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1:2014/04/16(水) 20:00:40 ID:Kz5a4Vio





118/3要望書提出ネット運動スタート!!:2016/08/03(水) 18:58:52 ID:iczMsDN.


Please cooperate to restrain a stalker crime in Japan!!

Hello, Nice to meet you. I am a Japanese.
And I am troubled now by a very brutal stalker crime.
However, the stalker crime regulation law of Japan does not function at all.
Because this criminal law has there is absurd rule
[can punish a stalker crime about lovers trouble only].
Therefore cannot punish the stalker crime of the hatred and mischief motive.

But, harassment or prank objective stalker crimes occur frequently recently in Japan.
The police do not help a victims. It is result without a law to punish a stalker criminal.
This unreasonable reality is forced on all victims. The stalker criminals is a noninterference state.
The Japanese Mafia [Yakuza] carries out an organized stalker crime in a darkness business purpose, too.
They introduce themselves as a revenge agency and carry out the this crime.
There are a lot of people who committed suicide in the wake of a brutal stalker attack.


128/3要望書提出ネット運動スタート!!:2016/08/03(水) 18:59:27 ID:iczMsDN.


The people of approximately 30,000 commit suicide every year in Japan.
The non-maintenance of the stalker crime regulation law is considered as one of the causes.
This is an extremely abnormal situation! It is static genocide!
It is a terrorism crime to be against human rights freely!
[This law can judge only a lovers trouble]. It is only Japan to adopt such a
ridiculous rule for the stalker crime regulation law, in the developed nations.
The Japanese Government only performs a surface performance,
and there is no intention to solve this problem fundamentally.
I feel this fact very deplorable.

Please! I ask U.S. Government of guardian deity of all freedom and human rights!
Please strongly warn from the U.S. Government the Japanese Government to improve this abnormality situation.
Please report an abnormality situation of Japanese society to the Commission on Human Rights.
Please lend the power of the U. S. Government for to revise appropriately the stalker crime regulation law in Japan.
Please save the people who are about to be driven into the suicide because of the brutal stalker crime!
Thank you for read this email till the last!




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