 30 7 and 30
Global IT Services segment continues to see solid revenue growth of 30 reaching VND 15 249 billion, fueled
by the ongoing demand from the US market (up by 46 and APAC (up by 46 6 The Japan market also
witnessed strong recovery with JPY based revenue growth of 26 4 driven by large IT spending from
Japanese clients after the pandemic
Signed revenue (new order volume) of the Global IT Services segment recorded reached VND 18 266
billion, equivalent to the growth rate of 40 5 Revenue and PBT of the Technology sector reached VND
20 047 billion and VND 2 970 billion (up by 23 7 and 25 8 respectively) Revenue from Digital
Transformation reached VND 5 925 billion, up by 30
Electricity of Vietnam (EVN) and partners such as Pha Lai Thermal Power Joint Stock Company, Vietnam Rubber Industry Group, Military Telecommunications Group, PetroVietnam Power Corporation, General Vietnam Import-Export and Construction Joint Stock Company, An Binh Commercial Joint Stock Bank, Bac Ha Investment Joint Stock Company have promoted the establishment of EVN Cambodia Joint Stock Company (the predecessor of EVN International Joint Stock Company). . EVN Cambodia Joint Stock Company officially came into operation on October 1, 2007.